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QMetaObject Class Reference

The QMetaObject class contains meta information about Qt objects. More...

#include <qmetaobject.h>

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Detailed Description

The QMetaObject class contains meta information about Qt objects.

The Meta Object System in Qt is responsible for the signals and slots inter-object communication mechanism, runtime type information and the property system. All meta information in Qt is kept in a single instance of QMetaObject per class.

This class is not normally required for application programming. But if you write meta applications, such as scripting engines or GUI builders, you might find these functions useful:

Classes may have a list of name-value pairs of class information. The number of pairs is returned by numClassInfo(), and values are returned by classInfo().

See also moc (Meta Object Compiler) and Object Model.

Member Function Documentation

const QClassInfo * QMetaObject::classInfo ( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the class information with index index or 0 if no such information exists.

If super is TRUE, inherited class information is included.

const char * QMetaObject::classInfo ( const char * name, bool super = FALSE ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.

Returns the class information with name name or 0 if no such information exists.

If super is TRUE, inherited class information is included.

const char * QMetaObject::className () const

Returns the class name.

See also QObject::className() and superClassName().

int QMetaObject::findProperty ( const char * name, bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the index for the property with name name or -1 if no such property exists.

If super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.

See also property() and propertyNames().

bool QMetaObject::inherits ( const char * clname ) const

Returns TRUE if this class inherits clname within the meta object inheritance chain; otherwise returns FALSE.

(A class is considered to inherit itself.)

int QMetaObject::numClassInfo ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the number of items of class information available for this class.

If super is TRUE, inherited class information is included.

int QMetaObject::numProperties ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the number of properties for this class.

If super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.

See also propertyNames().

int QMetaObject::numSignals ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the number of signals for this class.

If super is TRUE, inherited signals are included.

See also signalNames().

int QMetaObject::numSlots ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the number of slots for this class.

If super is TRUE, inherited slots are included.

See also slotNames().

const QMetaProperty * QMetaObject::property ( int index, bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns the property meta data for the property at index index or 0 if no such property exists.

If super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.

See also propertyNames().

QStrList QMetaObject::propertyNames ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns a list with the names of all this class's properties.

If super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.

See also property().

QStrList QMetaObject::signalNames ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns a list with the names of all this class's signals.

If super is TRUE, inherited signals are included.

QStrList QMetaObject::slotNames ( bool super = FALSE ) const

Returns a list with the names of all this class's slots.

If super is TRUE, inherited slots are included.

See also numSlots().

QMetaObject * QMetaObject::superClass () const

Returns the meta object of the super class or 0 if there is no such object.

const char * QMetaObject::superClassName () const

Returns the class name of the superclass or 0 if there is no superclass in the QObject hierachy.

See also className().

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Qt 3.3.6