2004-09-15 PSNFSS 9.2 * Charter: improved kerning data (once again...) * Palatino: additional font families pplx and pplj with real smallcaps and oldstyle figures and improved kerning tables; the free FPL fonts can be used as a substitute for te required Palatino SC/OsF fonts * mathpazo, mathptmx: beside \upDelta and \upOmega also the other upright uppercase Greek letters are explicitly accessible. * documentation psnfss2e.tex(.pdf) updated * font map files: new file fpls.map for the FPL fonts. * minor changes to mathtest.tex (* lw35nfss.zip is unchanged) 2004-01-26 PSNFSS 9.1b * freenfss.zip with fixed VFs and metrics for the Bitstream Charter fonts: New kerning pairs Y-g and Y-s; corrected \fontdimen1 of the italic shapes; improved italic Euro symbols * helvet.sty: Fixed implementation of the key-value interface. * Warning messages added to obsolete packages. 2003-11-17 PSNFSS 9.1 * Updated VFs for all Adobe text font families, except Utopia: Added \texteuro, fixed zdot and \textasteriskcentered. * Courier: normal asterisk (*) is now vertically centered. * New VFs for Bitstream Charter with revised kerning data and faked \texteuro. In particular, the overly tight kerning between L and quoteright has been abolished. * The Pazo doublestroke font is now assigned the encoding U, rather than T1 and OT1. The files t1fplmbb.fd and ot1fplm.fd are replaced by ufplmbb.fd. * The Utopia fonts are no longer regarded as "required"; the package utopia.sty is marked as "obsolete". * Documentation psnfss2e.* updated accordingly. * Test files enhanced to test the Euro symbols and the Pazo doublestroke font, while Utopia is omitted now. 2003-03-02 PSNFSS 9.0c * mathptmx,sty, mathpazo.sty: \upOmega and \UpDelta are of type \mathord now, to make sure that they are always upright * pifont.sty: \Pifill and \dingfill should no longer fail at the beginning or end of a paragraph. (Bug fix suggested by FMi.) * mathptm(x).sty: \jmath, \coprod, and \amalg will now generate error messages rather than print black squares. (Suggested by FMi.) * Small changes to the documentation psnfss2e.*. * Enhanced test0.tex to test also the math alphabets. * 8r.enc: version 2.0, comprising all of the Mac Roman character set, too. * The *.map files and the file 8r.enc have been moved out of the ZIP archives, since their final location in the texmf tree may vary wrt/ changes in the TDS specs. 2002-09-08 PSNFSS 9.0a * Fixed TFM and VF files for mathpazo. The size of certain symbols was wrong, because of a bug in the fontinst program. * psfonts.dtx: Changed definition of \hbar in mathpazo.sty to improve spacing. * Fixed identification strings in 8rpcr.fd and t1put.fd. * Fixed comments in 8r.enc. * Removed one unneeded file from lw35nfss.zip. 2002-07-04 * Improved installation instructions (file 00readme.txt) 2002-05-17 Pazo fonts v1.003 * Changed the positioning of the double stroke in X and Z in Pazo Math Blackboard Bold (suggested by Marco Kuhlmann). The font metrics are unchanged. 2002-04-24 PSNFSS-9.0 * mathptmx.sty: Improved \hbar. Added missing redefinitions of \defaultscriptratio and \defaultscriptscriptratio. * psnfss2e.pdf: All fonts are embedded now. 2002-04-10 PSNFSS-9.0 pre-release * 8r.enc: The TeXBase1Encoding includes the Euro symbol in slot 128 now. Thus, future fonts that provide the Euro, can be supported. This does, however, NOT affect the present Base35, Charter and Utopia fonts. * mathpazo.sty: The undocumented macro ppljeuro is no longer provided. * freenfss.zip: The VFs and TFMs are to be used with version 1.002 of the Pazo fonts now. * Palatino text fonts: The textcompanion fonts of the Palatino family provide the Euro symbol \texteuro as well as the Omega \textohm now. The letters are actually taken from the Pazo fonts. * Documentation psnfss2e.tex updated and slightly improved. 2002-02-28 Pazo fonts v1.002 * Added all the remaining uppercase latin letters and digit "one" to Pazo Math Blackboard Bold. * Re-designed \Phi to make it better proportioned * Re-designed \varsigma to give it a more recognisable shape (suggested by Pablo Rodriguez). Re-designed \xi and \zeta to match the new \varsigma. 2001-06-04 PSNFSS-v8.2 * mathpazo.sty: Changed behavior of the options sc and osf. \jmath and \imath changed back to type 'mathord', as in normal LaTeX. * mathptm.sty: Revoked the changes re. AMS fonts, since the package is only provided for use with legacy douments, anyway. * Many changes to the documentation (psnfss2e.*). * test1.tex, test2.tex, test3.tex: Fixed typo. 2001/05/27 PSNFSS-v8.2beta * mathpazo.sty: An improved version of this package is now part of the PSNFSS distribution. * freenfss.zip: Added TFM, VF and FD files for the Pazo fonts. * mathptmx.sty New option: [slantedGreek] * The AMS fonts are scaled properly now, when used together with the packages mathptm, mathptmx, mathpple or mathpazo. Specifying the [psamsfonts] option for the packages amsfonts or amssymb may be needed wrt/ the Euler Fraktur fonts, but will not affect the scaling of the others. * ot1*.fd: additional font shape substitition bx/ui -> b/it * fixed TFM file zptmcm7y.tfm so as to raise the subscripts generated by mathptmx (pr/3279) * fixed FD files for Adobe Courier so as to disable hyphenation (I wonder why this bug was never noticed...) * test files completely revised 2000-01-12 PSNFSS-v8.1 * support for commercial fonts is no longer part of the basic PSNFSS distribution. * new, enhanced user documentation * freenfss.zip: new file, containing metrics, vf's, fd's and map files for Bitstream Charter and Adobe Utopia * lw35nfss.zip: removed tfm's and vf's for `raw' fonts and the duplicate psyr.tfm; removed tfm's and vf's for Helvetica Light, which isn't free; removed the related entries from the .fd files, too; added the fd/tfm/vf files of the mathpple collection. * metrics (general): removed the checksums, which are useless anyway; added missing macron accent to all sc fonts; removed 1-1 kern pair from Palatino. * map files: concatenated all .map files for the Base 35 fonts plus mathpple.map to one single psnfss.map; removed duplicate entries; the map file will unpack to dvips/psnfss/ now. * 8r.enc: the file is now distributed as part of lw35nfss.zip and will unpack to the directory dvips/psnfss/. * psfonts.dtx: added courier.sty, which was previously not generated from a .dtx source; added charter.sty and utopia.sty, which were previously generated from dtx's of their own; added mathpple.sty. * mathptm.sty, mathptmx.sty: fixed problems in conjunction with latexsym.sty and amssymb.sty (pr/2910, pr/2762) as FMi had suggested; fixed the weird warning message with \boldmath (pr/2994); made \hbar work with Times; fixed \big & friends for font sizes <> 10pt; * mathpple.sty: this package is now part of the PSNFSS distribution; slightly enlarged font sizes for super- and subscripts in math; \Re, \Im, \infty taken from Euler now. * helvet.sty: new option for scaling Helvetica %% finis