The popular "Seminar" package is incompatible with PSfrag 3.0. This is due to the fact that PSfrag relies on certain features of the LaTeX 2e output routine, while seminar still uses one largely borrowed from LaTeX 2.09. Seminar fails to process any \AtBeginDVI commands made by style files like PSfrag; and PSfrag relies on \AtBeginDVI to load the PostScript header that it uses. There are a couple of temporary fixes that you might try. Neither have been fully tested; and, if you find a much better solution, we'd love to hear it. 1) This is DVIPS-specific: add the following code just after \begin{document}: \special{} 2) A more portable solution, but perhaps less reliable, would be to redefine the output routine that Seminar uses. Here is one recommendation provided by a PSfrag maintainer: \makeatletter \def\@makeslide{% \setbox\@slidebox\vbox{% \@begindvi % THIS IS THE CRUCIAL CHANGE \unvbox\@cclv \ifvoid\slide@footins\else \vskip\skip\slide@footins \footnoterule \unvbox\slide@footins \fi \vskip\z@}} \makeatother Thanks Michael