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19. Module Functions

19.1 get_import_module_path


Get the search path for dynamically loadable objects


String_Type get_import_module_path ()


The get_import_module_path may be used to get the search path for dynamically shared objects. Such objects may be made accessible to the application via the import function.

See Also

import, set_import_module_path

19.2 import


Dynamically link to a specified module


import (String_Type module [, String_Type namespace])


The import function causes the run-time linker to dynamically link to the shared object specified by the module parameter. It searches for the shared object as follows: First a search is performed along all module paths specified by the application. Then a search is made along the paths defined via the set_import_module_path function. If not found, a search is performed along the paths given by the SLANG_MODULE_PATH environment variable. Finally, a system dependent search is performed (e.g., using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable).

The optional second parameter may be used to specify a namespace for the intrinsic functions and variables of the module. If this parameter is not present, the intrinsic objects will be placed into the active namespace, or global namespace if the active namespace is anonymous.

This function throws an ImportError if the specified module is not found.


The import function is not available on all systems.

See Also

set_import_module_path, use_namespace, current_namespace, getenv, evalfile

19.3 set_import_module_path


Set the search path for dynamically loadable objects


set_import_module_path (String_Type path_list)


The set_import_module_path may be used to set the search path for dynamically shared objects. Such objects may be made accessible to the application via the import function.

The actual syntax for the specification of the set of paths will vary according to the operating system. Under Unix, a colon character is used to separate paths in path_list. For win32 systems a semi-colon is used. The path_get_delimiter function may be used to get the value of the delimiter.

See Also

import, get_import_module_path, path_get_delimiter

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