short descriptions of files in the tools-directory a perl script that can be used as a inews replacement if posting via NNTP. the main purpose of this script is to automatically sign posted/mailed articles via pgp or gpg. besides the autosigning feature it takes care about Cc: and Bcc: lines in news-postings and adds a Posted-And-Mailed: header if necessary. is a small perl script that turns a wildmat filter file into a regexp filter file (don't forget to set wildmat= in tinrc accordingly) usage: < wildmat-filter-file > regexp-filter-file is a small perl script that tries to opt out case insensitive regexp, it will put a comment above each line it touched. usage: < regexp-filter-file > regexp-filter-file-case and might be used together, i.e: < wildmat-filter-file | > regexp-filter-file-case tinlock is a small shell script that creates a lockfile before starting tin to avoid multiple copies of tin running, when tin exits cleanly the lockfile is removed; tinlock will warn about suspicious locks/deadlocks. tinlock is kind of NFS safe. usage: tinlock [tin-cmdline-args] metamutt is a small shell script to replace metamail, set metamail_prog=metamutt in tin and till will pass multipart MIME-articles to metamutt instead of metamail. metamutt will pass the article to mutt (a mail client with an excellent MIME-parser). this might become obsolete as tin now has a small (and unfinished) built in MIME-parser, set metamail_prog=--internal to use the built in version. is a shell script (need to be placed in /usr/local/bin/) which passes the URL selected by the 'U' command to a related viewer/application. this one is very basic. expand_aliases.tgz is a small c-source which reads you elm-aliasfile, translates the alias into the real address and passes it to the MTA. see included README-file/man-page for more details. expiretover is a small shell script to expire old tin overview files. if you use cache_overview_files=ON in your tinrc you might want to run this script regularly (e.g. once a day from cron) to purge old overview files.