Contributions of xboard and WinBoard authors by file $Id: AUTHORS,v 1.1 2003/11/02 04:42:06 mann Exp $ 0. Files covered The first group are included in the xboard distribution. The second group are included in the WinBoard source distribution but not in the xboard distribution. All are part of the joint xboard/WinBoard source base and are covered by the same copyrights and licensing terms. FAQ.html backend.c backend.h backendz.h bitmaps childio.c childio.h common.h engine-intf.txt frontend.h gamelist.c ics-parsing.txt lists.c lists.h moves.c moves.h parser.h parser.l pgntags.c xboard.c xboard.h xboard.texi xedittags.c xedittags.h xgamelist.c xgamelist.h zic2xpm.c zippy.README zippy.c zippy.h winboard.rtf (compiles to winboard.hlp) config.h defaults.h resource.h wedittags.c wedittags.h wgamelist.c wgamelist.h winboard.c winboard.h winboard.rc bitmaps/* bitmaps.xchess/* 1. Wayne Christopher Wrote from scratch (I believe) bitmaps.xchess/*80*.bm. Other bitmaps in the bitmaps.xchess directory were derived from these by shrinking and some hand-tuning. By default these bitmaps are no longer used. Their copyright status is unclear. 2. Chris Sears and Dan Sears Wrote from scratch parser.l, xboard.c, xboard.h, Parts (sometimes small) of these files were later moved by Tim Mann to backend.c, backend.h, childio.c, common.h, frontend.h, and parser.h. Chris and Dan's original work is copyrighted by Digital Equipment Corporation with licensing terms similar to what the X Consortium uses (see the file COPYRIGHT). All the work listed below is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation and covered by the GPL (see the files COPYRIGHT and COPYING). 3. Tim Mann Wrote from scratch FAQ.html, backendz.h, childio.h,,,, engine-intf.txt, ics-parsing.txt, moves.c, moves.h, pgntags.c (split from backend.c by Jochen Wiedmann), xedittags.c, xedittags.h, xgamelist.c, xgamelist.h, zippy.README, zippy.c, zippy.h, winboard.rtf, config.h, defaults.h, resource.h, wedittags.c, wedittags.h, wgamelist.c, wgamelist.h, winboard.c, winboard.h, winboard.rc. Major additions and changes to nearly all other files listed in section 0. 4. John Chanak Addition to xboard.c, mostly later moved into backend.c. 5. Evan Welsh Wrote from scratch and Additions to backend.c and xboard.c. 6. Elmar Bartel Wrote from scratch the Metafont code from which bitmaps/* were generated. The Metafont code itself is not included in the package. 7. Jochen Wiedmann Wrote from scratch gamelist.c, lists.c, lists.h. Wrote xboard.texi, mostly based on and Minor additions to backend.c. 8. Frank McIngvale Wrote from scratch zic2xpm.c and Additions to backend.c, xboard.c, and 9. Hugh Fisher Additions to backend.c and xboard.c.