New Features in x3270 3.3

x3270 3.3 is the current development line for x3270. It is functionally equivalent to x3270 3.2.20, with the addition of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) support and DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) support for East Asian languages -- Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

The DBCS work required a significant change in the internal workings of x3270. For those familiar with the source code, the change was to store EBCDIC codes internally, and to dispense with the confusing CG-code representation of the 3270 display. This required changing all of the logic that manipulates field attributes, as well as the logic that translates the host output, keyboard input, and X11 display output.

Changes in x3270 3.3.2, 1. December 2003

Changes in x3270 3.3.1alpha10, 29. August 2003

Changes in x3270 3.3.1alpha9, 24. July 2003

Changes in x3270 3.3.1alpha8, 15. April 2003

Changes in x3270 3.3.1, 14. February 2003