Well, this program just splits your screen into two windows, each running a shell, so you can do two things at once. All you have to do is unbundle the package and run the 'Configure' script that is included. It is fairly simple, and should run on any terminal that supports hardware scrolling regions. At the moment, only vt100 compatible terminals (such as xterm, decterm, linux console, etc) will run splitvt. More documentation for this program can be found in the file "splitvt.man". If you have trouble compiling or running splitvt, remember that you must run it within a vt100 compatible terminal, and check the "NOTES" file in this distribution for hints. Enjoy! -Sam Lantinga slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu The idea for this program came from Dave Ljung (dxl@hpesdxl.fc.hp.com) Thanks Dave++!