The slrn FAQ John E. Davis Matthias Friedrich Thomas Schultz Version Frequently asked questions about the slrn newsreader. ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. General questions about slrn 1.1 What is slrn? 1.2 Where can I download slrn? 1.3 Where is slrn's documentation? 1.4 Are there any mailing lists and/or newsgroups about slrn? 1.5 slrn appears quite stable. Why don't you call it version 1.0? 2. Configuration 2.1 Is it possible to set my ``From'' header line for postings? 2.2 How can I set my ``Message-ID'' header? 2.3 How can I set the size of the article pager? 2.4 What charset settings should I use under Windows? 2.5 How can I use an external e-mail program for replies? 2.6 The thread tree is not drawn properly. Why? 2.7 Can I use the mouse with slrn? 2.8 How can I rotate signatures in slrn? 3. Usage 3.1 What is a prefix argument? 3.2 Treatment of read articles 3.2.1 How can I never mark articles as read? 3.2.2 How can I get slrn to show both read and unread articles? 3.2.3 How can I retrieve read articles from the same thread? 3.2.4 How can I retrieve other read articles? 3.2.5 I want to see full threads as soon as they contain at least one unread article. Can slrn do this? 3.3 Handling of binary postings 3.3.1 How do I uudecode articles? 3.3.2 What are the advantages of using uudeview? 3.3.3 What about yEnc? 3.3.4 Can I put multipart binary postings into one thread? 3.4 How can I mark cross-posts as read in other groups as well? 3.5 Why doesn't the `L' command work as advertised? 3.6 How do I cross-post an article? 3.7 How do I use the mouse in an XTerm to copy/paste? 3.8 How can I sort the list of newsgroups? 4. Scoring 4.1 What is scoring? 4.2 How can I killfile with Slrn? 4.3 How do I set up slrn to read a score file? 4.4 What is the format of an slrn score file? 4.5 Where can I get a full description of slrn's regular expressions? 4.6 How can I test whether my regular expressions do what I expect them to do? 4.7 Is there an easy way to watch or kill threads / authors? 4.8 Do I need to remove expired entries from my score file manually? 4.9 How do I score on a specific subject, e.g., ``test'' messages? 4.10 How do I score postings from a specific person? 4.11 How do I score articles from a specific site? 4.12 How do I score followups? 4.13 Is it possible to score followups to my own postings? 4.14 How do I kill cross posts from a specific group? 4.15 How do I score all cross-posts? 4.16 How do I make it so I read only posts from a specific person? 4.17 How do I score articles that have no ``References'' line but whose ``Subject'' line starts with ``Re:''? 4.18 How do I score subjects that contain only uppercase characters? 4.19 How can I filter people without a realname? 5. slrnpull 5.1 What is slrnpull? 5.2 Why can't I post when using slrnpull? 5.3 How do I get a full list of newsgroups? 6. I found a bug in slrn!!! 6.1 slrn hangs infinitely when I press the delete key 6.2 The bug I found is not listed here. What do I do now? 6.2.1 Some additional notes for the advanced user 7. About this document 7.1 History ______________________________________________________________________ 1. General questions about slrn 1.1. What is slrn? Slrn (``slang read news'') is a Usenet newsreader that runs in text mode on various Unix and Unix-like operating systems (including Linux), Windows, OS/2, BeOS, MacOS X and VMS. It supports scoring rules to highlight, sort or kill articles to make reading news more efficient. Furthermore it is highly customizable, allows free key-bindings and can be extended using the slang macro language. Offline reading is possible using either slrnpull (shipped with slrn) or a local newsserver like leafnode or INN. 1.2. Where can I download slrn? The latest source distribution of slrn is available via HTTP from . A list of mirrors as well as links to precompiled binaries can be found at . If you run Linux, your distribution probably contains a slrn package that might not offer the latest version, but is more or less ``ready to go''. Additional resources are available at slrn's official homepage . 1.3. Where is slrn's documentation? The source distribution contains a lot of documentation; on Unix-like systems, it is likely to be installed somewhere in /usr/share/doc or /usr/doc. It contains manpages (type man slrn at the command prompt), the Slrn Reference Manual (manual.txt) and several other useful resources like a sample slrnrc (configuration) file. If you are new to slrn, please make sure to read the file FIRST_STEPS. It should get you started. If you cannot find this documentation on your system, you can browse it online at 1.4. Are there any mailing lists and/or newsgroups about slrn? If you have general questions about slrn that are not covered by its documentation, please make use of the appropriate newsgroups or mailing list rather than writing to the maintainer directly: The appropriate newsgroup for questions about slrn is There is also a German speaking equivalent ( Slrn-user is a mailing list for discussion of the use, development and extension of slrn. You can subscribe to it through the web interface at . To keep track of slrn's development, simply subscribe to slrn- announce. It is a low-traffic moderated list that informs you about new releases, important bugfixes or major changes to the website. The subscription address is . All announcements are also mailed to slrn-user, so there is no need to read both lists. 1.5. slrn appears quite stable. Why don't you call it version 1.0? The main reason for the sub-1.0 version number is the poor handling of different character sets. I think that a modern newsreader should support Unicode, but we have to wait for slang 2 until we can really include this. So, you'll see slrn 1.0 as soon as the new version of the slang library is out, slrn is ported to it and running reasonably stable. 2. Configuration 2.1. Is it possible to set my ``From'' header line for postings? On (properly configured) Unix-like systems, slrn should be able to determine a valid 'From:' header line itself. However, you can also set one explicitly using the following variables in your slrnrc file: set realname "Your Real Name" set username "username" set hostname "" This will cause slrn to generate a 'From:' header line of the form: From: Your Real Name Note: It is possible that your system administrator disabled this feature to make sure everybody uses his or her correct name and address when posting. To find out whether this is the case, type slrn --version and look for strict_from in the feature list. If it is enabled (indicated by a plus sign), you cannot set your ``From'' header line yourself. 2.2. How can I set my ``Message-ID'' header? First of all, slrn will only attempt to create the 'Message-ID' header line if it was not compiled with the --disable-gen-mid option (check gen_msgid in the output of slrn --version) and the generate_message_id config variable has not been set to 0. To create a valid Message-ID, slrn needs to know the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the host it is running on. In most cases, slrn can find it by querying the system. In case this does not work properly, you can alternatively set the domain (right-hand) part of your Message-IDs via the posting_host command. If you think you need this feature, please read the corresponding entry in the reference manual carefully. 2.3. How can I set the size of the article pager? Unless you ``zoom'' the article pager (using ``z''), slrn will split the screen and display some article headers at the top. By default, it gives about 75% of the lines to the article pager, but leaves at least four lines for the header overview. At runtime, you can change this using enlarge_article_window (bound to ``^'') and shrink_article_window (bound to ``CTRL-^''). There is no config variable you could use to make permanent changes to this; fortunately, it is very easy to set it using a simple slang macro. For example, define set_size_of_article_pager () { set_article_window_size (int(SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.8)); } !if (register_hook ("resize_screen_hook", "set_size_of_article_pager")) message ("Warning: Could not register set_size_of_article_pager" + " for resize_screen_hook"); would give about 80% of the screen to the pager. If you want the header overview to have a fixed size, you can use an argument like SCREEN_HEIGHT-10 instead, which would make it 6 lines high (after the command, the article pager has SCREEN_HEIGHT-10 lines; 4 lines are used by status bars). 2.4. What charset settings should I use under Windows? As on any other operating system, this depends on the character set your terminal uses. When using slrn on Windows, two problems connected with character sets frequently appear: 1. The terminal may not use the charset used in the Usenet postings you are trying to read. In this case, you depend on slrn to convert between the two character sets to display certain (8bit) characters correctly. You can enable this by setting the config variable charset to the appropriate value (all supported charsets are listed in the reference manual), for example: set charset "ibm850" 2. Your editor may use a different charset than your terminal. This is often the case with GUI editors that have their own window, e.g. gvim. In this case, you may want slrn to convert charsets when displaying messages, but not when calling the editor on them, so you should put a line like this into your slrnrc file: set editor_uses_mime_charset 1 Note that this only works correctly if your editor uses the charset declared for outgoing postings (in the variable mime_charset). Fortu- nately, this is usually the case with GUI editors on Windows. Note: slrn's recoding abilities are currently restricted and rather rudimentary. This will hopefully improve as soon as slang 2.0 is out and includes Unicode support. 2.5. How can I use an external e-mail program for replies? You can use the config variable mail_editor_command for this. The following example will use mutt as an external e-mail program for replies: set mail_editor_command "/usr/bin/mutt -H '%s'" set mail_editor_is_mua 1 Setting mail_editor_is_mua to 1 tells slrn not to try and send any e- mail, because the external program used as the e-mail editor will han- dle this itself. 2.6. The thread tree is not drawn properly. Why? There are a couple of reasons for this. The most simple may be that the font that you are using does not support line drawing characters. Simply switching fonts to a dec-vt220 compatible font may solve the problem. This is usually the case with Windows telnet applications. If you see strings like ``mq>'' or ``tq>'' instead of a thread tree make sure that your terminal or terminal emulator supports vt100 escape sequences. This is the case for most emulators like the Linux console, NetBSD's wscons, xterm, rxvt and others. Set the TERM environment variable to vt100 and start slrn to see if the thread is drawn correctly. If this isn't the case, you have to fix your termcap/terminfo file. For termcap based systems, the ``ac'', ``as'' and ``ae'' capabilities have to be set correctly. On terminfo based systems, the ``acsc'', ``smacs'' and ``rmacs'' capabilities need adjustment. If you can't solve the problem that way because your terminal setup or your terminal emulator is severely broken, consider setting set simulate_graphic_chars 1 in your slrnrc file. It restricts slrn to plain ASCII characters for drawing the tree. A major drawback of the vt100 solution is, that vt100 terminals can't display colors. Since most terminal emulators support ANSI colors, you could start slrn with the ``-C'' command line switch or use the following configuration command to force the use of colors: set use_color 1 But if you want to use colors with other programs as well, you need a real solution to this problem. Try the following: Find a $TERM setting that supports line drawing characters like the vt100 or vt220. Then create a new termcap entry based on that terminal with additional color capabilities and save it to ~/.termcap. It might look like this: myterm:\ :Co#8:NC#3:pa#64:\ :AB=\E[4%dm:AF=\E[3%dm:op=\E[m:\ :mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:me=\E[0m:mk=\E[8m:mr=\E[7m:\ :cl=\E[H\E[J:vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[?25h:\ :tc=vt100: On some systems, you can then set $TERM to 'myterm' and the settings apply. On others, you need to do something like this: TERMCAP=$HOME/.termcap export TERMCAP eval `tset -s myterm` 2.7. Can I use the mouse with slrn? xterm (and some compatible terminal emulation programs) have a feature called ``mouse reporting'' that slrn can turn on to support using the mouse. To enable this whenever the terminal offers it, put set mouse 1 into your slrnrc file. To force the mouse to be used, startup slrn using the -m command line option - of course, this will not have the desired effect if your terminal really does not have this feature ;-) If you want to know what exactly you can do with the mouse, please see the entry on the variable mouse in the reference manual. 2.8. How can I rotate signatures in slrn? There are different ways to do this - chose one: The easiest way is probably to call a sig rotation program in the post_editor_command in your slrnrc file. In the following example, the program fortune is called and its output gets written to ~/.signature. After that, the editor jed is called: set post_editor_command "fortune -s > ~/.signature; jed '%s' -g %d -tmp" If you want to chose the signature depending on the group you are posting to, you can set the config variable signature using a macro; in the following example, .signature.german gets selected for all newsgroups in de.* and .signature.english gets selected for any other group. Call this macro from post_hook and article_mode_hook to switch the signature automatically. define set_signature () { variable signature_file = ".signature.english"; if (0 == strncmp (current_newsgroup(), "de.", 3)) signature_file = ".signature.german"; set_string_variable ("signature", signature_file); } If you want more sophisticated per-group settings, I recommend the macro from Emanuele Bassi's slrn page. Note: slrn itself does not have an option to execute a program and use its output as the signature. Such an option would require piping, which is not available on all platforms. If you're on a Unix-like system and still want to use pipes, you can make ~/.signature a named pipe and attach a daemon sig randomizer to it. Various programs that do this are available on the net - one example is the program autosig . 3. Usage 3.1. What is a prefix argument? Many key-bindings accept prefix arguments. A prefix argument is a number that is generated prior to a key sequence and is used as a way of controlling the behavior of that key sequence. It is generated by pressing the ``ESC'' key and then pressing the keys that correspond to the number. For example, to generate a prefix argument of 314, simply press the 4 keys: ``ESC 3 1 4''. Some functions use such arguments as repeat factors. That is, the function bound to the key sequence that they modify will be repeated the number of times specified by the prefix argument. Other functions may simply use it as a way of slightly modifying the behavior of the function. For example, if 1 is used as a prefix argument for the ``followup'' function, the original article's headers will be included in the followup message; if 2 is used, the article also does not get modified (i.e. slrn does not insert quoting characters and neither attaches nor strips signatures). Without a prefix argument, you get a ``regular'' followup without the original article's headers. 3.2. Treatment of read articles By default, slrn does not display articles that were previously marked as read. In most cases, this makes entering groups a lot faster, especially as slrn currently does not cache the headers locally and thus would have to download all the header information from the server again, each time you enter a group. At first, most people who are used to a newsreader that always shows all available messages are often disappointed by this. After some time, they might find that slrn's default way of doing things allows them to read their news efficiently, because it keeps their mind on articles they did not yet deal with. However, others still prefer to see everything and even if you don't, you still need to re-read an old article now and then. The following questions deal with these cases: 3.2.1. How can I never mark articles as read? There is an option for it - you just need to set auto_mark_article_as_read to 0 in your slrnrc file. In most cases, you will find that this is not what you really wanted to do, as it will make it difficult to find the ``new'' articles (i.e. the ones you did not yet read), so you might want to consider the answers to the following questions. 3.2.2. How can I get slrn to show both read and unread articles? If you want to see all articles in a group (read and unread ones), simply set a ``prefix argument'' before entering a newsgroup. Using the default bindings, you can do this by pressing ESC 1 RETURN in group mode. There are variations of this; the online help or the manual will tell you more about them. If you always want to enter groups that way, pressing three keys instead of one is annoying. You can avoid this using a special keybinding in your slrnrc file. Here is an example: setkey group "set_prefix_argument(4); () = select_group();" " " With this line, pressing SPACE in group mode will enter the selected group with four as the prefix argument. However, you might find it sufficient to make use of the following ways to display specific articles that were previously marked as read: 3.2.3. How can I retrieve read articles from the same thread? If you want to read the ``parent'' of the article you are currently reading (e.g. because the author did not quote enough material to understand his message), ESC p will attempt to find it, using the ``References'' header line. It is also possible to find all ``children'' of a given article using ESC Ctrl-P (note that this does not work with all servers) and, using a recursive combination of both, to reconstruct the entire thread tree. This is done by pressing either ESC 1 ESC p or ESC 2 ESC p - the second alternative can be much faster, but the first is more likely to find all articles even if some articles contain incomplete ``References''. 3.2.4. How can I retrieve other read articles? You can locate any article if it is available on your server and you know its Message-Id. Pressing ESC l will produce the necessary prompt. 3.2.5. I want to see full threads as soon as they contain at least one unread article. Can slrn do this? This is currently not implemented, although it should be possible to achieve such an effect using a macro. For many, this behaviour would be a useful compromise between the two extremes of seeing all messages and seeing unread ones only, so this feature might be added in a future version of slrn. 3.3. Handling of binary postings slrn is primarily designed as a newsreader (i.e. for reading and processing text messages); it is not a dedicated agent for downloading and decoding binary postings from Usenet. However, there is some basic functionality for decoding binary postings and there are some ways to make handling them a bit more convenient: 3.3.1. How do I uudecode articles? Fortunately, the easiest way is also the most efficient. Basically this involves using the `#' key to numerically tag articles that you want to decode and then the `:' key to start the decode process. The only restriction is that multi-part uuencoded articles must be tagged in their proper order (see the next question if you think this is too much trouble). There is no need to uudecode one article at a time. Simply mark everything that you would like to decode and then press `:'. Here is an actual example taken from - 9:[Mike In Indy] Kaboom! - kaboom.gif (0/1) - 3078:[Mike In Indy] Kaboom! - kaboom.gif (1/1) - 23:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif (0/7) - 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (5/7) - 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (3/7) - 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (4/7) - 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (6/7) - 244:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (7/7) - 434:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (1/7) - 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (2/7) - 16:[Paul Carlson] My Halloween Fractal - devil.gif (0/1) - 4310:[Paul Carlson] My Halloween Fractal - devil.gif (1/1) As you can see, 3 files have been posted: kaboom.gif, lucifer.gif, and devil.gif (At the time of this writing, it is Halloween weekend). Both kaboom.gif and devel.gif are single part files whereas lucifer.gif is a seven part series. Since lucifer.gif is displayed out of order, care must be exercised when tagging it (slrn will sort threads by subject and in this case the poster used an inconsistent subject format--- usually, sorting will result in the correct ordering). Assuming that we wish to decode these three gif images, the `#' key will be used to tag them. The result of using the `#' key is shown below: - 9:[Mike In Indy] Kaboom! - kaboom.gif (0/1) 1- 3078:[Mike In Indy] Kaboom! - kaboom.gif (1/1) - 23:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif (0/7) 6- 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (5/7) 4- 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (3/7) 5- 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (4/7) 7- 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (6/7) 8- 244:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (7/7) 2- 434:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (1/7) 3- 433:[Gumbycat ] lucifer.gif - for Halloween (2/7) - 16:[Paul Carlson] My Halloween Fractal - devil.gif (0/1) 9- 4310:[Paul Carlson] My Halloween Fractal - devil.gif (1/1) Now 9 headers have been numerically tagged. To decode these, simply press the `:' key. slrn will prompt for a filename to save the articles to and after saving, it will prompt to go ahead and decode. The decoded files will be placed in the directory specified by the `decode_directory' variable that one can set in the slrnrc file. The end result is that after tagging with the `#' key, one presses `:' and hits return twice. To un-tag articles, press `ESC #'. 3.3.2. What are the advantages of using uudeview? slrn can be linked against the uudeview library; in this case, it will use the library functions to decode uuencoded articles. Unlike slrn's internal routines, uudeview is usually able to decode multipart messages even if you did not tag them in the correct order. Another advantage of (current versions of) uudeview is that it supports yEnc (see next question for details). A disadvantage is that it needs a lot more memory for decoding than slrn. I got reports that uudeview decoded files for which slrn's code failed (and vice versa), so if you run into problems with a particular binary posting, it might be worth trying both - to allow this, there is the config variable use_uudeview which can be set to zero in case you have uudeview support compiled in, but want to use the builtin code nonetheless. To link against uudeview, you need to have the library installed on your system; one way to get it is its homepage at . You also need to pass --with-uudeview to the configure script when building slrn (on Unix- like systems). If you did not compile your copy of slrn yourself, you can still find out whether it has uudeview support by looking for a `+' sign in front of ``uudeview'' in the output of slrn --version. 3.3.3. What about yEnc? yEnc is a way to encode binaries that makes use of 8bit characters, thus creating less overhead than the traditional uuencode and base64 methods. For this reason, it becomes increasingly popular in certain binary groups. slrn does not have builtin support for yEnc: One reason for this is that I do not need this feature myself and so far, no patches for it have been contributed; besides, yEnc is still under development and still has some drawbacks which I'd like to see solved first. However, there already are two ways to decode such messages: Prior to, slrn would corrupt some yEnc-encoded postings (by removing backspace-letter combinations traditionally used for formatting text messages). As this code has now been removed, you can pipe yEnc-encoded messages to external decoding programs from slrn; if you want to decode them from within slrn, you can link against a current version of uudeview, which now also supports yEnc (see previous question for details on this). However, uudeview sometimes generates ``no data found'' error messages when dealing with yEnc- encoded postings (even if it does decode them correctly); if you want to avoid them, you need at least version of slrn, which simply ignores them. 3.3.4. Can I put multipart binary postings into one thread? That option has been added in slrn To use it, you need to define a macro that can compare two subjects and tell slrn whether or not they should be put into the same thread. An implementation of such a macro that should work for most cases and can serve as a starting point for your own experiments can be found in macros/ in the source distribution. 3.4. How can I mark cross-posts as read in other groups as well? For slrn to mark an article as read in more than one group, it needs information about what groups the article was cross-posted to. This information is provided by the Xref header. Not all servers provide this header so this feature will not work with those servers. Now suppose that your server provides the Xref header as one of the headers of the article and at the same time, provides support for the NOV database (via the XOVER NNTP command). In this case, unless the server has been configured to provide the Xref header as part of the NOV database, slrn will not be able to get the header without accessing the article. Unfortunately, Xref is optional under NOV so many systems do not automatically provide it even though it is one of the recommended headers. To summarize, make sure that your server provides the Xref header AND if it supports NOV, make sure that the Xref header is part of the NOV database. 3.5. Why doesn't the `L' command work as advertised? Capital ``L'' lists all un-subscribed groups that slrn knows about. Slrn gets this information through one of three sources. It tries the following in order and stops when one is successful: 1. From the server via the active file. It only does this if the line ``set read_active 1'' is in your slrnrc file. By default, slrn does not read the active file. 2. By querying the server using the LIST ACTIVE NNTP command with a wildmat argument. Please note that not all servers support this kind of query. 3. From the groups listed in your newsrc file. In that case, the ``L'' command will only list unsubscribed groups that are present in this file. The last one always succeeds with results that may be less than desirable. If you have a fast network connection to your server, simply put set read_active 1 in your slrnrc file. If you do not want slrn to read the active file because your connection is slow, see whether or not your server supports LIST ACTIVE with a wildmat argument. As a last resort, try to keep a full list of newsgroups in your newsrc file. 3.6. How do I cross-post an article? There are two ways: 1. When slrn prompts for a newsgroup, simply specify a comma-separated list of newsgroups. Do not use spaces! 2. Edit the ``Newsgroups'' header line when editing the message. Again, the list of newsgroups must be comma separated with no whitespace. Also make sure that you do not wrap this line. 3.7. How do I use the mouse in an XTerm to copy/paste? If mouse reporting is turned on (via the -m command line switch or the mouse config variable), you need to hold down the shift key to mark text for copy/paste. 3.8. How can I sort the list of newsgroups? Depending on what exactly you want to do, there are different possibilities: First of all, you can use the interactive move_group command (by default bound to m) to move a single newsgroup to a different position. Before doing this, I recommend you display all subscribed groups (using toggle_hidden, usually bound to l, if necessary) so you won't be surprised by the result. However, if you want to sort all groups alphabetically, you don't have to do this manually. slrn comes with a simple macro that does the job for you ( and you can find a more sophisticated one on the macro page of J.B. Nicholson-Owens. On Unix-like systems, you can also use the sort command to sort your newsrc file (do this while slrn is not running). For example, if you use .jnewsrc as your newsrc file: sort .jnewsrc > .jnewsrc-sorted mv .jnewsrc-sorted .jnewsrc Note: Simply doing sort -o .jnewsrc .jnewsrc may or may not work depending on your version of sort. 4. Scoring 4.1. What is scoring? Scoring is a method to give articles a score based on user defined rules. The idea behind this is to give articles with a high score a higher priority while articles with a low score (less than zero) are marked as read. When entering a group, all articles are given a score of ``0''. Then the list of scoring rules, the ``score file'', is applied to each article. The score file might give articles from ``John Doe'' a higher score, while articles with the word ``Gnus'' in their subjects get a negative score. In the end, threads with high-score articles appear at the top of your screen and can be read before other, possibly less interesting, articles. 4.2. How can I killfile with Slrn? Slrn has no killfile. The same effect can be achieved with its score file, however. Assigning a particularly low score will do the trick: [] Score: =-9999 % I'm not interested in articles on gnus Subject: gnus In this example, all postings in that have the substring ``gnus'' in their subjects are assigned a negative score. The equal sign before the score value tells slrn to assign the score -9999 and to skip all other tests for the affected article; otherwise, the score would be added to the score value of all previous matching rules and subsequent rules could increase the score again. If the score of an article is equal to or less than kill_score (which happens to be -9999 if you didn't change it), the article does not even get displayed, so the above scoring rule effectively killfiles all articles that have ``gnus'' in their subject line. 4.3. How do I set up slrn to read a score file? In order for slrn to read a score file, it must know the name of the score file. This is specified by putting the appropriate line in your slrnrc file. For example, if the name of the score file is ``Score'' and it is located in the News subdirectory, then add the line: set scorefile "News/Score" to your slrnrc file. 4.4. What is the format of an slrn score file? The format of slrn's score files is described in the file score.txt which is part of the documentation that comes with the source package. That file also contains some examples. 4.5. Where can I get a full description of slrn's regular expres- sions? slrn makes use of the regexp engine built into the slang programmer's library. Thus, a full description of the regexp syntax that can be used in slrn's scorefiles can be found in the documentation of slang. In version 1.4.4, this is chapter 18 of the file slang.txt (also available online ). Please note that in slrn, the default is \C (case insensitive), not \c. 4.6. How can I test whether my regular expressions do what I expect them to do? The grep-like utility rgrep that comes with the editor jed uses the same regexp engine as slrn, so you can use it. Alternatively, Matthias Friedrich wrote a small program that can be used to make such tests. He posted the source to (Message-ID is ); you can get the article from google groups . 4.7. Is there an easy way to watch or kill threads / authors? Editing the scorefile and adding entries manually can become quite time consuming if you want to score on threads or authors regularly. The interactive command create_score (default binding is 'K' in article mode) makes it easy to create a new scorefile entry based on the currently selected article. If you want to watch or kill subthreads via a single keystroke, you may like the ``one-key scoring macro'' that's available from the macro section of slrn's homepage. 4.8. Do I need to remove expired entries from my score file manually? Using the Expires: keyword, you can specify that a certain scoring rule should only be valid until a given date. After that, slrn ignores it and will warn you on startup, but does not remove the entry from the score file. If you often use this keyword, expired entries will clutter up your scorefile and make it difficult to read. Fortunately, Felix Schueller wrote a perl script called cleanscore that can remove expired entries from your score file automatically for you. On Unix-like systems, it can even be called as a cron job, so you don't need to worry about expired entries at all. cleanscore is included in the contrib directory of slrn's source distribution and has its own web page . 4.9. How do I score on a specific subject, e.g., ``test'' messages? The most simple version is Score: -9999 Subject: test This matches all subjects which contain the substring ``test'' case insensitively. The above matches ``test'', ``TEST'', ``teSt'',``Kerneltest'', ``protesting'', etc. In order to limit this to all subjects containing the word ``test'' rather than the substring use this: Score: -9999 Subject: \ The following will score postings which subject is exactly ``test'': Score: -9999 Subject: ^test$ Finally, a score entry that filters all test-postings to non-test groups: [~*.test] Score: -9999 Subject: ^test$ 4.10. How do I score postings from a specific person? The following rule Score: -9999 From: name@who\.knows\.where assigns a score of -9999 to the person with the mail address ``name@who.knows.where''. 4.11. How do I score articles from a specific site? Score: -9999 From: @who\.knows\.where will give a score of -9999 to a From line that contains ``@who.knows.where''. An alternative would be to score on the Message- ID header field. 4.12. How do I score followups? We're assuming that a followup contains a subject starting with ``Re:'' and/or has a references header. To assign a score of -9999 to such an article use: Score:: -9999 Subject: ^Re: References: . Note the use of the double colon following the score keyword. This indicates that the score is an OR type expression. This means that the above score will pick out articles with subjects that begin with `Re:' OR have a references line (OR both). To score articles that have both a subject starting with ``Re:'' and a ``References'' header, use the single colon form: Score: -9999 Subject: ^Re: References: . Single colon forms are AND expressions. 4.13. Is it possible to score followups to my own postings? Scoring followups to your own postings is quite easy if slrn generates the Message-IDs of your articles (see the question on ``generating Message-IDs'' for details). In this case, all you have to do is looking for username@your.hosts.fqdn in the `References:' header line. Of course, you need to replace username and your.hosts.fqdn with the strings that are correct for your setup - if in doubt, look at the Message-ID of one of your own articles to find out. Score: 1000 References: username@your\.hosts\.fqdn> Note that this will catch articles that reference one of your articles directly or indirectly (e.g. a followup to a followup to your posting). If you only want to score direct followups, make sure to check the last ID in the `References:' header only (note the trailing dollar sign): Score: 1000 References: username@your\.hosts\.fqdn>$ 4.14. How do I kill cross posts from a specific group? You have two choices: either use the ``Xref'' header or the ``Newsgroups'' header. If possible, you should avoid the ``Newsgroups'' header in your score files, as it is usually not included in the NOV (news overview) data, so retrieving it requires extra server communication that may slow down scoring (and thus entering groups) significantly. So if your server provides ``Xref'' headers, use them. Assume that you want to score any article that was cross-posted to an ``astrology'' newsgroup. Then use one of the following forms: Score: -9999 Xref: astrology Score: -9999 Newsgroups: astrology To say it again, the latter version is usually much slower. 4.15. How do I score all cross-posts? Like the previous answer you have two choices: to use the ``Xref'' header (preferred) or the ``Newsgroups'' header. The first choice uses the fact that a cross-posted article will have two colons in the ``Xref'' header field. So, use a score of the form: Score: -9999 Xref: :.*: If you do not have the option of using the ``Xref'' header, use: Score: -9999 Newsgroups: , However, you may want to tolerate cross-posts if a Followup-To header is set. The following rule scores articles that are cross-posted into many groups (e.g. more than 2) and have no Followup-To header (note that this rule is ``expensive'', as usually neither Newsgroups nor Followup-To are included in the NOV data). Score: -9999 Newsgroups: ,.*, ~Followup-To: . 4.16. How do I make it so I read only posts from a specific person? The answer is simple: kill posts by everyone else. Assume that you want to read only posts by someone whose From line contains: ``''. Then use a score of the form: Score: -9999 ~From: someone@i\.like Note the use of the NOT indicator (~). 4.17. How do I score articles that have no ``References'' line but whose ``Subject'' line starts with ``Re:''? Define a score based on the ``References'' header and the ``Subject'' headers, e.g., Score: -9999 ~References: . Subject: ^Re: Here the ``References'' line simply says that the article must not have a ``References'' header. The subject header uses a regular expression that says ``Re:'' must occur at the beginning of the subject. This will match the strings "Re:", "re:", "rE:", and "RE:". To match only "Re:", use the regular expression Subject: ^\cRe: Here, ``\c'' turns on case-sensitivity. To turn it off (which is the default), use ``\C''. 4.18. How do I score subjects that contain only uppercase characters? Use something like: Score: -9999 ~Subject: \c[a-z] This will assign a score of -9999 to any article whose subject header does not contain a lowercase character. If you also want to kill followups to such articles use: Score: -9999 Subject: ^Re: \c[^a-z]*$ ~Subject: ^Re: * The last one says that the article will be killed if the subject satisfies the two conditions: 1. It begins with "Re: " and the rest of the line does not contain a lowercase character. 2. It does not begin with "Re: ", followed by blanks only. The last constraint is necessary to avoid killing articles that are followups to articles with an empty subject line. Of course, one might want to kill such articles as well. 4.19. How can I filter people without a realname? Some people dislike posters who don't post under their full real name. Of course, slrn has no way of knowing whether a given name is a real name or not; however, a name that does not contain a space is most probably not a full real name, so a commonly used rule is to check for the 'From:' header to contain at least two spaces (one inside the name and one between the name and the address), separated by non-blank characters: [*] Score: -9999 ~From: [ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+ 5. slrnpull 5.1. What is slrnpull? slrnpull is a program that pulls a small newsfeed from an NNTP server and saves it to a local spool. slrn can subsequently read from this spool without needing to contact the server, so you can use both programs together to read your news offline (e.g. because you pay for your Internet connection by the second). Since version, slrnpull optionally allows you to pull only the article headers first, mark those you are interested in for download inside of slrn and get only the marked article bodies later. This can reduce download cost and disk space for groups in which you only want to read a small percentage of all articles. If you are interested in this functionality, please read slrnpull/README.offline. 5.2. Why can't I post when using slrnpull? In order to post an article via slrnpull, slrn needs to place the article in slrnpull's out.going directory. Two things are necessary for this to happen: First of all, slrn must know that you are using the slrnpull out.going directory for posts. Make sure the line set use_slrnpull 1 is in your slrnrc file. This indicates to slrn that the news spool is an slrnpull news spool. The second point is, you must have write permission to the out.going directory in order for slrn to place your article in that directory. The permissions may be changed via the Unix command: chmod ugo+rwxt out.going Do not put this in your slrnrc file! 5.3. How do I get a full list of newsgroups? You will have to go online for that. Run slrn as follows: slrn --nntp -h YOUR.NEWS.SERVER -a -f groups.dat --create This will start slrn and download the groups and put them in the file groups.dat. Before actually doing this, modify your slrnrc file to make sure write_newsrc_flags has its default setting set write_newsrc_flags 0 so that all groups will be written out to groups.dat. 6. I found a bug in slrn!!! First, please check whether the bug you discovered is already discussed here: 6.1. slrn hangs infinitely when I press the delete key This is a known bug; however, it's not a problem in slrn, so I cannot fix it. slrn uses a library called slang for its screen input/output and some Linux distributions (including RedHat) patch that library to get Unicode support. Unfortunately, the patch they use makes slang unstable. To get rid of this program, you can get the vanilla slang sources from the public FTP space of its author, John E. Davis and compile them yourself. However, simply deinstalling the slang package that came with your distribution and replacing it with your own version might break dependencies in your system's package management - even if you build your own RPM package: Some packages explicitly depend on the patched version! For this reason, you may have to install the unpatched version in a different directory than the patched one that came with your distro, e.g. in /usr/local/. To make sure slrn uses the right one, point the configure script to it using --with-slang-library=/path/to/lib and --with-slang-includes=/path/to/includes. Additionally, you either need to specify --enable-hardcode-libs or point the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the library path when running slrn. If you experience such a problem, please also report it as a bug to your distributor, so we will hopefully see no more broken slang packages in the future. For RedHat, I got a report that it already got fixed in version 8. Also, slang 2.0 will officially include Unicode support, so by the time it is out and slrn supports it, these kinds of problems will hopefully be gone for good. 6.2. The bug I found is not listed here. What do I do now? The bug might already be fixed, so please consider upgrading to the latest release of slrn or at least check whether the problem is listed in the current changes file . If I already wrote a patch for it, it is available at , so you should look at that page, too. If you find that the bug is still unreported, send me a bug report ( Please give a detailed description of what you did, how you expected slrn to behave and what slrn did instead; also include the exact error messages (in case you got any) and information I might need to reproduce the bug or that might make it easier to find it, such as o Which actions make the bug appear o The output of ``slrn --version'' o If a certain article caused the problem, the Message-ID of that article (or even the article itself, if it is not too long) o Details of your configuration that might be relevant, like config files (after deleting personal data like passwords) 6.2.1. Some additional notes for the advanced user If you have an idea what piece of code is causing the bug and how to fix it, comments on this (or even a patch) are of course welcome, too. If you think the problem might be on the server side, the command line switch --debug can be used to log the dialog with the server to a file. Note that the resulting file may become quite large and may contain your password! Keep this in mind when attaching it to bug reports: Delete personal data, shorten it to the significant portion (if you have some basic knowledge about NNTP) or use bzip2 and ask before sending large session transcripts. If slrn crashes (i.e. gets terminated because of a segmentation fault), it may also be helpful if you can provide a stack backtrace. If you're willing to do this, try the following steps to get one (assuming you use a Unix-like environment and have script and gdb installed): At the command line, type: script gdb slrn Then, at the prompt of gdb, type: run [command line arguments here] [do whatever leads to the crash here] bt quit Finally, type exit to leave the shell opened by script. This should have lead to a file called typescript; please include the portion of it that starts with (gdb) bt in your bug report. 7. About this document The latest version of this FAQ is available at slrn's homepage . 7.1. History 2004-10-04: Revision 1.2 Added a note on the version numbering. 2003-08-25: Revision 1.1 Minor corrections before the release of 2003-08-19: Revision 1.0 The first version of this FAQ documents slrn It merges the three files FAQ, SCORE_FAQ and slrnpull/FAQ written by John E. Davis. Matthias Friedrich and Thomas Schultz updated the existing entries and wrote some new ones.