SMB codeset restrictions from samba 2.2.5-2.2.8: 1) accentuated characters in uploaded filenames are corrupted at windows servers (but it does work well with samba servers) 2) Top level share with accentuated characters are not accesible in neither windows nor samba servers Codeset stuff not yet stable in samba-3.0.... Xffm is the integration of xftree, xfsamba and xfglob with additional enhancements and use of the gtk-2.0 library. The final xffm is integrated by Edscott Wilson Garcia, but xffm is possible thanks to the many peoples who have contributed time, work and resources. Please look at the AUTHORS file for an incomplete list. Full xffm functionality requires a Posix system with: - GTK-2.0 - the Samba suite - GNU find (or equivalent) - GNU grep (or equivalent) - DBHashtables (available from - rsync or scp utility - GNU tar (or equivalent) - libxml2 (to save and retrieve configuration) All of these usually may or may not be included in some Linux/*BSD distributions. Enjoy, EWG.