Compilation: c1: The CVS version won't compile, but the tarball does c2: Why do I keep getting "undefined reference to `gtk_widget_show'" and similar? c3: I've installed gtk/glib 1.2.2 but it still says I an older version? Running: r1: Why do I keep getting "Gdk-ERROR **: an x io error occurred" when I try to use xmms? r2: My Xserver crashes when I try to change skin, what can I do? r3: When using Gnome / Enlightenment the playlist window got lost somewhere in my virtual desktops what should I do? I'm all out of breadcrumbs. r4: Why do I keep getting "Gdk-WARNING **: shmat failed!" in Solaris? r5: When I use the OpenGL plugin it only works one time and the next time it crashes xmms. r6: If I use the OpenGL plugin with my Voodoo card. it appers to use alot of memory. r7: Why does XMMS windows behave diffrently than my other windows? r8: Why does XMMS have 5-6 running instances which each takes x% of my mem, isn't 5-6*x% memory A REAL WASTE? General: g1: Is there a mailing list for xmms? g2: How do I unsubscribe from the mailing list? g3: Why doesn't XMMS support VQF? g4: Can I use Winamp plugins with XMMS? ______________________________________________________________________________ Compilation: c1: The CVS version won't compile, but the tarball does You are probably missing some .m4 files made by the gtk/glib installation. For RH5.2 systems (others?) copy the files located in /usr/local/share/aclocal to /usr/share/aclocal and try again. (You also need libtool installed.) ______________________________________________________________________________ c2: Why do I keep getting "undefined reference to `gtk_widget_show'" and simmilar? c3: I've installed gtk/glib 1.2.2 but it still says I an older version? You probably have an old version installed of gtk and glib that came with your linux distribution which is confusing the system. You will need to remove the old versions include files and the gtk-config file before it will work. for slackware: rm -f /usr/X11R6/bin/gtk-config rm -f /usr/X11R6/include/glib.h rm -rf /usr/X11R6/include/glib rm -rf /usr/X11R6/include/gtk rm -rf /usr/X11R6/include/gdk If configure failed once, don't forget to remove config.cache and then rerun configure ______________________________________________________________________________ Running: r1: Why do I keep getting "Gdk-ERROR **: an x io error occurred" when I try to use xmms? This is because you're running an older system with libc5 and you don't have Thread Safe X libs. You might want to download theese thread aware xlibs and install them, just untar them into /usr/X11R6/lib (or appropiate path) NOTE: do NOT do this while X is running. ______________________________________________________________________________ r2: My Xserver crashes when I try to change skin, what can I do? This is becausee of your window manager, if you browse the configure file for your window manager you'll find an option called SaveUnder somewhere. In Window Maker change UseSaveUnders = YES; to UseSaveUnders = NO; This will fix it for you.. (don't forget to restart your windowmanager) ______________________________________________________________________________ r3: When using Gnome / Enlightenment the playlist window got lost somewhere in my virtual desktops what should I do? I'm all out of breadcrumbs. Edit the ~/.xmms/config file and change the playlist_x= and playlist_y= to sane values. ______________________________________________________________________________ r4: Why do I keep getting "Gdk-WARNING **: shmat failed!" in Solaris? Solaris (2.5, 2.6, 2.7) has unsufficient IPC settings by default for some products that use shared memory. You need to place this in /etc/system: set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 8388608 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 0x1000 set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 0x100 Thanks to Yuri Kulaghin and Jeff Johnson ______________________________________________________________________________ r5: When I use the OpenGL plugin it only works one time and the next time it crases xmms. This is a glide bug on voodoo3 cards. You nneed to get the latest glide version at ______________________________________________________________________________ r6: If I use the OpenGL plugin with my Voodoo card. it appers to use alot of memory. This is the Voodoo card memory that is beeing added to the xmms processes. Looks funny but ain't important. ______________________________________________________________________________ r7: Why does XMMS windows behave diffrently than my other windows? Since XMMS disables the window managers titlebars, the window manager is unable to raise/lower/move XMMS as it's configured to do. ______________________________________________________________________________ r8: Why does XMMS have 5-6 running instances which each takes x% of my mem, isn't 5-6*x% memory A REAL WASTE? XMMS is not using that memory for each instance, it shares the memory between the instances, so if you have 6 entries in your "ps aux" output which takes 5mb, XMMS is using 5 mb, and not 6x5mb. ______________________________________________________________________________ General: g1: Is there a mailing list for xmms? Yes there is, just send a mail to and put "subscribe xmms-devel" in the message body. Please keep any messages sent to this list STRICLTY about xmms. Or we will have to moderate it. ______________________________________________________________________________ g2: How do I unsubscribe from the mailing list? Send a mail to and put "unsubscribe xmms-devel" in the body. If you want to unsubscribe from another account put "unsubscribe xmms-devel" in the body of the message instead. ______________________________________________________________________________ g3: Why doesn't XMMS support VQF? It does now. After NTT released their SDK, Mel updated his plugin to be a native plugin instead of one, which uses wine and Windows DLL's. Visit for details. ______________________________________________________________________________ g4: Can I use Winamp plugins with XMMS? No. It's windows software, not linux compatible in anyway. ______________________________________________________________________________