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cm-lgc Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic.

The fonts are converted from METAFONT sources of the Computer Modern font families, using textrace. Supported encodings are: T1 (Latin), T2A (Cyrillic), LGR (Greek) and TS1. The package also includes Unicode virtual fonts for use with Omega.

The font set is not a replacement for any of the other Computer Modern-based font sets (for example, cm-super for Latin and Cyrillic, or cbgreek for Greek), since it is available at a single size only; it offers a compact set for "general" working. The fonts themselves are encoded to "external" standards, and virtual fonts are provided for use with TeX. The author is Alexej Kryukov.

License: gpl Version: 0.3.1 Updated: 2004-12-05

Copyright (c) 1986-2004 .   This page was generated 2004-12-21 01:29:09.