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20. Debugging Functions

20.1 _boseos_info


Control the generation of BOS/EOS callback code


Int_Type _boseos_info


This value of this variable dictates whether or not the S-Lang interpeter will generate code to call the beginning and end of statement callback handlers. The value of this variable is local to the compilation unit, but is inherited by other units loaded by the current unit.

The value of _boseos_info controls the generation of code for callbacks as follows:

   Value      Description
     0        No code for making callbacks will be produced.
     1        Callback generation will take place for all non-branching
     2        Same as for 1 with the addition that code will also be
              generated for branching statements.
A non-branching statement is one that does not effect chain of execution. Branching statements include all looping statements, conditional statement, break, continue, and return.


Consider the following:

   _boseos_info = 1;
   define foo ()
      if (some_expression)
   _boseos_info = 2;
   define bar ()
      if (some_expression)
The function foo will be compiled with code generated to call the BOS and EOS handlers when some_statement is executed. The function bar will be compiled with code to call the handlers for both some_expression and some_statement.


The sldb debugger and slsh's make use of this facility.

See Also

_set_bos_handler, _set_eos_handler, _debug_info

20.2 _clear_error


Clear an error condition (deprecated)


_clear_error ()


This function has been deprecated. New code should make use of try-catch exception handling.

This function may be used in error-blocks to clear the error that triggered execution of the error block. Execution resumes following the statement, in the scope of the error-block, that triggered the error.


Consider the following wrapper around the putenv function:

    define try_putenv (name, value)
       variable status;
          _clear_error ();
          status = -1;
       status = 0;
       putenv (sprintf ("%s=%s", name, value);
       return status;
If putenv fails, it generates an error condition, which the try_putenv function catches and clears. Thus try_putenv is a function that returns -1 upon failure and 0 upon success.

See Also

_trace_function, _slangtrace, _traceback

20.3 _debug_info


Configure debugging information


Integer_Type _debug_info


The _debug_info variable controls whether or not extra code should be generated for additional debugging and traceback information. Currently, if _debug_info is zero, no extra code will be generated; otherwise extra code will be inserted into the compiled bytecode for additional debugging data.

The value of this variable is local to each compilation unit and setting its value in one unit has no effect upon its value in other units.


    _debug_info = 1;   % Enable debugging information


Setting this variable to a non-zero value may slow down the interpreter somewhat.

The value of this variable is not currently used.

See Also

_traceback, _slangtrace

20.4 _set_bos_handler


Set the beginning of statement callback handler


_set_bos_handler (Ref_Type func)


This function is used to set the function to be called prior to the beginning of a statement. The function will be passed two parameters: the name of the file and the line number of the statement to be executed. It should return nothing.


    static define bos_handler (file, line)
      () = fputs ("About to execute $file:$line\n"$, stdout);
    _set_bos_handler (&bos_handler);


The beginning and end of statement handlers will be called for statements in a file only if that file was compiled with the variable _boseos_info set to a non-zero value.

See Also

_set_eos_handler, _boseos_info

20.5 _set_eos_handler


Set the beginning of statement callback handler


_set_eos_handler (Ref_Type func)


This function is used to set the function to be called at the end of a statement. The function will be passed no parameters and it should return nothing.


   static define eos_handler ()
     () = fputs ("Done executing the statement\n", stdout);
   _set_eos_handler (&bos_handler);


The beginning and end of statement handlers will be called for statements in a file only if that file was compiled with the variable _boseos_info set to a non-zero value.

See Also

_set_eos_handler, _boseos_info

20.6 _slangtrace


Turn function tracing on or off


Integer_Type _slangtrace


The _slangtrace variable is a debugging aid that when set to a non-zero value enables tracing when function declared by _trace_function is entered. If the value is greater than zero, both intrinsic and user defined functions will get traced. However, if set to a value less than zero, intrinsic functions will not get traced.

See Also

_trace_function, _traceback, _print_stack

20.7 _traceback


Generate a traceback upon error


Integer_Type _traceback


_traceback is an intrinsic integer variable whose value controls whether or not a traceback of the call stack is to be generated upon error. If _traceback is greater than zero, a full traceback will be generated, which includes the values of local variables. If the value is less than zero, a traceback will be generated without local variable information, and if _traceback is zero the traceback will not be generated.

Running slsh with the -g option causes this variable to be set to 1.

See Also


20.8 _trace_function


Set the function to trace


_trace_function (String_Type f)


_trace_function declares that the S-Lang function with name f is to be traced when it is called. Calling _trace_function does not in itself turn tracing on. Tracing is turned on only when the variable _slangtrace is non-zero.

See Also

_slangtrace, _traceback

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