/* -*- c -*- ------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 2004 Murali Krishnan Ganapathy - All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, * Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This program can be compiled for DOS with the OpenWatcom compiler * (http://www.openwatcom.org/): * * wcl -3 -osx -mt .c */ #ifndef __MENU_H__ #define __MENU_H__ #include "biosio.h" #include "string.h" // TIMEOUT PARAMETERS /* If no key is pressed within TIMEOUTNUMSTEPS * TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE milliseconds and if a timeout handler is registered, then that will be called. The handler should either either take control from there on, or return without producing any change in the current video settings. For e.g. the handler could * Could just quit the menu program * beep and return. TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE is the interval for which the program sleeps without checking for any keystroke. So increasing this will make the response of the system slow. Decreasing this will make a lot of interrupt calls using up your CPU. Default value of TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE of 0.1 seconds should be right in most cases. TIMEOUTNUMSTEPS of 3000 corresponds to a wait time of 300 seconds or 5 minutes */ #define TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE 10 #define TIMEOUTNUMSTEPS 30000L // Scancodes of some keys #define ESCAPE 1 #define ENTERA 28 #define ENTERB 224 #define HOMEKEY 71 #define UPARROW 72 #define PAGEUP 73 #define LTARROW 75 #define RTARROW 77 #define ENDKEY 79 #define DNARROW 80 #define PAGEDN 81 #define SPACEKEY 57 // Scan code for SPACE // Attributes #define NORMALATTR 0x17 #define NORMALHLITE 0x1F // Normal Highlight attribute #define REVERSEATTR 0x70 #define REVERSEHLITE 0x78 // Reverse Hightlight attribute #define INACTATTR 0x18 #define INACTHLITE 0x10 // Inactive Highlight attribute #define REVINACTATTR 0x78 #define REVINACTHLITE 0x70 // Reverse Inactive Highlight attr #define STATUSATTR 0x74 #define STATUSHLITE 0x7B // Status highlight #define FILLCHAR 177 #define FILLATTR 0x01 #define SHADOWATTR 0x00 #define SPACECHAR ' ' #define TFILLCHAR ' ' #define TITLEATTR 0x70 #define ENABLEHLITE '<' // Char which turns on highlight #define DISABLEHLITE '>' // Char which turns off highlight #define NOHLITE 0 // The offset into attrib array for non-hilite #define HLITE 1 // The offset for Hlite attrib // Single line Box drawing Chars #define TOPLEFT 218 #define BOTLEFT 192 #define TOPRIGHT 191 #define BOTRIGHT 217 #define TOP 196 #define BOT 196 #define LEFT 179 #define RIGHT 179 #define HORIZ 196 #define LTRT 195 // The |- char #define RTLT 180 // The -| char // Double line Box Drawing Chars /* #define TOPLEFT 201 #define BOTLEFT 200 #define TOPRIGHT 187 #define BOTRIGHT 188 #define TOP 205 #define BOT 205 #define LEFT 186 #define RIGHT 186 #define HORIZ 205 #define LTRT 199 // The ||- char #define RTLT 182 // The -|| char */ // Attributes of the menu system #define MAXMENUS 8 // Maximum number of menu's allowed #define MAXMENUSIZE 12 // Maximum number of entries in each menu // Upper bounds on lengths // Now that the onus of allocating space is with the user, these numbers // are only for sanity checks. You may increase these values without // affecting the memory footprint of this program #define MENULEN 30 // Each menu entry is atmost MENULEN chars #define STATLEN 80 // Maximum length of status string #define ACTIONLEN 80 // Maximum length of an action string // Layout of menu #define MENUROW 3 // Row where menu is displayed (relative to window) #define MENUCOL 4 // Col where menu is displayed (relative to window) #define MENUPAGE 1 // show in display page 1 #define STATLINE 23 // Line number where status line starts (relative to window) // Other Chars #define SUBMENUCHAR 175 // This is >> symbol #define RADIOMENUCHAR '>' // > symbol for radio menu? #define EXITMENUCHAR 174 // This is << symbol #define CHECKED 251 // Check mark #define UNCHECKED 250 // Light bullet #define RADIOSEL '.' // Current Radio Selection #define RADIOUNSEL ' ' // Radio option not selected // Types of menu's #define NORMALMENU 1 #define RADIOMENU 2 typedef enum {OPT_INACTIVE, OPT_SUBMENU, OPT_RUN, OPT_EXITMENU, OPT_CHECKBOX, OPT_RADIOMENU, OPT_SEP, OPT_INVISIBLE, OPT_RADIOITEM} t_action; typedef union { char submenunum; // For submenu's char checked; // For check boxes char radiomenunum; // Item mapping to a radio menu } t_itemdata; struct s_menuitem; struct s_menu; struct s_menusystem; typedef void (*t_item_handler)(struct s_menusystem *, struct s_menuitem *); typedef void (*t_menusystem_handler)(struct s_menusystem *, struct s_menuitem *); // TIMEOUT is the list of possible values which can be returned by the handler // instructing the menusystem what to do. The default is CODE_WAIT typedef enum {CODE_WAIT, CODE_ENTER, CODE_ESCAPE } TIMEOUTCODE; typedef TIMEOUTCODE (*t_timeout_handler)(void); typedef struct s_menuitem { const char *item; const char *status; const char *data; // string containing kernel to run.. but... // for radio menu's this is a pointer to the item selected or NULL (initially) void * extra_data; // Any other data user can point to t_item_handler handler; // Pointer to function of type menufn t_action action; t_itemdata itemdata; // Data depends on action value char shortcut; // one of [A-Za-z0-9] shortcut for this menu item char index; // Index within the menu array char parindex; // Index of the menu in which this item appears. } t_menuitem; typedef t_menuitem *pt_menuitem; // Pointer to type menuitem typedef struct s_menu { pt_menuitem items[MAXMENUSIZE]; const char *title; char numitems; char numvisible; char menuwidth; char row,col; // Position where this menu should be displayed } t_menu; typedef t_menu *pt_menu; // Pointer to type menu typedef struct s_menusystem { pt_menu menus[MAXMENUS]; const char *title; t_menusystem_handler handler; // Handler function called every time a menu is re-printed. t_timeout_handler ontimeout; // Timeout handler unsigned int tm_stepsize; // Timeout step size (in milliseconds) unsigned long tm_numsteps; // Time to wait for key press=numsteps * stepsize milliseconds char nummenus; char normalattr[2]; // [0] is non-hlite attr, [1] is hlite attr char reverseattr[2]; char inactattr[2]; char revinactattr[2]; char statusattr[2]; char fillchar; char fillattr; char spacechar; char tfillchar; char titleattr; char shadowattr; char statline; char menupage; char maxrow,minrow,numrows; // Number of rows in the window char maxcol,mincol,numcols; // Number of columns in the window } t_menusystem; typedef t_menusystem *pt_menusystem; // Pointer to type menusystem /************************************************************************ * IMPORTANT INFORMATION * * All functions which take a string as argument store the pointer * for later use. So if you have alloc'ed a space for the string * and are passing it to any of these functions, DO NOT deallocate it. * * If they are constant strings, you may receive warning from the compiler * about "converting from char const * to char *". Ignore these errors. * * This hack/trick of storing these pointers will help in reducing the size * of the internal structures by a lot. * *************************************************************************** */ pt_menuitem showmenus(char startmenu); void init_menusystem(const char *title); // This pointer value is stored internally void set_normal_attr(char normal, char selected, char inactivenormal, char inactiveselected); void set_normal_hlite(char normal, char selected, char inactivenormal, char inactiveselected); void set_status_info(char statusattr, char statushlite, char statline); void set_title_info(char tfillchar, char titleattr); void set_misc_info(char fillchar, char fillattr,char spacechar, char shadowattr); void set_window_size(char top, char left, char bot, char right); // Set the window which menusystem should use void reg_handler( t_menusystem_handler handler); // Register handler void unreg_handler(); void reg_ontimeout(t_timeout_handler, unsigned int numsteps, unsigned int stepsize); // Set timeout handler, set 0 for default values. // So stepsize=0 means numsteps is measured in centiseconds. void unreg_ontimeout(); // Create a new menu and return its position char add_menu(const char *title); // This pointer value is stored internally void set_menu_pos(char row,char col); // Set the position of this menu. // Add item to the "current" menu // pointer values are stored internally pt_menuitem add_item(const char *item, const char *status, t_action action, const char *data, char itemdata); void set_shortcut(char shortcut); // Set the shortcut key for the current item // Add a separator to the "current" menu pt_menuitem add_sep(); // Calculate the number of visible items void calc_visible(pt_menu menu); // Main function for the user's config file int menumain(char *cmdline); #endif