Copyright 1993-2001 David Clunie. PCD patch for XV 3.10a Release Notes 2001/07/08. See also the progress notes at the end of this file. Thanks to all those contributors who have substantially improved this patch. These patches allow xv to read Kodak photocd files and choose which of the 5 available resolutions one wants to view. When a photocd file is loaded, a dialog box asks which resolution you would like. The visual schnauzer builds thumbnails by reading the lowest resolution image. The selected resolution can be selected from the command line with the -pcd option: [-pcd 0|1|2|3|4] where: 0=192*128, base/16 resolution 1=384*256, base/4 resolution 2=768*512, base resolution 3=1536*1024, 4base resolution 4=3072*2048 16base resolution. Note that the Pro format is not supported. The command line option allows loops without the dialog box popping up, eg.: xv -pcd 1 -wloop -wait 10 *.pcd The code is pretty crude and was written quickly for a specific purpose and has not really been cleaned up. It is poorly structured, full of debugging codes and verbose comments, and there is very little attempt at optimizing things. No profiling has been done. There is not yet support for overview files, nor is there a facility to use the higher resolution chroma planes from when viewing lower resolution images. It's only claim to fame is that it works and produces reasonable looking images. The outline of this is shamelessly derived from xvpbm.c to read the file, and xvtiffwr.c to handle the popup window and X stuff (X never has been my forte !), and the PhotoCD format information (though not the code) was found in Hadmut Danisch's ( hpcdtoppm program in which he has reverse engineered the format by studying hex dumps of PhotoCDs ! The color stuff and Huffman decding were extensively revised by Matthew Francey. Feel free to send me comments or improvements, or even better, more information about the photo CD format ... hopefully someone who really knows what they are doing will tidy it up or do a neater job. david ( --------- The trace #define in xvpcd.c is now in the right place, and the ansi prototype for the magnify function has been fixed. Colin made me switch to xvbcopy() which seems like a good idea for System V victims. --------- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 16:09:52 --1000 From: (Colin Canfield ) I have done some more work using your patch I thought you might be intested in. The major change was adding a size parameter to the LoadPCD; either -1 to mean the popup or else the size you desired. This allows batch mode processing, specifically xv -pcd , and the visual schnauzer can work in quick mode (ie. you don't have to select each image size when it is building the icons) I have added an xbm file for the file type but haven't drawn an icon for it, this is in bitmaps/br_pcd.xbm. I will just send you the new files. --------- From: (Andrew Daviel) Date: 16 Feb 1995 23:32:21 GMT This is David Clunie's patch for xv-3.00 tuned a bit to work on xv-3.10. The code's all the same except for replacing "trace" with "fprintf" in xvpcd.c and adding an "unsigned" qualifier to keep my compiler (gcc) happy. Oh yes, changed RFT_PCD to 20 as John Bradley has now used 15 through 19. --------- From: (David A. Clunie) Date: Thu Jun 15 14:43:46 GMT+0300 1995 Andrew's patch didn't include Colin's browser changes, so I redid the xv-3.10 update from scratch ... it seems pretty much the same as Andrew's changes. I also edited the Imakefile and Makefiles in order to support the PCD changes, as well as make the install process a little more flexible, with options to strip and set modes and so on. Also made RFT_PCD 25 so as not to conflict with magpic patch from Japan by Ikemoto Masahiro , and used his bitmap icon for pcd files. Now there are two versions of the patch, one which should be applied to the xv-3.10 distribution. The other should be applied to xv-3.10 AFTER Ikemoto Masahiro's Patch.magpic2.PhotoCD.XV319a, in order to add the browser features to the latter, as well as fixing a Makefile typo (was xcpcd.c not xvpcd.c) and including unistd.h for the SEEK_xxx constants in the magicpic stuff. --------- Subject: Re: photo-cd patch for xv From: Matthew Francey Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:37:55 +0000 Attached is a revised version of xvpcd.c; the areas that I have re-written or changed are in a different coding style so you can tell what has changed. The GNU 'indent' program can be run against the file to enforce a consistent style .. Here is what I've done though: a) huffman table reader re-written, because it would fail on some photocd files with "unusual" huffman codes. b) the huffman-coded corrections are now properly applied c) the corrections can sometimes over or underflow; clipping has been introduced and effectively fixes the problem, but I suspect that there is something deeper going on. d) the "official" YCC->sRGB transform is done. a "beyond 100% white" mapping table was snarfed from ImageMagick. an option for using a flat linear LUT was added -- this can make somewhat over-exposed images look alot nicer. e) there were strange problems where the code wouldn't be able to find the huffman tables and data for the 16base image (the bit-buffering code was starting mid-sector, instead of at a sector boundary). Looking at a pcd file with a hex editor suggests to me that it is possible to just skip directly to these huffman tables -- no special "+12" and such constants necessary. But I haven't tried this yet. The results: I've been able to read about 50 or 60 .pcd files [scattered in age from 6 years old to scans done last week] with this code without incident. Image quality at the high resolution is excellent. Even the trivial amount of LUT control is useful when dealing with over-exposed images. If I get around to it: finer LUT control to take advantage of the slightly extended dynamic range of PhotoCD scans, especially in regards to dark or somewhat underexposed scenes.