The following people have contributed to 'sysstat' in one way or another: First I would like to thank Michael : He is the very first person to have given me feedback about sysstat, and to point out to me that certain fields in /proc/stat didn't have the meaning I thought they had. This was in 1999! Many thanks to the translators involved in sysstat: * Birko Bergt for his translation into German, * Fernando Félix Redondo for his translation into Spanish (now maintained by Muralito ), * Frederic L. W. Meunier <0 [at]> for the Portuguese translation. * Gert Brits for the translation into Afrikaans. * Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk for the Norwegian translation. * Stefano Barni for the translation into Italian. * Dennis Selsky for the Russian translation. * Eugen Hoanca for the Romanian translation. * Robert Luberda for the translation into Polish. * Miroslav David for the slovak translation. * Hideki Yamane for the translation into Japanese. Carl-Christian Weber helped me to make sar work on SMP machines. Stefan Majer provided me with a patch to rotate daily system activity files. Klaus Franken created the RPM packages. He also included a short initialization script for sar to start it as a daemon on boot. Jason (Jay) R. Fink set up and maintained the first web site for sysstat. Preston Brown sent me the RedHat patch to enable good packaging. David Doubrava created the isag command (Interactive System Activity Graph). Rik van Riel explained me the meaning of several fields that were added in Linux kernel 2.4 /proc/meminfo file. Hubert Nueckel sent me a patch to fix CPU utilization displayed by sar, iostat and mpstat commands on IA64 machines. Victor Hazlewood sent me a patch to implement a database friendly option for sar (option -H). Christopher Blizzard added the ability to display kB/s transfers to devices in iostat reporting when option -x is used. John Caruso wrote the sargon script shell as a replacement for sa1/sa2 files. Wilhelm Nuesser sent me a patch to fix average wait times and service times displayed by iostat -x. Rick Lindsley has played a great part in making sysstat work on kernels 2.5 and above. John Salmon wrote a patch to enable file locking for sadc (option -L). Jim W. Jaszewski fixed several typos in sysstat FAQ! Charlie Bennett sent me several patches to fix known problems with sysstat. He also added the sysstat.ioconf file support, and the -p option to sar. Thomas Polliard helped me define the XML output format for sadf. He also wrote the corresponding DTD. Dwight Tovey updated sysstat so that it may be installed on Slackware. I would also thank the following people for their hints or bug reports (in alphabetical order): Des Atkinson Chuck Blake Pascal Bleser Jesse Brandeburg Xavier Bru Jason Burnett Mark J. Cox Jean Dagenais Nicolas Denis Andrew Donkin Greg Edwards Chris Evans Damien Faure David Gesswein Don Harrop Tatsuo Ito David S. Jackson Erik Jacobson Jordan Jurriaan Byeong-taek Lee Ivo Letzas Robert Luberda Neculai Macarie Robert Macaulay Pierre Machard Alan Matsuoka Rodney J. Mertz Roy Millar <100044.14@com[...].com> Pascal Monschein David J. Morse Hariprasad Nellitheertha Giulio Orsero Edouard G. Parmelan Oliver Paukstadt Plattner(?) ReDragon Paul Rivoli Scott Rochford Rolphin Joseph E. Sacco Sachin Sant Danilo Sartori Tan Shao Yi Lee Schermerhorn Michel Simoni Rod Skinner Dick Snippe Graham Swallow Mike Sweger Don Totten Stephen Tweedie Thomas Weber Yongjun Wei Holger Wolf Urban Widmark Peter Zaitsev -- Sebastien Godard (sysstat is the author and the current maintainer of this package.