autolink.cpp File Reference


class  Test


#define ABS(x)   (((x)>0)?(x):-(x))


typedef Test B


enum  GlobEnum { GVal1, GVal2 }


int globVar

Detailed Description

Testing automatic link generation.

A link to a member of the Test class: Test::member,

More specific links to the each of the overloaded members: Test::member(int) and Test::member(int,int)

A link to a protected member variable of Test: Test::var,

A link to the global enumeration type GlobEnum.

A link to the define ABS(x).

A link to the destructor of the Test class: Test::~Test,

A link to the typedef B.

A link to the enumeration type Test::EType

A link to some enumeration values Test::Val1 and GVal2

Define Documentation

#define ABS (  )     (((x)>0)?(x):-(x))

A macro definition.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Test B

A type definition.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum GlobEnum

A global enum.

GVal1  global enum value 1
GVal2  global enum value 2

Variable Documentation

int globVar

A global variable.

Generated on Sun Jun 11 15:46:03 2006 for Automatic link generation by  doxygen 1.4.7