PURPOSE: Interactively create color tables using the RGB, CMY, HSV, and HLS color systems using the mouse, three sliders, and a cell for each color index. Single colors can be defined or multiple color indices between two endpoints can be interpolated. PROCEDURE: XPALETTE has the following controls: Left: Three plots showing the current Red, Green, and Blue vectors. Center: A status region containing: 1) The total number of colors. 2) The current color. XPALETTE allows changing one color at a time. This color is known as the "current color" and is indicated in the color spectrum display with a special marker. 3) The current mark index. The mark is used to remember a color index. It is established by pressing the "Set Mark Button" while the current color index is the desired mark index. 4) The current color. The special marker used in color spectrum display prevents the user from seeing the color of the current index, but it is visible here. A panel of control buttons, which do the following: Done: Exits XPALETTE. Predefined: Starts XLOADCT to allow selection of one of the predefined color tables. Note that when you change the color map via XLOADCT, XPALETTE is not always able to keep its display accurate. This problem can be overcome by pressing the XPALETTE "Redraw" button after changing things via XLOADCT. Help: This text is displayed. Redraw: Completely redraws the display using the current state of the color map. Set Mark: Set the value of the mark index to the current index. Switch Mark: Exchange the mark and the current index. Copy Current: Every color lying between the current index and the mark index (inclusive) is given the current color. Interpolate: The colors lying between the current index and the mark index are interpolated linearly to lie between the colors of two endpoints. Three sliders (R, G, and B) that allow the user to modify the current color. Right: A display which shows the current color map as a series of squares. Color index 0 is at the upper left. The color index increases monotonically by rows going left to right and top to bottom. The current color index is indicated by a special marker symbol. There are 4 ways to change the current color: 1) Press any mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the color map display. 2) Use the "By Index" slider to move to the desired color index. 3) Use the "Row" Slider to move the marker vertically. 4) Use the "Column" Slider to move the marker horizontally. SIDE EFFECTS: XPALETTE uses two colors from the current color table as drawing foreground and background colors. These are used for the RGB plots on the left, and the current index marker on the right. This means that if the user set these two colors to the same value, the XPALETTE display could become unreadable (like writing on black paper with black ink). XPALETTE minimizes this possibility by noting changes to the color map and always using the brightest available color for the foreground color and the darkest for the background. Thus, the only way to make XPALETTE's display unreadable is to set the entire color map to a single color, which is highly unlikely. The only side effect of this policy is that you may notice XPALETTE redrawing the entire display after you've modified the current color. This simply means that the change has made XPALETTE pick new drawing colors. The new color tables are saved in the COLORS common block and loaded to the display.