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6. Functions that Manipulate Structures

6.1 __add_binary


Extend a binary operation to a user defined type


__add_binary(op, return_type, binary_funct, lhs_type, rhs_type)

   String_Type op;
   Ref_Type binary_funct;
   DataType_Type return_type, lhs_type, rhs_type;


The __add_binary function is used to specify a function to be called when a binary operation takes place between specified data types. The first parameter indicates the binary operator and must be one of the following:

   "+", "-", "*", "/", "==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "^",
   "or", "and", "&", "|", "xor", "shl", "shr", "mod"
The second parameter (binary_funct) specifies the function to be called when the binary function takes place between the types lhs_type and rhs_type. The return_type parameter stipulates the return values of the function and the data type of the result of the binary operation.

The data type for lhs_type or rhs_type may be left unspecified by using Any_Type for either of these values. However, at least one of the parameters must correspond to a user-defined datatype.


This example defines a vector data type and extends the "*" operator to the new type:

    typedef struct { x, y, z } Vector_Type;
    define vector (x, y, z)
       variable v = @Vector_Type;
       v.x = x;
       v.y = y;
       v.z = z;
       return v;
    static define vector_scalar_mul (v, a)
       return vector (a*v.x, a*v.y, a*v.z);
    static define scalar_vector_mul (a, v)
       return vector_scalar_mul (v, a);
    static define dotprod (v1,v2)
       return v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
    __add_binary ("*", Vector_Type, &scalar_vector_mul, Any_Type, Vector_Type);
    __add_binary ("*", Vector_Type, &scalar_vector_mul, Any_Type, Vector_Type);
    __add_binary ("*", Double_Type, &dotprod, Vector_Type, Vector_Type);

See Also

__add_unary, __add_string, __add_destroy

6.2 __add_string


Specify a string representation for a user-defined type


__add_string (DataType_Type user_type, Ref_Type func)


The __add_string function specifies a function to be called when a string representation is required for the specified user-defined datatype.


Consider the Vector_Type object defined in the example for the __add_binary function.

     static define vector_string (v)
        return sprintf ("[%S,%S,%S]", v.x, v.y, v.z);
     __add_string (Vector_Type, &vector_string);
     v = vector (3, 4, 5);
     vmessage ("v=%S", v);
will generate the message:

See Also

__add_unary, __add_binary, __add_destroy

6.3 __add_unary


Extend a unary operator to a user-defined type


__add_unary (op, return_type, unary_func, user_type)

   String_Type op;
   Ref_Type unary_func;
   DataType_Type return_type, user_type;


The __add_unary function is used to define the action of an unary operation on a user-defined type. The first parameter op must be a valid unary operator

   "-", "not", "~"
or one of the following:
   "++", "--", 
   "abs", "sign", "sqr", "mul2", "_ispos", "_isneg", "_isnonneg",
The third parameter, unary_func specifies the function to be called to carry out the specified unary operation on the data type user_type. The result of the operation is indicated by the value of the return_type parameter and must also be the return type of the unary function.


The example for the __add_binary function defined a Vector_Type object. Here, the unary "-" and "abs" operators are extended to this type:

   static define vector_chs (v)
      variable v1 = @Vector_Type;
      v1.x = -v.x;
      v1.y = -v.y;
      v1.z = -v.z;
      return v1;
   static define vector_abs (v)
      return sqrt (v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
   __add_unary ("-", Vector_Type, &vector_chs, Vector_Type);
   __add_unary ("abs", Double_Type, &vector_abs, Vector_Type);

See Also

__add_binary, __add_string, __add_destroy

6.4 get_struct_field


Get the value associated with a structure field


x = get_struct_field (Struct_Type s, String field_name)


The get_struct_field function gets the value of the field whose name is specified by field_name of the structure s.


The following example illustrates how this function may be used to to print the value of a structure.

      define print_struct (s)
         variable name;

         foreach (get_struct_field_names (s))
             name = ();
             value = get_struct_field (s, name);
             vmessage ("s.%s = %s\n", name, string(value));

See Also

set_struct_field, get_struct_field_names, array_info

6.5 get_struct_field_names


Retrieve the field names associated with a structure


String_Type[] = get_struct_field_names (Struct_Type s)


The get_struct_field_names function returns an array of strings whose elements specify the names of the fields of the struct s.


The following example illustrates how the get_struct_field_names function may be used to print the value of a structure.

      define print_struct (s)
         variable name, value;

         foreach (get_struct_field_names (s))
             name = ();
             value = get_struct_field (s, name);
             vmessage ("s.%s = %s\n", name, string (value));

See Also

_push_struct_field_values, get_struct_field

6.6 is_struct_type


Determine whether or not an object is a structure


Integer_Type is_struct_type (X)


The is_struct_type function returns 1 if the parameter refers to a structure or a user-defined type. If the object is neither, 0 will be returned.

See Also

typeof, _typeof, _is_struct_type

6.7 _push_struct_field_values


Push the values of a structure's fields onto the stack


Integer_Type num = _push_struct_field_values (Struct_Type s)


The _push_struct_field_values function pushes the values of all the fields of a structure onto the stack, returning the number of items pushed. The fields are pushed such that the last field of the structure is pushed first.

See Also

get_struct_field_names, get_struct_field

6.8 set_struct_field


Set the value associated with a structure field


set_struct_field (s, field_name, field_value)

   Struct_Type s;
   String_Type field_name;
   Generic_Type field_value;


The set_struct_field function sets the value of the field whose name is specified by field_name of the structure s to field_value.

See Also

get_struct_field, get_struct_field_names, set_struct_fields, array_info

6.9 set_struct_fields


Set the fields of a structure


set_struct_fields (Struct_Type s, ...)


The set_struct_fields function may be used to set zero or more fields of a structure. The fields are set in the order in which they were created when the structure was defined.


    variable s = struct { name, age, height };
    set_struct_fields (s, "Bill", 13, 64);

See Also

set_struct_field, get_struct_field_names

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