#ifndef __sovLayerUtil_h__ #define __sovLayerUtil_h__ /* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1996. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ #include #include #include /* Transparent type values */ /* None 0 */ #define TransparentPixel 1 #define TransparentMask 2 /* layered visual info template flags */ #define VisualLayerMask 0x200 #define VisualTransparentType 0x400 #define VisualTransparentValue 0x800 #define VisualAllLayerMask 0xFFF /* layered visual info structure */ typedef struct _sovVisualInfo { XVisualInfo vinfo; int layer; int type; unsigned long value; } sovVisualInfo; /* SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property element */ typedef struct _sovOverlayInfo { long overlay_visual; long transparent_type; long value; long layer; } sovOverlayInfo; extern sovVisualInfo *sovGetVisualInfo( Display *display, long lvinfo_mask, sovVisualInfo *lvinfo_template, int *nitems_return); extern Status sovMatchVisualInfo( Display *display, int screen, int depth, int class, int layer, sovVisualInfo *lvinfo_return); #endif /* __sovLayerUtil_h__ */