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7. Functions that Create and Manipulate Lists

7.1 list_append


Append an object to a list


list_append (List_Type object, Int_Type nth)


The list_append function is like list_insert except this function inserts the object into the list after the nth item. See the documentation on list_insert for more details.

See Also

list_insert, list_delete, list_pop, list_new, list_reverse

7.2 list_delete


Remove an item from a list


list_delete (List_Type list, Int_Type nth)


This function removes the nth item in the specified list. The first item in the list corresponds to a value of nth equal to zero. If nth is negative, then the indexing is with respect to the end of the list with the last item corresponding to nth equal to -1.

See Also

list_insert, list_append, list_pop, list_new, list_reverse

7.3 list_insert


Insert an item into a list


list_insert (List_Type list, object, Int_Type nth)


This function may be used to insert an object before the nth position in a list. The first item in the list corresponds to a value of nth equal to zero. If nth is negative, then the indexing is with respect to the end of the list with the last item given by a value of nth equal to -1.


It is important to note that

    list_insert (list, object, 0);
is not the same as
    list = {object, list}
since the latter creates a new list with two items, object and the old list.

See Also

list_append, list_pop, list_delete, list_new, list_reverse

7.4 list_new


Create a new list


List_Type list_new ()


This function creates a new empty List_Type object. Such a list may also be created using the syntax

     list = {};

See Also

list_delete, list_insert, list_append, list_reverse, list_pop

7.5 list_pop


Extract an item from a list


object = list_pop (List_Type list [, Int_Type nth])


The list_pop function returns a object from a list deleting the item from the list in the process. If the second argument is present, then it may be used to specify the position in the list where the item is to be obtained. If called with a single argument, the first item in the list will be used.

See Also

list_delete, list_insert, list_append, list_reverse, list_new

7.6 list_reverse


Reverse a list


list_reverse (List_Type list)


This function may be used to reverse the items in list.


This function does not create a new list. The list passed to the function will be reversed upon return from the function. If it is desired to create a separate reversed list, then a separate copy should be made, e.g.,

     rev_list = @list;
     list_reverse (rev_list);

See Also

list_new, list_insert, list_append, list_delete, list_pop

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