Version Information

Version Information — Compile and run time version checks


#define     CAIRO_VERSION
#define     CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE            (major, minor, micro)
int         cairo_version                   (void);
const char* cairo_version_string            (void);




#define     CAIRO_VERSION


#define     CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, micro)

major :
minor :
micro :

cairo_version ()

int         cairo_version                   (void);

Returns the version of the cairo library encoded in a single integer as per CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE. The encoding ensures that later versions compare greater than earlier versions.

A run-time comparison to check that cairo's version is greater than or equal to version X.Y.Z could be performed as follows:

if (cairo_version() >= CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE(X,Y,Z)) {...}

See also cairo_version_string() as well as the compile-time equivalents CAIRO_VERSION and CAIRO_VERSION_STRING.

Returns : the encoded version.

cairo_version_string ()

const char* cairo_version_string            (void);

Returns the version of the cairo library as a human-readable string of the form "X.Y.Z".

See also cairo_version() as well as the compile-time equivalents CAIRO_VERSION_STRING and CAIRO_VERSION.

Returns : a string containing the version.