These are the messages that can be generated by buttons, potmeters and menu entries.
Some of the messages might not work as expected (or not work at all). As you know, the GUI is under development.
Playback control:
Jump to next track in the playlist.
Forms a switch together with evPlaySwitchToPause. They can be used to have a common play/pause button. Both messages should be assigned to buttons displayed at the very same position in the window. This message pauses playing and the image for the evPlaySwitchToPause button is displayed (to indicate that the button can be pressed to continue playing).
Start playing.
The opposite of evPauseSwitchToPlay. This message starts playing and the image for the evPauseSwitchToPlay button is displayed (to indicate that the button can be pressed to pause playing).
Jump to previous track in the playlist.
Stop playing.
Seek backward 10 seconds.
Seek backward 1 minute.
Seek backward 10 minutes.
Seek forward 10 seconds.
Seek forward 1 minute.
Seek forward 10 minutes.
Seek to position (can be used by a potmeter; the relative value (0-100%) of the potmeter is used).
Video control:
Set the movie window to half size.
Set the movie window to double size.
Switch fullscreen mode on/off.
Set the movie window to its normal size.
Audio control:
Decrease audio buffer delay.
Decrease balance.
Decrease volume.
Increase audio buffer delay.
Increase balance.
Increase volume.
Mute/unmute the sound.
Set balance (can be used by a potmeter; the relative value (0-100%) of the potmeter is used).
Set volume (can be used by a potmeter; the relative value (0-100%) of the potmeter is used).
Open the about window.
Disables the currently used subtitle.
Turn the equalizer on/off.
Quit the program.
Iconify the window.
Load a file (by opening a file browser window, where you can choose a file).
Does the same as evLoad, but it automatically starts playing after the file is loaded.
Loads a subtitle file (with the fileselector)
Loads an audio file (with the fileselector)
Empty message, it has no effect (except maybe in CVS versions :-)).
Open/close the playlist window.
Tries to open the disc in the given DVD-ROM drive.
Tries to open the disc in the given CD-ROM drive.
Open the preferences window.
Sets displayed image aspect.
Displays the URL dialog window.
Open the skin browser window.