README for minitoc.sty version 40 (20December2004) ============================================= NOTE: the file minitoc.sty.good (version 13) is obsolete and must be destroyed. Version #16 corrects typos in version #15 and a problem with ``markboth'' (headers). Version #17 tries to allow compatibility with latex2e. This will be the LAST version usable under latex2.09. It runs also under latex2e. Version #17 adds the ``n'' key as synonym for ``e'' as optional argument of some commands. It add also keywords starchapter, starsection, etc. for use with \addcontentsline in a \chapter*. Version #18 is the first version specific for the new version of LaTeX (2e patch 2 and after). Version #19 adds the possibility to begin your document with Chapter N (N=1 by default, but now N may be 0, 7, etc., as you like). Idem for the first part or the first section (in articles). Correction for appendices in articles. Correction in mtcswedish.sty. Version #20 Correction for appendices in articles. Correction of vertical spacing. Correction to accept chapters numbered in roman. Adds commands to have (default) or suppress page numbers in minitocs and siblings: \mtcpagenumbers \nomtcpagenumbers \stcpagenumbers \nostcpagenumbers \ptcpagenumbers \noptcpagenumbers \mlfpagenumbers \nomlfpagenumbers \slfpagenumbers \noslfpagenumbers \plfpagenumbers \noplfpagenumbers \mltpagenumbers \nomltpagenumbers \sltpagenumbers \nosltpagenumbers \pltpagenumbers \nopltpagenumbers Version #21 Correction of typos Version #22 Correction of typos Version #23 Added a missing line in \sectlof@ Works with document classes resetting chapter (or section) number at each part. (Thanks to Denis Roegel) Suppressed \firstchapteris and co. Suppressed appendix stuff. Version #24 The \protect commands have been removed from the .toc, .lot and .lot files, so some internal macros have been corrected to be compatible with the LaTeX2e release of December 1994. Thanks to Denis Roegel who did that. Added the bahasa language (mtcbahasa.sty) Version #25 Added the nynorsk language (mtcnynorsk.sty) and updated the norsk language (mtcnorsk.sty), from suggestions of Dag Langmyhr ( Version #26 Language specific file are now named .mld (in place of mtc.sty) because there are not packages and it makes shorter names. Corrections for starred sectionning commands. Added bahasa, breton, estonian, germanb, greek, irish, russianb, scottish, lower and upper sorbian languages; renamed esperanto into esperant as in Babel. Version #27 Corrections for starred sectionning commands. Correction to allow entry for the List of Figures (and co.) in the Table of Contents. Added vietnam.mld for vietnamese. Added arab.mld for arabic. Renamed minitocoff.sty to mtcoff.sty to have a short name. Version #28 Added afrikaan.mld Added brazil.mld Added ethiopia.mld Autoconfiguration of short/long extensions. Added option shortext. Added COFFEE stuff. Added \addstarred... stuff Fixed a bug in parttocs. Added the tight option. Version #29 Added bicig.mld Added buryat.mld Added mongol.mld Added russianc.mld Added armenian.mld Added lithuanian.mld Added the tight/loose options Added the dotted/undotted options Version #30 Corrected a bug in mtcoff.sty Added basque.mld Added ngermanb.mld Added serbian.mld Added ukraineb.mld Added welsh.mld Version #31 Patched by Heiko Oberdiek to have hyper-links in the minitables (with the hyperref package). He has also fixed a bug in parttoc with \chapter*. Thousand thanks to him. Version #32 Added commands: \before|part|toc \after | |lof | |lot and \thispagepart|toc|style |lof| |lot| and \adjust|mtc |ptc |stc Documentation improved by Stefan Ulrich Corrected \nomtcrule (rules after minitocs & co. suppressed) Version #33 Added commands: \mtcadd|chapter|[title] |section| |part| These commands add stuff in the .toc, .lof and .lot files for the \chapter* (\section* and \part*) problem. From a suggestion by Karl F. Everitt ( Added a test in mtcoff for ``incompatible commands''. Version #34 Added in the documentation a section for use with tocbibend. Added .mld files for alternate names of languages: so, american.mld just loads english.mld, which contains the real definitions. Version #35 Added bulgarian language (bulgarian.mld). Added hebrew language (hebrew.mld). Added icelandic language (icelandic.mld). Added latin language (latin.mld). Added samin language (samin.mld). Added macros to test if a file is ``empty'' (i.e. empty, blank or inexistent) or ``non empty'' (i.e. useful). I used some code from Stephan von Bechtolsheim. Added \mtcselectlanguage. Added interlingua language (interlingua.mld). Version #36 Corrected a bug with \faketableofcontents Corrected some spacing prolems Both pointed out by Frank Mittelbach. Thanks to him. Added \mtcskip and \mtcskipamount. Fixed test for empty files. Added bangla language (bangla.mld) Reduced depth of \mtc@strutbox. Version #37 canceled Version #38 pt -> \p@ and 0pt -> \z@ \hrule and \vrule replaced by \rule (latex) added \mtc@zrule for zero-dims rules added frenchb language (synonym of french) changed test for empty titles added options flsection and flsectionb option tight applies to \parttoc (Thomas Leonhardt options flsection and flsectionb removed, replaced by insection option (=flsectionb). corrected numbering of SLF, SLT added frenchle and frenchpro languages (synonym of french) corrected secttocs, at least. Corrected some vertical spacings and struts (I added some mods by Frank Mittelbach, many thanks to him.) Version #39 Corrections in documentation TODO: compatibility with the memoir class TODO: \nomtcpagenumbers & memoir class modern font commands added \@fileswfalse and \mtc@hook@beforeinputfile for the notoccite package (asked for by Donald Arseneau) added notoccite option (loads the notoccite package) added language options and .mld files for dialects: canadian (=english) acadian, acadien, canadien (=french) naustrian, ngerman (=ngermanb) added comments in .mld files using special fonts. corrections in the documentation added a paragraph about making a TOC for appendices, not listed in the main TOC. added a PDF version of the english documentation (I used the txfonts to get a better rendering with PDF; the dangerous bend signs are still in a bit-map font, but it is not vital). Version #40 Added the japanese language (japanese.mld) Added the castillan language (castillan.mld) Removed the test on the presence of the multicol package in minitoc.tex, because multicol is a required package. Added a figure in minitoc.tex about the need of 3 compilations. Added some infos in minitoc.bug. Added a paragraph about problem with the appendix package. Updated minitoc.bib Added the hints option. This option is still experimental; you advice is welcome. Added fminitoc.pdf (french documentation in PDF format). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% List of files (minitoc.l): minitoc.l list of files catalog brief abstract README this file minitoc-ex.tex a toy book document mini-art.tex a toy article document add.tex a test file for \mtcadd... commands minitoc.bib a nano bibtex base for add.tex and minitoc.tex. minitoc.bug a list of bugs (?) and frequently asked questions. see also minitoc.tex. minitoc.sty the minitoc style option file minitoc.sum a summary of commands minitoc.tex documentation documentation in french (postscript) documentation in english (postscript) minitoc.pdf documentation in english (PDF) fminitoc.pdf documentation in french (PDF) mtcoff.sty a style option file to use if you want to ignore the commands added for minitoc.sty. See the doc. The following files contain language specific definitions of various titles. You can modify them and add others. acadian.mld acadien.mld afrikaan.mld afrikaans.mld american.mld arab.mld NOT SUPPORTED BY BABEL. USES ARABTEX arabic.mld """ """"""""" "" """""" """" """"""" armenian.mld austrian.mld bahasa.mld bangla.mld NOT YET SUPPORTED BY BABEL. USES banglatex classes. basque.mld bicig.mld bulgarian.mld brazil.mld breton.mld buryat.mld canadian.mld canadien.mld castillan.mld catalan.mld croatian.mld czech.mld danish.mld dutch.mld english.mld esperant.mld esperanto.mld estonian.mld ethiopia.mld ethiopian.mld finnish.mld francais.mld french.mld frenchb.mld frenchle.mld frenchpro.mld galician.mld german.mld germanb.mld greek.mld SUPPORTED BY BABEL 3.6 hebrew.mld hungarian.mld icelandic.mld interlingua.mld italian.mld irish.mld japanase.mld NOT IN BABEL. SPECIAL FONTS (CJK) latin.mld lithuanian.mld lsorbian.mld magyar.mld mongol.mld naustrian.mld ngerman.mld ngermanb.mld norsk.mld nynorsk.mld polish.mld portuges.mld romanian.mld russian.mld NOT SUPPORTED BY BABEL 3.4 russianb.mld SUPPORTED BY BABEL 3.6 russianc.mld EXPERIMENTAL samin.mld scottish.mld serbian.mld slovak.mld slovene.mld spanish.mld swedish.mld turkish.mld ukraineb.mld usorbian.mld vietnam.mld NOT SUPPORTED BY BABEL vietnamese.mld """ """"""""" "" """"" welsh.mld %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% minitoc.sty is useful to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs) at the beginning of every chapter. They are also minilofs and minilots. At the part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does not use chapters, they are section level secttocs, sectlofs and sectlots. INSTALLATION: 1- Retrieve ALL the files of this package in a virgin directory. %2- If your operating system allows long extensions to % filenames, (like UNIX), verify that the definition of % \SHORTEXT is commented out, then go to step 3. If it allows % only extensions of 3 characters (like MS-DOS), edit the file % minitoc.sty and uncomment the definition of \SHORTEXT (remove % the leading % from that line). 2- This problem should be fixed by version #28, which autoconfigures the extensions, 3- Put ALL *.sty and *.mld files in the directory in which you put the LaTeX styles, and give the read access for everybody. 4- Edit the file minitoc.tex if you have not the manfnt font. Instructions are given in the beginning of that file. 5- Run LaTeX three times (yes, 3) on minitoc.tex and print minitoc.dvi with your dvi driver. You can also use pdfLaTeX to produce a PDF documentation file minitoc.pdf. 6- Read carefully the documentation from minitoc.tex, compiled 3 times by LaTeX ou pdfLaTeX to produce minitoc.dvi ou minitoc.pdf. 7- Play with the toy documents minitoc-ex.tex and mini-art.tex, using various parameters... Distribute the documentation to users (or make it accessible). 8- Send me your comments, complaints (with a short example) to the address below, by e-mail. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Jean-Pierre Drucbert ONERA/Toulouse/SRI Office national d'\'etudes et de Recherches A\'erospatiales Centre de Toulouse Service r\'eseaux et informatique Complexe scientifique de Rangueil 2, Avenue \'Edouard Belin BP 4025 F-31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX FRANCE Phone +33-05-62-25-25-15 Email: Please send me any (constructive) suggestions and comments. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%