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17. Modules

17.1 Introduction

A module is a shared object that may be dynamically linked into the interpreter at run-time to provide the interpreter with additional intrinsic functions and variables. Several modules are distributed with the stock version of the S-Lang library, including a pcre module that allows the interpreter to make use of the Perl Compatible Regular Expression library, and a png module that allows the interpreter to easily read and write PNG files. There are also a number of modules for the interpreter that are not distributed with the library. See for links to some of those.

17.2 Using Modules

In order to make use of a module, it must first be ``imported'' into the interpreter. There are two ways to go about this. One is to use the import function to dynamically link-in the specfied module, e.g.,

    import ("pcre");
will dynamically link to the pcre module and make its symbols available to the interpreter using the active namespace. However, this is not the preferred method for loading a module.

Module writers are encouraged to distribute a module with a file of S-Lang code that performs the actual import of the module. Rather than a user making direct use of the import function, the preferred method of loading the modules is to load that file instead. For example the pcre module is distributed with a file called that contains little more than the import("pcre") statement. To use the pcre module, load, e.g.,

    require ("pcre");

The main advantage of this approach to loading a module is that the functionality provided by the module may be split between intrinsic functions in the module proper, and interpreted functions contained in the .sl file. In such a case, loading the module via import would only provide partial functionality. The png module provides a simple example of this concept. The current version of the png module consists of a couple intrinsic functions (png_read and png_write) contained in the shared object (, and a number of other interpreted S-Lang functions defined in Using the import statement to load the module would miss the latter set of functions.

In some cases, the symbols in a module may conflict with symbols that are currently defined by the interpreter. In order to avoid the conflict, it may be necessary to load the module into its own namespace and access its symbols via the namespace prefix. For example, the GNU Scientific Library Special Function module, gslsf, defines a couple hundred functions, some with common names such as zeta. In order to avoid any conflict, it is recommended that the symbols from such a module be imported into a separate namespace. This may be accomplished by specifying the namespace as a second argument to the require function, e.g.,

    require ("gslsf", "gsl");
    y = gsl->zeta(x);
This form requires that the module's symbols be accessed via the namespace qualifier "gsl->".

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