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The SetBindings Method 

In your interface, you want to handle a lot of events in the subwidgets that make up your mega-widget. For instance, when somebody presses the button in a TixArrowButton widget, you want the button to handle the event. The SetBindings method is used to creates event bindings for the components inside the mega-widget. In our TixArrowButton example, we use the bind command to specify that the method tixArrowButton:IncrCount should be called each time when the user presses the first mouse button. As a result, we can count the number of times the user has pressed on the button (obviously for no better reasons than using it as a dumb example).

proc tixArrowButton:SetBindings {w} {
upvar #0 $w data

tixChainMethod $w SetBindings

bind $data(w:button) $<$1$>$ "tixArrowButton:IncrCount $w"

proc tixArrowButton:IncrCount {w} {
upvar #0 $w data

incr data(count)