eax.c File Reference

#include <string.h>
#include "libnjb.h"
#include "njb_error.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "base.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "eax.h"


int eax_unpack (void *data, size_t nbytes, njb_state_t *state)
njb_eax_tnew_eax_type (void)
void destroy_eax_type (njb_eax_t *eax)


int __sub_depth

Detailed Description

This file contains functions specific to manipulate EAX API including other sound settings like volume.

Function Documentation

void destroy_eax_type ( njb_eax_t eax  ) 

This function destroys an EAX type holder and free up the memory used by it.

eax the EAX type holder to destroy

int eax_unpack ( void *  data,
size_t  nbytes,
njb_state_t *  state 

This function inpacks an EAX block from the NJB1. The EAX effects are then added to the linked list in the device state and retrieved one by one by the user of the API.

data raw chunk of data to be converted to EAX effects
nbytes the size of the data chunk
state the device state that holds the linked list to add the effects to
0 on success, -1 on failure

njb_eax_t* new_eax_type ( void   ) 

This function creates a new EAX type holder (allocates memory for it) with no information.

the new EAX type holder

Variable Documentation

int __sub_depth

The current subroutine depth for all of libnjb (global)

Generated on Mon Sep 11 00:52:12 2006 for libnjb by  doxygen 1.4.7