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10. Message and Error Functions

10.1 errno


Error code set by system functions


Int_Type errno


A system function can fail for a variety of reasons. For example, a file operation may fail because lack of disk space, or the process does not have permission to perform the operation. Such functions will return -1 and set the variable errno to an error code describing the reason for failure.

Particular values of errno may be specified by the following symbolic constants (read-only variables) and the corresponding errno_string value:

     EPERM            "Not owner"
     ENOENT           "No such file or directory"
     ESRCH            "No such process"
     ENXIO            "No such device or address"
     ENOEXEC          "Exec format error"
     EBADF            "Bad file number"
     ECHILD           "No children"
     ENOMEM           "Not enough core"
     EACCES           "Permission denied"
     EFAULT           "Bad address"
     ENOTBLK          "Block device required"
     EBUSY            "Mount device busy"
     EEXIST           "File exists"
     EXDEV            "Cross-device link"
     ENODEV           "No such device"
     ENOTDIR          "Not a directory"
     EISDIR           "Is a directory"
     EINVAL           "Invalid argument"
     ENFILE           "File table overflow"
     EMFILE           "Too many open files"
     ENOTTY           "Not a typewriter"
     ETXTBSY          "Text file busy"
     EFBIG            "File too large"
     ENOSPC           "No space left on device"
     ESPIPE           "Illegal seek"
     EROFS            "Read-only file system"
     EMLINK           "Too many links"
     EPIPE            "Broken pipe"
     ELOOP            "Too many levels of symbolic links"
     ENAMETOOLONG     "File name too long"


The mkdir function will attempt to create a directory. If that directory already exists, the function will fail and set errno to EEXIST.

    define create_dir (dir)
       if (0 == mkdir (dir)) return;
       if (errno != EEXIST)
         throw IOError, sprintf ("mkdir %s failed: %s", 
                                  dir, errno_string (errno));

See Also

errno_string, error, mkdir

10.2 errno_string


Return a string describing an errno.


String_Type errno_string ( [Int_Type err ])


The errno_string function returns a string describing the integer errno code err. If the err parameter is omitted, the current value of errno will be used. See the description for errno for more information.


The errno_string function may be used as follows:

    define sizeof_file (file)
       variable st = stat_file (file);
       if (st == NULL)
         throw IOError, sprintf ("%s: %s", file, errno_string (errno));
       return st.st_size;

See Also

errno, stat_file

10.3 error


Generate an error condition (deprecated)


error (String_Type msg


This function has been deprecated in favor of throw.

The error function generates a S-Lang RunTimeError exception. It takes a single string parameter which is displayed on the stderr output device.


    define add_txt_extension (file)
       if (typeof (file) != String_Type)
         error ("add_extension: parameter must be a string");
       file += ".txt";
       return file;

See Also

verror, message

10.4 message


Print a string onto the message device


message (String_Type s


The message function will print the string specified by s onto the message device.


     define print_current_time ()
       message (time ());


The message device will depend upon the application. For example, the output message device for the jed editor corresponds to the line at the bottom of the display window. The default message device is the standard output device.

See Also

vmessage, sprintf, error

10.5 new_exception


Create a new exception


new_exception (String_Type name, Int_Type baseclass, String_Type descr)


This function creates a new exception called name subclassed upon baseclass. The description of the exception is specified by descr.


  new_exception ("MyError", RunTimeError, "My very own error");
       if (something_is_wrong ())
         throw MyError;
  catch RunTimeError;
In this case, catching RunTimeError will also catch MyError since it is a subclass of RunTimeError.

See Also

error, verror

10.6 usage


Generate a usage error


usage (String_Type msg)


The usage function generates a UsageError exception and displays msg to the message device.


Suppose that a function called plot plots an array of x and y values. Then such a function could be written to issue a usage message if the wrong number of arguments was passed:

    define plot ()
       variable x, y;

       if (_NARGS != 2)
         usage ("plot (x, y)");

       (x, y) = ();
       % Now do the hard part

See Also

error, message

10.7 verror


Generate an error condition (deprecated)


verror (String_Type fmt, ...)


This function has been deprecated in favor or throw.

The verror function performs the same role as the error function. The only difference is that instead of a single string argument, verror takes a sprintf style argument list.


    define open_file (file)
       variable fp;

       fp = fopen (file, "r");
       if (fp == NULL) verror ("Unable to open %s", file);
       return fp;


In the current implementation, the verror function is not an intrinsic function. Rather it is a predefined S-Lang function using a combination of sprintf and error.

To generate a specific exception, a throw statement should be used. In fact, a throw statement such as:

     if (fp == NULL) 
       throw OpenError, "Unable to open $file"$;
is preferable to the use of verror in the above example.

See Also

error, Sprintf, vmessage

10.8 vmessage


Print a formatted string onto the message device


vmessage (String_Type fmt, ...)


The vmessage function formats a sprintf style argument list and displays the resulting string onto the message device.


In the current implementation, the vmessage function is not an intrinsic function. Rather it is a predefined S-Lang function using a combination of Sprintf and message.

See Also

message, sprintf, Sprintf, verror

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