Pending for 4.2.0: updated docs This is for 4.3: use XRotateBuffer to use all 8 server buffers, and add a new plugin branch for pasteboards. Will show the host, and files (if locally available) with normal routines and popups. The user will be allowed to switch which pasteboard is the active one, and will be able to to dnd to move stuff from one pasteboard to another. Might also do something with the XA_PRIMARY and XA_SECONDARY selections. Also for 4.3: Convert the recent, frequent, book, fstab and trash to plugins (find and smb are already plugins in 4.2). This should probably preceed creation of the pasteboard plugin. Some restructuring should be necesary to allow third party plugins (not currently possible because of the root resolving routines and open and close callbacks). REQUESTS (maybe)... (4.4) mime-application editor what about a scripts sub-menu ala gnome? its extremely usefull and if we manatain a minimal compatibility we can use scripts from this sites: ***OPEN*** Would be nice to put in an if gtk2.4 directive to use the internal treeview filter instead of the loadtime filter (only if --enable-filter) BUGS... *Bookmarks with identical names but different paths are not good (but I don't have the slightest clue as to how to deal with this)... SMB --Handling of utf-8 and other weird stuff over the smb connection: drop support for samba<3 and use samba3+ methods. (target 4.2.x) GENERAL --Make the authors.locale file be displayed in the about dialog, somehow --shred option for deleting files (needs translation, target is 4.3) --time options for fgr (needs translation, target is 4.3) --update NOTES,NEWS,README --update docs, detailing the many changes between 4.0.x and 4.2.x [recheck this, probably gone by now]: --need to catch exec errors on doubleclick (xftree signaling trick does not work with FreeBSD)