/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/qdir.cpp 3.3.6 edited Aug 31 2005 $ ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include "../dirview/dirview.h" #include "qdir.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* XPM */ static const char *bookmarks[]={ "22 14 8 1", "# c #000080", "a c #585858", "b c #000000", "c c #ffffff", "d c #ffffff", "e c #ffffff", "f c #000000", ". c None", "...bb.................", "..bacb....bbb.........", "..badcb.bbccbab.......", "..bacccbadccbab.......", "..baecdbcccdbab.......", "..bacccbacccbab.......", "..badcdbcecdfab.......", "..bacecbacccbab.......", "..baccdbcccdbab.......", "...badcbacdbbab.......", "....bacbcbbccab.......", ".....babbaaaaab.......", ".....bbabbbbbbb.......", "......bb.............." }; /* XPM */ static const char *home[]={ "16 15 4 1", "# c #000000", "a c #ffffff", "b c #c0c0c0", ". c None", ".......##.......", "..#...####......", "..#..#aabb#.....", "..#.#aaaabb#....", "..##aaaaaabb#...", "..#aaaaaaaabb#..", ".#aaaaaaaaabbb#.", "###aaaaaaaabb###", "..#aaaaaaaabb#..", "..#aaa###aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#aaa#.#aabb#..", "..#####.######.." }; // **************************************************************************************************** PixmapView::PixmapView( QWidget *parent ) : QScrollView( parent ) { viewport()->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); } void PixmapView::setPixmap( const QPixmap &pix ) { pixmap = pix; resizeContents( pixmap.size().width(), pixmap.size().height() ); viewport()->repaint( FALSE ); } void PixmapView::drawContents( QPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) { p->fillRect( cx, cy, cw, ch, colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Base ) ); p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, pixmap ); } // **************************************************************************************************** Preview::Preview( QWidget *parent ) : QWidgetStack( parent ) { normalText = new QMultiLineEdit( this ); normalText->setReadOnly( TRUE ); html = new QTextView( this ); pixmap = new PixmapView( this ); raiseWidget( normalText ); } void Preview::showPreview( const QUrl &u, int size ) { if ( u.isLocalFile() ) { QString path = u.path(); QFileInfo fi( path ); if ( fi.isFile() && (int)fi.size() > size * 1000 ) { normalText->setText( tr( "The File\n%1\nis too large, so I don't show it!" ).arg( path ) ); raiseWidget( normalText ); return; } QPixmap pix( path ); if ( pix.isNull() ) { if ( fi.isFile() ) { QFile f( path ); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream ts( &f ); QString text = ts.read(); f.close(); if ( fi.extension().lower().contains( "htm" ) ) { QString url = html->mimeSourceFactory()->makeAbsolute( path, html->context() ); html->setText( text, url ); raiseWidget( html ); return; } else { normalText->setText( text ); raiseWidget( normalText ); return; } } } normalText->setText( QString::null ); raiseWidget( normalText ); } else { pixmap->setPixmap( pix ); raiseWidget( pixmap ); } } else { normalText->setText( "I only show local files!" ); raiseWidget( normalText ); } } // **************************************************************************************************** PreviewWidget::PreviewWidget( QWidget *parent ) : QVBox( parent ), QFilePreview() { setSpacing( 5 ); setMargin( 5 ); QHBox *row = new QHBox( this ); row->setSpacing( 5 ); (void)new QLabel( tr( "Only show files smaller than: " ), row ); sizeSpinBox = new QSpinBox( 1, 10000, 1, row ); sizeSpinBox->setSuffix( " KB" ); sizeSpinBox->setValue( 64 ); row->setFixedHeight( 10 + sizeSpinBox->sizeHint().height() ); preview = new Preview( this ); } void PreviewWidget::previewUrl( const QUrl &u ) { preview->showPreview( u, sizeSpinBox->value() ); } // **************************************************************************************************** CustomFileDialog::CustomFileDialog() : QFileDialog( 0, 0, TRUE ) { setDir( "/" ); dirView = new DirectoryView( this, 0, TRUE ); dirView->addColumn( "" ); dirView->header()->hide(); ::Directory *root = new ::Directory( dirView, "/" ); root->setOpen( TRUE ); dirView->setFixedWidth( 150 ); addLeftWidget( dirView ); QPushButton *p = new QPushButton( this ); p->setPixmap( QPixmap( bookmarks ) ); QToolTip::add( p, tr( "Bookmarks" ) ); bookmarkMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); connect( bookmarkMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( bookmarkChosen( int ) ) ); addId = bookmarkMenu->insertItem( tr( "Add bookmark" ) ); bookmarkMenu->insertSeparator(); QFile f( ".bookmarks" ); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QDataStream ds( &f ); ds >> bookmarkList; f.close(); QStringList::Iterator it = bookmarkList.begin(); for ( ; it != bookmarkList.end(); ++it ) { bookmarkMenu->insertItem( *it ); } } p->setPopup( bookmarkMenu ); addToolButton( p, TRUE ); connect( dirView, SIGNAL( folderSelected( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( setDir2( const QString & ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( dirEntered( const QString & ) ), dirView, SLOT( setDir( const QString & ) ) ); QToolButton *b = new QToolButton( this ); QToolTip::add( b, tr( "Go Home!" ) ); b->setPixmap( QPixmap( home ) ); connect( b, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( goHome() ) ); addToolButton( b ); resize( width() + width() / 3, height() ); } CustomFileDialog::~CustomFileDialog() { if ( !bookmarkList.isEmpty() ) { QFile f( ".bookmarks" ); if ( f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { QDataStream ds( &f ); ds << bookmarkList; f.close(); } } } void CustomFileDialog::setDir2( const QString &s ) { blockSignals( TRUE ); setDir( s ); blockSignals( FALSE ); } void CustomFileDialog::showEvent( QShowEvent *e ) { QFileDialog::showEvent( e ); dirView->setDir( dirPath() ); } void CustomFileDialog::bookmarkChosen( int i ) { if ( i == addId ) { bookmarkList << dirPath(); bookmarkMenu->insertItem( dirPath() ); } else { setDir( bookmarkMenu->text( i ) ); } } void CustomFileDialog::goHome() { if ( getenv( "HOME" ) ) setDir( getenv( "HOME" ) ); else setDir( "/" ); } // **************************************************************************************************** int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { QFileDialog::Mode mode = QFileDialog::ExistingFile; QString start; QString filter; QString caption; bool preview = FALSE; bool custom = FALSE; QApplication a( argc, argv ); for (int i=1; i