x3270 Character Set

x3270 can use any constant-spaced X11 font, but in order to display special characters on the status line, it uses a family of special fonts with nonstandard ordering.

The character set ordering was originally based on the character generator ROM for a particular IBM terminal, but has since been modified to include all of the graphics in later versions of the U.S. EBCDIC and ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 character sets.

The column definitions are:

3270 CG
The index in the 3270 character set, and if the graphic is not in the Latin-1 character set, its name.
The U.S.-International EBCDIC code that is displayed using that graphic. If preceded by "GE", the graphic is generated by preceding the EBCDIC code by a Graphic Escape order.
The ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 code and symbol name that is equivalent to that CG index. If a full Latin-1 X11 font is used rather than a 3270 font, this is the character that x3270 will display for the EBCDIC code listed to the left.
The U.S. 7-bit ASCII symbol that is equivalent to that CG index. If a 7-bit X11 font is used rather than a 3270 font, this is the character that x3270 will display for the EBCDIC code listed to the left.
All numbers are in hexadecimal.

Note that CG indices 0x0c0-0x0cf and 0x0e0-0x0ef correspond to field attribute bytes; they normally display as blanks and do not have names. GC indices 0x200-0x21f correspond to the DEC line-drawing characters.

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

000 null                00      20 space          space          
001                     41      e7 nobreakspace   space
002 ff                  0c      20 space          space          
003 cr                  0d      20 space          space          
004 nl                  15      20 space          space          
005 em                  19      20 space          space          
006 eightones           ff      20 space          space          
007                     ca      ad hyphen         minus
008                     6e      3e greater        greater        
009                     4c      3c less           less           
00a                     ba      5b bracketleft    bracketleft
00b                     bb      5d bracketright   bracketright
00c                     5d      29 parenright     parenright     
00d                     4d      28 parenleft      parenleft      
00e                     d0      7d braceright     braceright     
00f                     c0      7b braceleft      braceleft      

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

010                     40      20 space          space          
011                     7e      3d equal          equal          
012                     7d      27 apostrophe     apostrophe     
013                     7f      22 quotedbl       quotedbl       
014                     61      2f slash          slash          
015                     e0      5c backslash      backslash      
016                     4f      7c bar            bar            
017                     6a      a6 brokenbar      bar            
018                     6f      3f question       question       
019                     5a      21 exclam         exclam         
01a                     5b      24 dollar         dollar         
01b                     4a      a2 cent           c              
01c                     b1      a3 sterling       L
01d                     b2      a5 yen            Y
01e                     b6      b6 paragraph      P
01f                     9f      a4 currency       o

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

020                     f0      30 0              0              
021                     f1      31 1              1              
022                     f2      32 2              2              
023                     f3      33 3              3              
024                     f4      34 4              4              
025                     f5      35 5              5              
026                     f6      36 6              6              
027                     f7      37 7              7              
028                     f8      38 8              8              
029                     f9      39 9              9              
02a                     59      df ssharp         B
02b                     b5      a7 section        S              
02c                     7b      23 numbersign     numbersign     
02d                     7c      40 at             at             
02e                     6c      25 percent        percent        
02f                     6d      5f underscore     underscore     

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

030                     50      26 ampersand      ampersand      
031                     60      2d minus          minus          
032                     4b      2e period         period         
033                     6b      2c comma          comma          
034                     7a      3a colon          colon          
035                     4e      2b plus           plus           
036                     5f      ac notsign        asciicircum    
037                     bc      af macron         asciitilde
038                     90      b0 degree         asterisk
039                     b3      b7 periodcentered period
03a                     b0      5e asciicircum    asciicircum
03b                     a1      7e asciitilde     asciitilde     
03c                     bd      a8 diaeresis      asciitilde
03d                     79      60 grave          grave          
03e                     be      b4 acute          apostrophe
03f                     9d      b8 cedilla        comma

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

040                     44      e0 agrave         a
041                     54      e8 egrave         e
042                     58      ec igrave         i
043                     cd      f2 ograve         o
044                     dd      f9 ugrave         u
045                     46      e3 atilde         a
046                     cf      f5 otilde         o
047                     df      ff ydiaeresis     y
048                     ad      dd Yacute         Y
049                     8d      fd yacute         y
04a                     51      e9 eacute         e
04b                     b7      bc onequarter     4
04c                     b8      bd onehalf        2
04d                     b9      be threequarters  4              
04e                     dc      fc udiaeresis     u
04f                     48      e7 ccedilla       c

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

050                     43      e4 adiaeresis     a
051                     53      eb ediaeresis     e
052                     57      ef idiaeresis     i
053                     cc      f6 odiaeresis     o
054                     a0      b5 mu             u
055                     42      e2 acircumflex    a
056                     52      ea ecircumflex    e
057                     56      ee icircumflex    i
058                     cb      f4 ocircumflex    o
059                     db      fb ucircumflex    u
05a                     45      e1 aacute         a
05b                     bf      d7 multiply       x
05c                     55      ed iacute         i
05d                     ce      f3 oacute         o
05e                     de      fa uacute         u
05f                     49      f1 ntilde         n

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

060                     64      c0 Agrave         A
061                     74      c8 Egrave         E
062                     78      cc Igrave         I
063                     ed      d2 Ograve         O
064                     fd      d9 Ugrave         U
065                     66      c3 Atilde         A
066                     ef      d5 Otilde         O
067                     da      b9 onesuperior    1
068                     ea      b2 twosuperior    2
069                     fa      b3 threesuperior  3              
06a                     9a      aa ordfeminine    a
06b                     9b      ba masculine      o
06c                     8a      ab guillemotleft  less
06d                     8b      bb guillemotright greater
06e                     aa      a1 exclamdown     exclam
06f                     ab      bf questiondown   question

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

070                     63      c4 Adiaeresis     A
071                     73      cb Ediaeresis     E
072                     77      cf Idiaeresis     I
073                     ec      d6 Odiaeresis     O
074                     fc      dc Udiaeresis     U
075                     62      c2 Acircumflex    A
076                     72      ca Ecircumflex    E
077                     76      ce Icircumflex    I
078                     eb      d4 Ocircumflex    O 
079                     fb      db Ucircumflex    U
07a                     65      c1 Aacute         A
07b                     71      c9 Eacute         E
07c                     75      cd Iacute         I
07d                     ee      d3 Oacute         O
07e                     fe      da Uacute         U
07f                     69      d1 Ntilde         N

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

080                     81      61 a              a              
081                     82      62 b              b              
082                     83      63 c              c              
083                     84      64 d              d              
084                     85      65 e              e              
085                     86      66 f              f              
086                     87      67 g              g              
087                     88      68 h              h              
088                     89      69 i              i              
089                     91      6a j              j              
08a                     92      6b k              k              
08b                     93      6c l              l              
08c                     94      6d m              m              
08d                     95      6e n              n              
08e                     96      6f o              o              
08f                     97      70 p              p              

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

090                     98      71 q              q              
091                     99      72 r              r              
092                     a2      73 s              s              
093                     a3      74 t              t              
094                     a4      75 u              u              
095                     a5      76 v              v              
096                     a6      77 w              w              
097                     a7      78 x              x              
098                     a8      79 y              y              
099                     a9      7a z              z              
09a                     9c      e6 ae             a
09b                     70      f8 oslash         0
09c                     47      e5 aring          a
09d                     e1      f7 division       slash          
09e fm                  1e      3b semicolon      semicolon      
09f dup                 1c      2a asterisk       asterisk       

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

0a0                     c1      41 A              A              
0a1                     c2      42 B              B              
0a2                     c3      43 C              C              
0a3                     c4      44 D              D              
0a4                     c5      45 E              E              
0a5                     c6      46 F              F              
0a6                     c7      47 G              G              
0a7                     c8      48 H              H              
0a8                     c9      49 I              I              
0a9                     d1      4a J              J              
0aa                     d2      4b K              K              
0ab                     d3      4c L              L              
0ac                     d4      4d M              M              
0ad                     d5      4e N              N              
0ae                     d6      4f O              O              
0af                     d7      50 P              P              

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

0b0                     d8      51 Q              Q              
0b1                     d9      52 R              R              
0b2                     e2      53 S              S              
0b3                     e3      54 T              T              
0b4                     e4      55 U              U              
0b5                     e5      56 V              V              
0b6                     e6      57 W              W              
0b7                     e7      58 X              X              
0b8                     e8      59 Y              Y              
0b9                     e9      5a Z              Z              
0ba                     9e      c6 AE             A
0bb                     80      d8 Ooblique       0
0bc                     67      c5 Aring          A
0bd                     68      c7 Ccedilla       C
0be                     5e      3b semicolon      semicolon      
0bf                     5c      2a asterisk       asterisk       

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

0d0                     b4      a9 copyright      C
0d1                     af      ae registered     R
0d2 boxA
0d3 insert
0d4 boxB
0d5 box6
0d6                     8f      b1 plusminus      plus
0d7                     ac      d0 ETH            D
0d8 rightarrow
0d9                     ae      de THORN          space
0da upshift
0db human
0dc underB
0dd downshift
0de boxquestion
0df boxsolid

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

0f0 badcommhi
0f1 commhi
0f2 commjag
0f3 commlo
0f4 clockleft
0f5 clockright
0d6 lock
0f7                     8c      f0 eth            d
0f8 leftarrow
0f9                     8e      fe thorn          space
0fa keyleft
0fb keyright
0fc box4
0fd underA
0fe magcard
0ff boxhuman

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

101 apl_Aunderbar       GE 41
107 apl_upcarettilde    GE ca
10a apl_del             GE ba
10b apl_delta           GE bb
10e apl_braceright      GE d0
10f apl_braceleft       GE c0

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

110 apl_space           GE 40
115 apl_equiv           GE e0
11c apl_epsilon         GE b1
11d apl_iota            GE b2
11e apl_multiply        GE b6
11f apl_leftarrow       GE 9f

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

120 apl_super0          GE f0
121 apl_super1          GE f1
122 apl_super2          GE f2
123 apl_super3          GE f3
124 apl_super4          GE f4
125 apl_super5          GE f5
126 apl_super6          GE f6
127 apl_super7          GE f7
128 apl_super8          GE f8
129 apl_super9          GE f9
12a apl_Runderbar       GE 59

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

137 apl_uptack          GE bc
138 apl_quad            GE 90
139 apl_rho             GE b3
13a apl_alpha           GE b0
13b apl_degree          GE a1
13c apl_bracketright    GE bd
13e apl_notequal        GE be
13f apl_circle          GE 9d

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

140 apl_Dunderbar       GE 44
141 apl_Munderbar       GE 54
142 apl_Qunderbar       GE 58
143 apl_circlestile     GE cd
144 apl_deltastile      GE dd
145 apl_Funderbar       GE 46
146 apl_circleslope     GE cf
147 apl_upshoejot       GE df
148 apl_bracketleft     GE ad
149 apl_upstile         GE 8d
14a apl_Junderbar       GE 51
14b apl_slope           GE b7
14c apl_divide          GE b8
14e apl_delstile        GE dc
14f apl_Hunderbar       GE 48

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

150 apl_Cunderbar       GE 43
151 apl_Lunderbar       GE 53
152 apl_Punderbar       GE 57
153 apl_squad           GE cc
154 apl_overbar         GE a0
155 apl_Bunderbar       GE 42
156 apl_Kunderbar       GE 52
157 apl_Ounderbar       GE 56
158 apl_downcarettilde  GE cb
159 apl_quotedot        GE db
15a apl_Eunderbar       GE 45
15b apl_stile           GE bf
15c apl_Nunderbar       GE 55
15d apl_quadslope       GE ce
15e apl_quadquote       GE de
15f apl_Iunderbar       GE 49

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

160 apl_Uunderbar       GE 64
161 apl_iotaunderbar    GE 74
162 apl_downcaret       GE 78
163 apl_circlebar       GE ed
164 apl_circlestar      GE fd
165 apl_Wunderbar       GE 66
166 apl_uptackjot       GE ef
167 apl_downtackup      GE da
168 apl_slashbar        GE ea
16a apl_rightshoe       GE 9a
16b apl_leftshoe        GE 9b
16c apl_uparrow         GE 8a
16d apl_downarrow       GE 8b
16e apl_upshoe          GE aa
16f apl_downshoe        GE ab

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

170 apl_Tunderbar       GE 63
171 apl_quadjot         GE 73
172 apl_righttack       GE 77
173 apl_diaeresisdot    GE ec
174 apl_deltaunderbar   GE fc
175 apl_Sunderbar       GE 62
176 apl_diaeresis       GE 72
177 apl_lefttack        GE 76
178 apl_slopebar        GE eb
179 apl_deltilde        GE fb
17a apl_Vunderbar       GE 65
17b apl_upcaret         GE 71
17c apl_epsilonunderbar GE 75
17d apl_quaddivide      GE ee
17e apl_downtackjot     GE fe
17f apl_Zunderbar       GE 69

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

180 apl_2vertical       GE 81
181 apl_2horizontal     GE 82
182 apl_leftvbar        GE 83
183 apl_rightvbar       GE 84
184 apl_midvbar         GE 85
189 apl_leftsolid       GE 91
18a apl_rightsolid      GE 92
18b apl_topsolid        GE 93
18c apl_bottomsolid     GE 94
18d apl_solid           GE 95

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

192 apl_midhbar         GE a2
193 apl_solidcircle     GE a3
194 apl_subn            GE a4
19a apl_splat           GE 9c
19b apl_diamond         GE 70
19c apl_Gunderbar       GE 47
19d apl_sub1            GE e1

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

1a0 apl_superlparen     GE c1
1a1 apl_plus2           GE c2
1a2 apl_solidbox        GE c3
1a3 apl_lowerleft       GE c4
1a4 apl_upperleft       GE c5
1a5 apl_leftjoin        GE c6
1a6 apl_bottomjoin      GE c7
1a7 apl_section         GE c8
1a9 apl_superrparen     GE d1
1aa apl_minus2          GE d2
1ab apl_intersect       GE d3
1ac apl_lowerright      GE d4
1ad apl_upperright      GE d5
1ae apl_rightjoin       GE d6
1af apl_topjoin         GE d7

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

1b0 apl_paragraph       GE d8
1b2 apl_sub2            GE e2
1b3 apl_sub3            GE e3
1b4 apl_dieresisjot     GE e4                                (Sharp)
1b5 apl_dieresiscircle  GE e5                                (Sharp)
1b6 apl_commabar        GE e6                                (Sharp)
1b7 apl_euro            GE e7                                (Sharp)
1ba apl_plusminus       GE 9e
1bb apl_tilde           GE 80
1bc apl_Xunderbar       GE 67
1bd apl_Yunderbar       GE 68

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

1d0 apl_omega           GE b4
1d1 apl_jot             GE af
1d6 apl_rightarrow      GE 8f
1d7 apl_downtack        GE ac
1d9 apl_notless         GE ae

3270 CG                 EBCDIC  Latin-1           ASCII-7

1f7 apl_notgreater      GE 8c
1f9 apl_downstile       GE 8e