Regressions used to test NOV caching: All the following with OVER configured on the NNTP server (where used) and a system wide local .overview type file caching = OFF, read local spool => should use system wide nov file should not read or write private cache caching = OFF, read via NNTP => should read via OVER only should not read or write private cache caching = ON, read local spool => should use system wide nov file should not read or write private cache caching = ON, read via NNTP private cache not present => OVER info used to create private cache private cache is present => private cache read and used partial private cache(*) => private cache read and used, completed using OVER and written back The following with local .overview nov files NOT present... caching = OFF, read local spool => no cache read or written caching = ON, read local spool private cache not present => private cache created as best as possible from headers private cache is present => private cache read and used partial private cache => private cache updated with missing header info (*) partial = end missing - There is certainly no way at present for 'holes' to be filled