xine can be remotely controlled with an infrared control. For this, you should have LIRC installed. See for details. You should add some entries in your ~/.lircrc file, like this: begin remote = SAMSUNG button = Button_Play prog = xine repeat = 0 config = Play end begin remote = SAMSUNG button = Button_1 prog = xine repeat = 0 config = SetPosition10% end xine can self generate a lirc entries draft, using 'xine --keymap=lirc', then you can redirect the output to a file and polish the settings there. Each entry will look like this: # Reduce the output window size. begin remote = xxxxx button = xxxxx prog = xine repeat = 0 config = WindowReduce end It's yours to specify the remote name, and assign the button. To Retrieve an autoscan playlist from a given input plugin, you can use the special 'PlaylistFrom:' keyword, followed by the plugin name (the same as the button label in the xine panel): # Retrieve playlist from DVD plugin. begin remote = xxxxx button = xxxxx prog = xine repeat = 0 config = PlaylistFrom:DVD end