stunnel Universal SSL tunnel * High priority features I'm going to support (sponsorship welcomed): - Add service-level logging. - Optional use of syslog in foreground mode. - Provide transparent proxy for Linux 2.6.x with TPROXY patch. - In transparent proxy mode bind source port (not only IP). - In transparent proxy mode add an option to connect destination address of the the original connection instead of a fixed IP list. - Modify ./configure to support cross-compilation. * Low priority features I'm going to support (sponsorship welcomed): - Replace protocol.c with a scripting engine. - Add some scripting capabilities *after* SSL negotiations. - Log file rotation on a signal. - Key renegotiation (re-handshake) for long connections. - Internationalization of logged messages (i18n). - Logging to NT eventlog. - IMAP protocol support (RFC 2595). - SOCKS 4 protocol support. - Graceful configuration reload with a signal on Unix and with GUI on Windows. * Features I'd prefer NOT to support (waiting for a wealthy sponsor): - HTTP protocol support (X-Forwarded-For header). - SMTP protocol support (X-Forwarded-For header).