EFONT - Simple Vector-Drawn Font Editor EFONT is a widget-based vector font editor for the IDL fonts. It operates on a copy of the vector font file, hersh1.chr, in the current directory. Character representations may be edited, scaled, moved, and loaded from other fonts. After editing characters, the font is then saved in the local copy of hersh1.chr. Top-line controls are: Done: Exits the program. Does NOT save the working copy of the font. File / Save Character: File / Save Font: File / Read Character: File / Read Font: These pull-down buttons allow the interchange of individual characters and fonts. The description of a single character or font is saved in the designated file. The character or font with the current index is transferred. Help: Prints this text. Save Font: Saves the working copy of the font in the local copy of hersh1.chr. The font index may be set/changed when saving. Font indices range from 3 to 29. Load - Font: Loads the indicated font from the hersh1.chr file. Load - Character: Loads designated character from an existing font. Character codes may be entered as octal (0nnn), hexidecimal (0xnn), or decimal numbers. Load - Character, View Only: Creates a new window and displays the given character. Click on the new window to remove it. Zoom - Selects the zoom factor for the character display. Default zoom = 16. Set 8 bits - Converts the current font (which should be a 7 bit font) to an 8 bit font by adding 128 empty characters. Character Display Select a character to edit by clicking on its cell in the font display window or by explicitly loading the character from the load menu. A green grid is displayed with the origin of the character cell outlined in red. The width of the character is marked by a blue vertical line. The character is drawn in white. To add a vector, click with the left mouse button and drag to the end of the vector. To remove the nearest vector to the mouse vector, click with the middle mouse button. Once the character is edited to your satisfaction, click the Save button to save the character in the working copy of the current font. Controls for the Character Display are: View Font - Reverts to the font display. Redraw - Redraws the current character. Save - Saves the current character in the current working font and reverts to the font display. Move/Scale, Move - Moves the vectors within the current cell. After selecting this button, click on a point in the character display and drag it to the new destination. The translated character is then drawn when the button is released. Move/Scale, Move & Duplicate - Adds a new copy of the vectors within the current cell, translated as with "Move/Scale, Move". Move/Scale, Scale - Scales all vectors of the current vector by the given X and Y factors which are selected by clicking and dragging on the mouse. For example, to expand by a factor of 1 to 2 in the X direction, while shrinking by a factor of 5 to 4 in the Y direction, move the mouse to cell X=1, Y=5, and then drag the mouse to X=2, Y=4. Current Char: An editable text widget showing the character code of the current character. You can copy a character from one cell to another by loading the character and then entering the new code in this text widget. Position: Indicates the cell coordinates of the mouse. Width: An editable text widget containing the width of the current character. To change this, enter the new width followed by a Carriage Return. Offset: The character's vertical offset. (Currently not used) Scale: The character's scale factor. (Currently not used)