protocol3.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libnjb.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "protocol3.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "njb_error.h"
#include "usb_io.h"
#include "ioutil.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "base.h"
#include "eax.h"
#include "datafile.h"
#include "njbtime.h"


int njb3_init_state (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_capture (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_release (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_get_codecs (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_ping (njb_t *njb, int type)
int njb3_power_status (njb_t *njb, int *battery_level, int *charging, int *ac_power)
int njb3_readid (njb_t *njb, u_int8_t *sdmiid)
int njb3_get_disk_usage (njb_t *njb, u_int64_t *totalbytes, u_int64_t *freebytes)
int njb3_turnoff_flashing (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_get_owner_string (njb_t *njb, char *name)
int njb3_set_owner_string (njb_t *njb, const char *name)
njb_time_tnjb3_get_time (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_set_bitmap (njb_t *njb, u_int16_t x_size, u_int16_t y_size, const unsigned char *bitmap)
int njb3_current_track (njb_t *njb, u_int16_t *position)
int njb3_elapsed_time (njb_t *njb, u_int16_t *elapsed, int *change)
int njb3_queue_track (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t trackid)
int njb3_play_track (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t trackid)
int njb3_seek_track (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t pos)
int njb3_clear_play_queue (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_ctrl_playing (njb_t *njb, int cmd)
int njb3_set_time (njb_t *njb, njb_time_t *time)
int njb3_reset_get_track_tag (njb_t *njb)
njb_songid_tnjb3_get_next_track_tag (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_reset_get_playlist_tag (njb_t *njb)
njb_playlist_tnjb3_get_next_playlist_tag (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_reset_get_datafile_tag (njb_t *njb)
njb_datafile_tnjb3_get_next_datafile_tag (njb_t *njb)
njb_keyval_tnjb3_get_keys (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_read_keys (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_request_file_chunk (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t fileid, u_int32_t offset)
int njb3_get_file_block (njb_t *njb, unsigned char *data, u_int32_t maxsize)
u_int32_t njb3_create_file (njb_t *njb, unsigned char *ptag, u_int32_t tagsize, u_int16_t database)
u_int32_t njb3_send_file_chunk (njb_t *njb, unsigned char *chunk, u_int32_t chunksize, u_int32_t fileid)
int njb3_send_file_complete (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t fileid)
int njb3_create_folder (njb_t *njb, const char *name, u_int32_t *folderid)
int njb3_delete_item (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t itemid)
int njb3_update_16bit_frame (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t itemid, u_int16_t frameid, u_int16_t value)
int njb3_update_string_frame (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t itemid, u_int16_t frameid, unsigned char *str)
int njb3_update_tag (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t itemid, unsigned char *ptag, u_int32_t ptagsize)
int njb3_create_playlist (njb_t *njb, char *name, u_int32_t *plid)
int njb3_add_multiple_tracks_to_playlist (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t *plid, u_int32_t *trids, u_int16_t ntracks)
int njb3_control_eax_processor (njb_t *njb, u_int16_t state)
int njb3_adjust_eax (njb_t *njb, u_int16_t eaxid, u_int16_t patchindex, u_int16_t active, u_int16_t scalevalue)
void njb3_read_eaxtypes (njb_t *njb)
njb_eax_tnjb3_get_nexteax (njb_t *njb)
int njb3_announce_firmware (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t size)
u_int32_t njb3_send_firmware_chunk (njb_t *njb, u_int32_t chunksize, unsigned char *chunk)
int njb3_get_firmware_confirmation (njb_t *njb)
void njb3_destroy_state (njb_t *njb)


int __sub_depth

Detailed Description

This file contains the protocol code for the series 3 devices. This protocol is believed to have the internal name "PDE" at Creative.

Function Documentation

int njb3_add_multiple_tracks_to_playlist ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t *  plid,
u_int32_t *  trids,
u_int16_t  ntracks 

This takes an array of 32-bit track ID:s and adds it to a certain playlist.

plid a pointer to the ID of the playlist to add tracks to. The ID will change during this operation, so it is important to pass in a pointer.
trids an array of tracks to add
ntracks absolute number of tracks in the array.

int njb3_announce_firmware ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t  size 

This announces a firmware image which will then be sent in several chunks.

njb a pointer to the njb device object to use
size the total size of the firmware image
0 on success, -1 on failure

int njb3_control_eax_processor ( njb_t njb,
u_int16_t  state 

This command turns the EAX DSP processor on or off. You will also have to adjust the currently used EAX effect with njb3_adjust_eax() below.

int njb3_create_playlist ( njb_t njb,
char *  name,
u_int32_t *  plid 

This function creates a new playlist on the device.

name the name of the playlist to create, as a string.
plid a pointer to a 32-bit numer that will contain the new playlist ID after this routine has been called.
0 on success, -1 on failure.

void njb3_destroy_state ( njb_t njb  ) 

Cleans up any dangling lists in the njb_t state holder struct, and other stuff related to the state.

int njb3_get_codecs ( njb_t njb  ) 

Reads the supported audio file types.

int njb3_get_file_block ( njb_t njb,
unsigned char *  data,
u_int32_t  maxsize 

This function retrieves a part of the requested chunk. Short reads are allowed, so the caller must make sure that it is called as many times as is needed to retrieve the entire file chunk.

data an allocated byte array to store the retrieved chunk in.
maxsize the maximum number of bytes to retrieve from this chunk at a time.

int njb3_get_firmware_confirmation ( njb_t njb  ) 

This simply reads back the device status after a firmware upgrade.

int njb3_init_state ( njb_t njb  ) 

Initializes the basic state of the njb->protocol_state for the PROTOCOL3-devices.

int njb3_power_status ( njb_t njb,
int *  battery_level,
int *  charging,
int *  ac_power 

This function reads out the current battery level and charging status from a series 3 device.

battery_level a variable that will hold the current level after the call.
charging if the battery is charging, this variable will hold 1 after the call, else 0.
ac_power if the charger is connected, this variable will hold 1 after the call, else 0.
0 on success, -1 on failure. If the call fails, all other return values are invalid.

int njb3_request_file_chunk ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t  fileid,
u_int32_t  offset 

This function requests a chunk from a certain file. The offset may index into the file. The chunk transfer size is 1MB by default (as used by creative) but may actually exceed that.

Returns actual chunk size or -1 if failed.

int njb3_reset_get_datafile_tag ( njb_t njb  ) 

This routine retrieves the list of datafiles, and returns the first item.

int njb3_reset_get_playlist_tag ( njb_t njb  ) 

This routine retrieves the list of playlists, while also filling in each playlist post with it's respective track ID:s.

u_int32_t njb3_send_firmware_chunk ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t  chunksize,
unsigned char *  chunk 

This sends a chunk of firmware. Typically the chunks are NJB3_FIRMWARE_CHUNK_SIZE each, except for the last chunk.

njb a pointer to the njb device object to use
chunksize the size of this chunk
chunk a pointer to the raw bytes representing this firmware chunk
0 on success, -1 on failure

int njb3_set_bitmap ( njb_t njb,
u_int16_t  x_size,
u_int16_t  y_size,
const unsigned char *  bitmap 

NJB2 only (shall be expanded for all jukeboxes). Set up the black/white bitmap shown on shutdown.

The bitmap must be exactly 1088 bytes large, coded as a serial bitmap of 136x64 pixels. The final 4 bits per line are not shown, because the the display of the NJB2 has only 132x64 pixels.

A set pixel (1) means dark, an unset means white.

To create a compatible bitmap, take a 132x64 PBM file (of course not a ASCII-coded, but a binary "P4") and cut off the header.

int njb3_update_16bit_frame ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t  itemid,
u_int16_t  frameid,
u_int16_t  value 

This function will update a single 16bit metadata frame associated with a certain item (track, playlist or datafile). Only call this function to modify 16-bit values!

itemid the item ID (track, playlist or datafile) to modify.
frameid the frame ID of the frame to modyfy. Must be a 16-bit frame.
valud the new 16-bit value.

int njb3_update_string_frame ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t  itemid,
u_int16_t  frameid,
unsigned char *  str 

This function updates a single string of metadata associated with a certain item (track, playlist or datafile). Only call this routine to modify string frames!

itemid the item ID (track, playlist or datafile) to be modified.
frameid the frame ID of the frame to be updated.
str the new string value.

int njb3_update_tag ( njb_t njb,
u_int32_t  itemid,
unsigned char *  ptag,
u_int32_t  ptagsize 

A function to update a block of metadata on the series 3 devices.

itemid the track (or similar) whose metadata is to be updated.
ptag a packed metadata structure for series 3 devices.
0 on success, -1 on failure.

Variable Documentation

int __sub_depth

The current subroutine depth for all of libnjb (global)

Generated on Mon Sep 11 00:52:12 2006 for libnjb by  doxygen 1.4.7