**** Purify instrumented xlock/xlock (pid 23512 at Thu Aug 10 17:07:33 2000) * Purify 4.5.1 SunOS 4.1, Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Rational Software Corp. All rights reserved. * For contact information type: "purify -help" * For TTY output, use the option "-windows=no" * Command-line: xlock/xlock -sequential -verbose -modelist all * Options settings: -chain-length=25 -windows=yes -g++=yes -purify \ -collector=/usr/bin/ld -purify-home=/opt/pure/purify-4.5.1-sunos4 **** Purify instrumented xlock/xlock (pid 23512) **** Current file descriptors in use: 8 FIU: file descriptor 0: FIU: file descriptor 1: FIU: file descriptor 2: FIU: file descriptor 3: , O_RDWR * This file descriptor was allocated from: socket [rtlib.o] MakeUNIXSocketConnection [libX11.so.4.10] _XConnectDisplay [libX11.so.4.10] XOpenDisplay [libX11.so.4.10] openDisplay [resource.c:1429] getResources [resource.c:1792] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] FIU: file descriptor 4: "/usr/local/xlock.staff", O_RDONLY * File info: -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 20 Oct 13 1998 * File position: 20 * This file descriptor was allocated from: open [rtlib.o] _endopen [libc.so.1.9] fopen [libc.so.1.9] my_fopen [iostuff.c:59] fullLock [logout.c:500] getResources [resource.c:1990] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] FIU: file descriptor 5: , O_RDWR * This file descriptor was allocated from: socket [rtlib.o] clntudp_bufcreate [libc.so.1.9] load_dom_binding [libc.so.1.9] _yp_dobind_soft [libc.so.1.9] _yp_dobind [libc.so.1.9] yp_match [libc.so.1.9] getnamefromyellow [libc.so.1.9] matchuid [libc.so.1.9] getpwuid [libc.so.1.9] fullLock [logout.c:491] getResources [resource.c:1990] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] FIU: file descriptor 26: FIU: file descriptor 27: **** Purify instrumented xlock/xlock (pid 23512) **** Purify: Searching for all memory leaks... Memory leaked: 209 bytes (0.00308%); potentially leaked: 0 bytes (0%) MLK: 32 bytes leaked in 2 blocks * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] PutEntry [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] * Block of 16 bytes (2 times); last block at 0x6aeef8 MLK: 26 bytes leaked at 0x6b5b60 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] GetResource [resource.c:1201] getResources [resource.c:1946] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 24 bytes leaked at 0x6af058 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] PutEntry [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 16 bytes leaked at 0x676aa8 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] _XlcDupLocale [libX11.so.4.10] _XrmInitParseInfo [libX11.so.4.10] NewDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XlockrmParseCommand [parsecmd.c:195] getResources [resource.c:1844] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 16 bytes leaked at 0x674fe8 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] _XlcDupLocale [libX11.so.4.10] _XrmInitParseInfo [libX11.so.4.10] NewDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1818] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 16 bytes leaked at 0x682650 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] _XlcDupLocale [libX11.so.4.10] _XrmInitParseInfo [libX11.so.4.10] NewDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] XrmGetStringDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] getServerResources [resource.c:1606] getResources [resource.c:1794] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 16 bytes leaked at 0x696470 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] _XlcDupLocale [libX11.so.4.10] _XrmInitParseInfo [libX11.so.4.10] NewDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] XrmGetFileDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] parsefilepath [resource.c:1330] getAppResources [resource.c:1677] getResources [resource.c:1791] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 16 bytes leaked at 0x6aece8 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] _XlcDupLocale [libX11.so.4.10] _XrmInitParseInfo [libX11.so.4.10] NewDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 16 bytes leaked at 0x6aed98 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] PutEntry [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 15 bytes leaked at 0x6aefa8 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] PutEntry [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 12 bytes leaked at 0x66de58 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] NewDatabase [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] MLK: 4 bytes leaked at 0x67bc20 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] PutEntry [libX11.so.4.10] XrmQPutStringResource [libX11.so.4.10] XrmParseCommand [libX11.so.4.10] getResources [resource.c:1860] main [xlock.c:2918] start [crt0.o] Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks) Blocks Bytes Leaked 14 221 Potentially Leaked 0 0 In-Use 380 6786713 ---------------------------------------- Total Allocated 394 6786934 **** Purify instrumented xlock/xlock (pid 23512) **** * Program exited with status code 0. * 0 access errors, 0 total occurrences. * 209 bytes leaked. * 0 bytes potentially leaked. * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead): 6012288 code 668912 data/bss 18252032 heap (peak use) 1904 stack * Shared library memory usage (including Purify overhead): 688128 libX11_pure_p3_c0_451_413_U1V.so.4.10 (shared code) 49152 libX11_pure_p3_c0_451_413_U1V.so.4.10 (private data) 49152 libXext_pure_p3_c0_451_413_U1V.so.4.10 (shared code) 8192 libXext_pure_p3_c0_451_413_U1V.so.4.10 (private data) 696320 libc_pure_p3_c0_451_413_U1V.so.1.9 (shared code) 16384 libc_pure_p3_c0_451_413_U1V.so.1.9 (private data) 8192 libdl.so.1.0 (shared code) 8192 libdl.so.1.0 (private data) 8192 libinternal_stubs.so.1.0 (shared code) 8192 libinternal_stubs.so.1.0 (private data) * Memory mapped usage: 4096 mmap'd at 0xef0f1000