VCD stands for "Video Compact Disc" and basically it is a CD that contains moving pictures and sound. xine can handle these and the higher quality SVCDs, XVCDs and XSVCDs. Playback is possible both from a physical disk or from an image on your harddisk. Some terminology needs to be clarified first: "Tracks" correspond to contiguous non-overlapping regions of the CD disk, and the sum of the tracks forms the entire CD. The CD specifications standarads say that between tracks there is to be a 150-sector gap. We generally don't use the first track which we would call call "Track 0", but other tools like VCDimager, cdinfo, and the CD-reading world in the general call this "Track 1". This first track usually contains an ISO 9660-format filesystem with metadata describing what's on the CD. It may also contain "segments" or small MPEGs that generally make up still frames and menus. Aside from the segments which are merely only parts of track 0, it doesn't make sense to try to "play" track 0 (or track 1 depending on how you want to count). It seems natural to call the first thing you would want to play "track 1" (which in fact is track 2 to everyone else). There are two other units that this plugin uses. One we call an "entry". This is a starting point of a track which can include the beginning of the track, and when an entry points to the beginning of a track, it is equivalent to listing the track. However Video CD's often have multiple entry points into a track. Logically this corresponds to a "Chapter" or "Scene" of a larger uninterruptable unit. One might think a CD "track" could serve this purpose with a collection of tracks making up a work or movie. Alas, there is "track pregap" space between tracks which appear as a time gaps when hardware players go between tracks - something that doesn't have to happen switching between entries because there in fact is no gap. Another unit we use is a called a "segment." These are used in menus and still frames. A menu doesn't have to have a still-frame associated with it; A menu might be implimented as a short looped movie clip. However Video CD specifications allow still frames to have higher resolution than motion clips. And several segments can reside in track 0. A "playback list item" (also called a "list id or LID) combines "entries" and "segments" and "tracks" together with some navigation logic. "Playback Control" is simply starting playback at a particular playback list item, and unless otherwise specified you'd start with the first playback item which we call P1. When playing a VideoCD, xine understands numeric input and this can be used to select entries, tracks, segments or play list selections. You can change to such a logical item by typing the number you want and hitting the numeric pad "Enter" key. (This is with the default keymapping.) To go to the next or previous item, the keypad PgUp (keypad 9) and PgDn (keypad 3) keys can be used. You can prefix these by a number and it will have the same effect as hitting the function that many times. For example, entering "2 PgDn" (that's the keyboard 2 key followed by the keypad PgDn key) will go forward 2 items. Two keys that Video CD players use for navigation and selection that don't appear in xine are "return" and "default selection". Since the keys Menu1 and Menu2 don't mean any thing in a Video CD player, Menu1 is bound to mean "return" and "Menu2" to mean "default selection". Menu3 with a numeric entry can be used for setting a debug value.