/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/textedit.cpp 3.3.6 edited Aug 31 2005 $ ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include "textedit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TextEdit::TextEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, 0 ) { setupFileActions(); setupEditActions(); setupTextActions(); tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); connect( tabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QWidget * ) ), this, SLOT( editorChanged( QWidget * ) ) ); setCentralWidget( tabWidget ); } void TextEdit::setupFileActions() { QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this ); QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&File" ), menu ); QAction *a; a = new QAction( tr( "New" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/filenew.png" ), tr( "&New..." ), CTRL + Key_N, this, "fileNew" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); a = new QAction( tr( "Open" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/fileopen.png" ), tr( "&Open..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileOpen" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileOpen() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/filesave.png" ), tr( "&Save..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); a = new QAction( tr( "Save As" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Save &As..." ), 0, this, "fileSaveAs" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) ); a->addTo( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); a = new QAction( tr( "Print" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/print.png" ), tr( "&Print..." ), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); a = new QAction( tr( "Close" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&Close" ), 0, this, "fileClose" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileClose() ) ); a->addTo( menu ); } void TextEdit::setupEditActions() { QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this ); QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Edit" ), menu ); QAction *a; a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/undo.png" ), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "editUndo" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/redo.png" ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRedo() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/editcut.png" ), tr( "&Cut" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/editcopy.png" ), tr( "C&opy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/editpaste.png" ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) ); a->addTo( tb ); a->addTo( menu ); } void TextEdit::setupTextActions() { QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this ); QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "For&mat" ), menu ); comboStyle = new QComboBox( FALSE, tb ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Standard") ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Bullet List (Disc)") ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Bullet List (Circle)") ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Bullet List (Square)") ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Ordered List (Decimal)") ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Ordered List (Alpha lower)") ); comboStyle->insertItem( tr("Ordered List (Alpha upper)") ); connect( comboStyle, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( textStyle( int ) ) ); comboFont = new QComboBox( TRUE, tb ); QFontDatabase db; comboFont->insertStringList( db.families() ); connect( comboFont, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( textFamily( const QString & ) ) ); comboFont->lineEdit()->setText( QApplication::font().family() ); comboSize = new QComboBox( TRUE, tb ); QValueList sizes = db.standardSizes(); QValueList::Iterator it = sizes.begin(); for ( ; it != sizes.end(); ++it ) comboSize->insertItem( QString::number( *it ) ); connect( comboSize, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( textSize( const QString & ) ) ); comboSize->lineEdit()->setText( QString::number( QApplication::font().pointSize() ) ); actionTextBold = new QAction( tr( "Bold" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textbold.png" ), tr( "&Bold" ), CTRL + Key_B, this, "textBold" ); connect( actionTextBold, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textBold() ) ); actionTextBold->addTo( tb ); actionTextBold->addTo( menu ); actionTextBold->setToggleAction( TRUE ); actionTextItalic = new QAction( tr( "Italic" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textitalic.png" ), tr( "&Italic" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "textItalic" ); connect( actionTextItalic, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textItalic() ) ); actionTextItalic->addTo( tb ); actionTextItalic->addTo( menu ); actionTextItalic->setToggleAction( TRUE ); actionTextUnderline = new QAction( tr( "Underline" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textunderline.png" ), tr( "&Underline" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "textUnderline" ); connect( actionTextUnderline, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textUnderline() ) ); actionTextUnderline->addTo( tb ); actionTextUnderline->addTo( menu ); actionTextUnderline->setToggleAction( TRUE ); menu->insertSeparator(); QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup( this ); grp->setExclusive( TRUE ); connect( grp, SIGNAL( selected( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( textAlign( QAction* ) ) ); actionAlignLeft = new QAction( tr( "Left" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textleft.png" ), tr( "&Left" ), CTRL + Key_L, grp, "textLeft" ); actionAlignLeft->addTo( tb ); actionAlignLeft->addTo( menu ); actionAlignLeft->setToggleAction( TRUE ); actionAlignCenter = new QAction( tr( "Center" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textcenter.png" ), tr( "C&enter" ), CTRL + Key_M, grp, "textCenter" ); actionAlignCenter->addTo( tb ); actionAlignCenter->addTo( menu ); actionAlignCenter->setToggleAction( TRUE ); actionAlignRight = new QAction( tr( "Right" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textright.png" ), tr( "&Right" ), CTRL + Key_R, grp, "textRight" ); actionAlignRight->addTo( tb ); actionAlignRight->addTo( menu ); actionAlignRight->setToggleAction( TRUE ); actionAlignJustify = new QAction( tr( "Justify" ), QPixmap( "textdrawing/textjustify.png" ), tr( "&Justify" ), CTRL + Key_J, grp, "textjustify" ); actionAlignJustify->addTo( tb ); actionAlignJustify->addTo( menu ); actionAlignJustify->setToggleAction( TRUE ); menu->insertSeparator(); QPixmap pix( 16, 16 ); pix.fill( black ); actionTextColor = new QAction( tr( "Color" ), pix, tr( "&Color..." ), 0, this, "textColor" ); connect( actionTextColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textColor() ) ); actionTextColor->addTo( tb ); actionTextColor->addTo( menu ); } void TextEdit::load( const QString &f ) { if ( !QFile::exists( f ) ) return; QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit( tabWidget ); doConnections( edit ); tabWidget->addTab( edit, QFileInfo( f ).fileName() ); QFile fl( f ); fl.open( IO_ReadOnly ); QByteArray array = fl.readAll(); array.resize( array.size() +1 ); array[ (int)array.size() - 1 ] = '\0'; QString text = ( f.find( "bidi.txt" ) != -1 ? QString::fromUtf8( array.data() ) : QString::fromLatin1( array.data() ) ); edit->setText( text ); edit->viewport()->setFocus(); edit->setTextFormat( Qt::RichText ); } QTextEdit *TextEdit::currentEditor() const { if ( tabWidget->currentPage() && tabWidget->currentPage()->inherits( "QTextEdit" ) ) return (QTextEdit*)tabWidget->currentPage(); return 0; } void TextEdit::doConnections( QTextEdit *e ) { connect( e, SIGNAL( currentFontChanged( const QFont & ) ), this, SLOT( fontChanged( const QFont & ) ) ); connect( e, SIGNAL( currentColorChanged( const QColor & ) ), this, SLOT( colorChanged( const QColor & ) ) ); connect( e, SIGNAL( currentAlignmentChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( alignmentChanged( int ) ) ); } void TextEdit::fileNew() { QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit( tabWidget ); doConnections( edit ); tabWidget->addTab( edit, tr( "noname" ) ); tabWidget->showPage( edit ); edit->viewport()->setFocus(); } void TextEdit::fileOpen() { QString fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, tr( "HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)" ), this ); if ( !fn.isEmpty() ) load( fn ); } void TextEdit::fileSave() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; QString fn; if ( filenames.find( currentEditor() ) == filenames.end() ) { fileSaveAs(); } else { QFile file( *filenames.find( currentEditor() ) ); if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) return; QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << currentEditor()->text(); } } void TextEdit::fileSaveAs() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, tr( "HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)" ), this ); if ( !fn.isEmpty() ) { filenames.replace( currentEditor(), fn ); fileSave(); tabWidget->setTabLabel( currentEditor(), QFileInfo( fn ).fileName() ); } } void TextEdit::filePrint() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER QPrinter printer; printer.setFullPage(TRUE); QPaintDeviceMetrics screen( this ); printer.setResolution( screen.logicalDpiY() ); if ( printer.setup( this ) ) { QPainter p( &printer ); QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics( p.device() ); int dpix = metrics.logicalDpiX(); int dpiy = metrics.logicalDpiY(); const int margin = 72; // pt QRect body( margin * dpix / 72, margin * dpiy / 72, metrics.width() - margin * dpix / 72 * 2, metrics.height() - margin * dpiy / 72 * 2 ); QFont font( "times", 10 ); QSimpleRichText richText( currentEditor()->text(), font, currentEditor()->context(), currentEditor()->styleSheet(), currentEditor()->mimeSourceFactory(), body.height() ); richText.setWidth( &p, body.width() ); QRect view( body ); int page = 1; do { richText.draw( &p, body.left(), body.top(), view, colorGroup() ); view.moveBy( 0, body.height() ); p.translate( 0 , -body.height() ); p.setFont( font ); p.drawText( view.right() - p.fontMetrics().width( QString::number( page ) ), view.bottom() + p.fontMetrics().ascent() + 5, QString::number( page ) ); if ( view.top() >= richText.height() ) break; printer.newPage(); page++; } while (TRUE); } #endif } void TextEdit::fileClose() { delete currentEditor(); if ( currentEditor() ) currentEditor()->viewport()->setFocus(); } void TextEdit::fileExit() { qApp->quit(); } void TextEdit::editUndo() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->undo(); } void TextEdit::editRedo() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->redo(); } void TextEdit::editCut() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->cut(); } void TextEdit::editCopy() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->copy(); } void TextEdit::editPaste() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->paste(); } void TextEdit::textBold() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->setBold( actionTextBold->isOn() ); } void TextEdit::textUnderline() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->setUnderline( actionTextUnderline->isOn() ); } void TextEdit::textItalic() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->setItalic( actionTextItalic->isOn() ); } void TextEdit::textFamily( const QString &f ) { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->setFamily( f ); currentEditor()->viewport()->setFocus(); } void TextEdit::textSize( const QString &p ) { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; currentEditor()->setPointSize( p.toInt() ); currentEditor()->viewport()->setFocus(); } void TextEdit::textStyle( int i ) { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; if ( i == 0 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayBlock, QStyleSheetItem::ListDisc ); else if ( i == 1 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayListItem, QStyleSheetItem::ListDisc ); else if ( i == 2 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayListItem, QStyleSheetItem::ListCircle ); else if ( i == 3 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayListItem, QStyleSheetItem::ListSquare ); else if ( i == 4 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayListItem, QStyleSheetItem::ListDecimal ); else if ( i == 5 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayListItem, QStyleSheetItem::ListLowerAlpha ); else if ( i == 6 ) currentEditor()->setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayListItem, QStyleSheetItem::ListUpperAlpha ); currentEditor()->viewport()->setFocus(); } void TextEdit::textColor() { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( currentEditor()->color(), this ); if ( !col.isValid() ) return; currentEditor()->setColor( col ); QPixmap pix( 16, 16 ); pix.fill( col ); actionTextColor->setIconSet( pix ); } void TextEdit::textAlign( QAction *a ) { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; if ( a == actionAlignLeft ) currentEditor()->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); else if ( a == actionAlignCenter ) currentEditor()->setAlignment( AlignHCenter ); else if ( a == actionAlignRight ) currentEditor()->setAlignment( AlignRight ); else if ( a == actionAlignJustify ) currentEditor()->setAlignment( AlignJustify ); } void TextEdit::fontChanged( const QFont &f ) { comboFont->lineEdit()->setText( f.family() ); comboSize->lineEdit()->setText( QString::number( f.pointSize() ) ); actionTextBold->setOn( f.bold() ); actionTextItalic->setOn( f.italic() ); actionTextUnderline->setOn( f.underline() ); } void TextEdit::colorChanged( const QColor &c ) { QPixmap pix( 16, 16 ); pix.fill( c ); actionTextColor->setIconSet( pix ); } void TextEdit::alignmentChanged( int a ) { if ( ( a == AlignAuto ) || ( a & AlignLeft )) actionAlignLeft->setOn( TRUE ); else if ( ( a & AlignHCenter ) ) actionAlignCenter->setOn( TRUE ); else if ( ( a & AlignRight ) ) actionAlignRight->setOn( TRUE ); else if ( ( a & AlignJustify ) ) actionAlignJustify->setOn( TRUE ); } void TextEdit::editorChanged( QWidget * ) { if ( !currentEditor() ) return; fontChanged( currentEditor()->font() ); colorChanged( currentEditor()->color() ); alignmentChanged( currentEditor()->alignment() ); }