Xpdf ==== version 3.01 2005-aug-17 The Xpdf software and documentation are copyright 1996-2005 Glyph & Cog, LLC. Email: derekn@foolabs.com WWW: http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/ Compiling xpdf -------------- Xpdf is written in C++ (with a little bit of C). It should work with any ANSI-compliant C++ and C compilers. The systems and compilers it's been tested with are listed on the xpdf web page. Xpdf requires the Motif (or Lesstif) toolkit. The following notes give specific instructions for compiling on different systems. ************** *** UNIX *** ************** * Install t1lib (if desired). The resulting library (libt1) and include files (t1lib.h and t1libx.h) should be placed somewhere on the standard search paths. Alternatively, when you configure xpdf, you can use the following options to tell configure where to find the t1lib files: --with-t1-library=PATH --with-t1-includes=PATH * Install FreeType 2 (this is required). WARNING: You must have version 2.0.5 or newer. Some older versions of XFree86 ship with an older version of FreeType, which means you'll need to explicitly set include and library paths to get the correct version: --with-freetype2-library=PATH --with-freetype2-includes=PATH (The include path is the directory which contains the freetype2 directory, i.e., do NOT include "freetype2" in the --with-freetype2-includes path. For example, with the default installation, the library path is /usr/local/lib and the include path is /usr/local/include/freetype2.) * If you have Motif (or Lesstif) installed in a non-standard place, you can use the following options to tell configure where to find it: --with-Xm-library=PATH --with-Xm-includes=PATH * Run the configure script: ./configure This should produce a set of makefiles customized for your system. The configure script accepts the following options (in addition to the usual things accepted by autoconf configure scripts): --prefix=PREFIX Changes the directory where xpdf is installed. The default is /usr/local. --enable-a4-paper Switches the default paper size for PostScript output (xpdf and pdftops) to A4. The default is Letter size. --enable-no-text-select With this option, xpdf will not copy text. (This is only useful on closed systems where the user can't get at the PDF file directly.) --enable-opi Enables support for generation of OPI (Open Prepress Interface) comments with pdftops. --sysconfdir=DIR Look for the system-wide xpdfrc config file in this directory. The default is PREFIX/etc. --with-appdef-dir=DIR Use the specified app-defaults directory. The default is /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. If you need to pass specific options to the C and/or C++ compiler, you can set the CFLAGS and/or CXXFLAGS environment variables before running the configure script. Any options given that way will be added to the CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS used by all of the Xpdf makefiles. * Type 'make'. This should build the executables: xpdf/xpdf xpdf/pdftops xpdf/pdftotext xpdf/pdfinfo xpdf/pdffonts xpdf/pdftoppm xpdf/pdfimages * If desired, type 'make install' to install the binaries and man pages. The old Makefile.config and Makefiles are no longer provided or supported. If you really want to manually configure Xpdf (which is not recommended), the files that need to be created are aconf.h, Makefile, goo/Makefile, fofi/Makefile, splash/Makefile, and xpdf/Makefile, all of which are generated from the corresponding '.in' files. If you want to run a quick test, there is a tiny PDF file included with xpdf, as misc/hello.pdf . ************* *** VMS *** ************* * The 'stddef.h' include file which comes with older versions of gcc may be missing a definition for wchar_t. In this case, add the following lines: ----- File GNU_CC:[INCLUDE]STDDEF.H;2 44 /* Wide characters, not yet supported by VAXCRTL [match VAXC's