This is the README file for xminesweep version 2.0 By Ashley Roll 26 Jan 1993 ____________________________________________________________________________ xminesweep is a game in which you have to mark all the mines in a playing field, you have to work out where they are from information about the number of mines around a Cell in the playing field. It is an addictive mind game ;) For information on how to use this porgram consult the man page ( MAKING THE PROGRAM. First you must decide if you want to allow the cheat mode (Find and expose a square with no mines around it - useful for starting a game) and if you *DO NOT* want to use it then you must edit the Imakefile or the Makefile.normal depending on which one you will be using. You must remove the line that has -DCHEAT_OK on it. If you are going to use the cheat mode then you can change the translation that triggers the cheatmode. it is in the file xminesweep.c. (look for a translation that calls Cheat_Toggle() ). At the moment the key sequence is: Ctrl-Shit-C (but you must press C twice like a double click). if you can use Imake, then: xmkmf make install make otherwise: mv Makefile.normal Makefile make you will then have to move the executable and the man page to the appropriate directories manually. ____________________________________________________________________________ Once you have installed the program and the manual page you can delete all the other files (the execuatable is fully selfcontained and doesn't require any data files). ____________________________________________________________________________ ALTERATIONS: Changing the size of the playing field: Edit the file xminesweep.h and change the defines WIDTH and HEIGHT. Ensure that DEFAULT_NUM_MINES is less than WIDTH*HEIGHT. otherwise bad things might happen. Changing the default number of mines in the playing filed. Edit the file xminesweep.h and change the define DEFAULT_NUM_MINES. Ensure that DEFAULT_NUM_MINES is less than WIDTH*HEIGHT. otherwise bad things might happen. ____________________________________________________________________________ MACHINES: This program has been successfully compiled on several SUN series 4 machines running X11R5. ____________________________________________________________________________ Known BUGS: There have been problems with the program on a SUN 3/60, where no matter where the mouse is clicked to reveal a square, the bottom right square is exposed. I have a feeling that this is something to do with the X libs. ____________________________________________________________________________ Have Fun. ........../\/\/\................../\.....Reality is a user-defined function.... ......../\...../\...../\/\/\/\.../\........................................... ....../\......../\../\........../\/\/\/\..... Ashley Roll .. ...../\/\/\/\/\/\.../\/\/\/\.../\....../\... .. ..../\......../\........../\../\......./\.................................. .../\......../\.../\/\/\/\.../\......./\..................................