Quick Install: configure to your local setup (have a look at): ./configure --help (or ./conf-tin) check your local setup in: include/autoconf.h compile with: make build (or cd src; make) install with: make install Install at your own risk. For a more detailed description of all the configure options read doc/INSTALL. Note that tin requires a valid fully qualified domain name for the host you are running tin on. IF YOU DON'T HAVE A HOST NAME WITH A VALID DOMAIN GO AND GET ONE AND CONFIGURE YOUR HOST -- NOW! (This will prevent problems with other software, too.) Otherwise users may get "Invalid Sender" error messages and won't be able to post using the internal inews. Before mailing a bug-report to tin-bugs@tin.org please check if you are using the latest (stable) release, and if not, please upgrade first! Have a look a the doc/TODO file for known bugs. If you still think you've found a bug, please use the mail_bugreport function (shift-R) and write in English. Please do NOT enclose a core-file in your bugreport until we request it. The latest release is available at: or its mirrors. If you have additional questions or would like to be informed about the latest new features/version you may subscribe to the (developers) tin mailing lists; to subscribe write to majordomo@tin.org, asking in the body to: subscribe and/or read news.software.readers.