xine-ui's windows in general are designed to have no decoration (border and title) attached by the window manager, and some are intended to be placed at a position given by xine-ui instead of being placed automatically. For that to work, window managers must accept the MWM (motif window manager) decoration hint as well as program supplied window positions, either globally or at least for the xine-ui windows. Some window managers may need appropriate entries in their configuration file as noted below: fvwm2: Put following lines into your .fvwm2rc configuration file: Style "xine" MwmDecor,UsePPosition Style "Xitk" MwmDecor,UsePPosition ("xine" and "Xitk" are the class names of the several xine-ui windows). These commands are only necessary if they are not covered or inverted by other 'Style "*" ...' commands. However, it's no mistake to include them anyway.