#!/usr/bin/env python2.3 '''Utility classes and functions for getmail. ''' __all__ = [ 'address_no_brackets', 'change_usergroup', 'change_uidgid', 'check_ssl_key_and_cert', 'deliver_maildir', 'eval_bool', 'expand_user_vars', 'is_maildir', 'localhostname', 'lock_file', 'logfile', 'mbox_from_escape', 'safe_open', 'unlock_file', 'gid_of_uid', 'uid_of_user', 'updatefile', ] import os import os.path import socket import signal import stat import time import glob import fcntl import pwd import grp from getmailcore.exceptions import * logtimeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' _bool_values = { 'true' : True, 'yes' : True, 'on' : True, '1' : True, 'false' : False, 'no' : False, 'off' : False, '0' : False } ####################################### def lock_file(file): '''Do fcntl file locking.''' fcntl.flock(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) ####################################### def unlock_file(file): '''Do fcntl file unlocking.''' fcntl.flock(file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) ####################################### def safe_open(path, mode, permissions=0600): '''Open a file path safely. ''' if os.name != 'posix': return open(path, mode) try: fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, permissions) file = os.fdopen(fd, mode) except OSError, o: raise getmailDeliveryError('failure opening %s (%s)' % (path, o)) return file ####################################### class updatefile(object): '''A class for atomically updating files. A new, temporary file is created when this class is instantiated. When the object's close() method is called, the file is synced to disk and atomically renamed to replace the original file. close() is automatically called when the object is deleted. ''' def __init__(self, filename): self.closed = False self.filename = filename self.tmpname = filename + '.tmp.%d' % os.getpid() try: f = safe_open(self.tmpname, 'wb') except IOError, (code, msg): raise IOError('%s, opening output file "%s"' % (msg, self.tmpname)) self.file = f self.write = f.write self.flush = f.flush def __del__(self): self.close() def abort(self): try: if hasattr(self, 'file'): self.file.close() except IOError: pass self.closed = True def close(self): if self.closed or not hasattr(self, 'file'): return self.file.flush() self.file.close() os.rename(self.tmpname, self.filename) self.closed = True ####################################### class logfile(object): '''A class for locking and appending timestamped data lines to a log file. ''' def __init__(self, filename): self.closed = False self.filename = filename try: self.file = open(expand_user_vars(self.filename), 'ab') except IOError, (code, msg): raise IOError('%s, opening file "%s"' % (msg, self.filename)) def __del__(self): self.close() def __str__(self): return 'logfile(filename="%s")' % self.filename def close(self): if self.closed: return self.file.flush() self.file.close() self.closed = True def write(self, s): try: lock_file(self.file) # Seek to end self.file.seek(0, 2) self.file.write(time.strftime(logtimeformat, time.localtime()) + ' ' + s.rstrip() + os.linesep) self.file.flush() finally: unlock_file(self.file) ####################################### def format_params(d, maskitems=('password', ), skipitems=()): '''Take a dictionary of parameters and return a string summary. ''' s = '' keys = d.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: if key in skipitems: continue if s: s += ',' if key in maskitems: s += '%s=*' % key else: s += '%s="%s"' % (key, d[key]) return s ################################### def alarm_handler(*unused): '''Handle an alarm during maildir delivery. Should never happen. ''' raise getmailDeliveryError('Delivery timeout') ####################################### def is_maildir(d): '''Verify a path is a maildir. ''' dir_parent = os.path.dirname(d.endswith('/') and d[:-1] or d) if not os.access(dir_parent, os.X_OK): raise getmailConfigurationError('cannot read contents of parent ' 'directory of %s - check permissions and ownership' % d) if not os.path.isdir(d): return False if not os.access(d, os.X_OK): raise getmailConfigurationError('cannot read contents of ' 'directory %s - check permissions and ownership' % d) for sub in ('tmp', 'cur', 'new'): subdir = os.path.join(d, sub) if not os.path.isdir(subdir): return False if not os.access(subdir, os.W_OK): raise getmailConfigurationError('cannot write to maildir ' '%s - check permissions and ownership' % d) return True ####################################### def deliver_maildir(maildirpath, data, hostname, dcount=None, filemode=0600): '''Reliably deliver a mail message into a Maildir. Uses Dan Bernstein's documented rules for maildir delivery, and the updated naming convention for new files (modern delivery identifiers). See http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html and http://qmail.org/man/man5/maildir.html for details. ''' if not is_maildir(maildirpath): raise getmailDeliveryError('not a Maildir (%s)' % maildirpath) # Set a 24-hour alarm for this delivery signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) signal.alarm(24 * 60 * 60) info = { 'deliverycount' : dcount, 'hostname' : hostname.split('.')[0].replace('/', '\\057').replace( ':', '\\072'), 'pid' : os.getpid(), } dir_tmp = os.path.join(maildirpath, 'tmp') dir_new = os.path.join(maildirpath, 'new') for unused in range(3): t = time.time() info['secs'] = int(t) info['usecs'] = int((t - int(t)) * 1000000) info['unique'] = 'M%(usecs)dP%(pid)s' % info if info['deliverycount'] is not None: info['unique'] += 'Q%(deliverycount)s' % info try: info['unique'] += 'R%s' % ''.join(['%02x' % ord(char) for char in open('/dev/urandom', 'rb').read(8)]) except StandardError: pass filename = '%(secs)s.%(unique)s.%(hostname)s' % info fname_tmp = os.path.join(dir_tmp, filename) fname_new = os.path.join(dir_new, filename) # File must not already exist if os.path.exists(fname_tmp): # djb says sleep two seconds and try again time.sleep(2) continue # Be generous and check cur/file[:...] just in case some other, dumber # MDA is in use. We wouldn't want them to clobber us and have the user # blame us for their bugs. curpat = os.path.join(maildirpath, 'cur', filename) + ':*' collision = glob.glob(curpat) if collision: # There is a message in maildir/cur/ which could be clobbered by # a dumb MUA, and which shouldn't be there. Abort. raise getmailDeliveryError('collision with %s' % collision) # Found an unused filename break else: signal.alarm(0) raise getmailDeliveryError('failed to allocate file in maildir') # Get user & group of maildir s_maildir = os.stat(maildirpath) # Open file to write try: f = safe_open(fname_tmp, 'wb', filemode) f.write(data) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) f.close() except IOError, o: signal.alarm(0) raise getmailDeliveryError('failure writing file %s (%s)' % (fname_tmp, o)) # Move message file from Maildir/tmp to Maildir/new try: os.link(fname_tmp, fname_new) os.unlink(fname_tmp) except OSError: signal.alarm(0) try: os.unlink(fname_tmp) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except StandardError: pass raise getmailDeliveryError('failure renaming "%s" to "%s"' % (fname_tmp, fname_new)) # Delivery done # Cancel alarm signal.alarm(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL) return filename ####################################### def mbox_from_escape(s): '''Escape spaces, tabs, and newlines in the envelope sender address.''' return ''.join([(c in (' ', '\t', '\n')) and '-' or c for c in s]) or '<>' ####################################### def address_no_brackets(addr): '''Strip surrounding <> on an email address, if present.''' if addr.startswith('<') and addr.endswith('>'): return addr[1:-1] else: return addr ####################################### def eval_bool(s): '''Handle boolean values intelligently. ''' try: return _bool_values[str(s).lower()] except KeyError: raise getmailConfigurationError('boolean parameter requires value' ' to be one of true or false, not "%s"' % s) ####################################### def gid_of_uid(uid): try: return pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_gid except KeyError, o: raise getmailConfigurationError('no such specified uid (%s)' % o) ####################################### def uid_of_user(user): try: return pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid except KeyError, o: raise getmailConfigurationError('no such specified user (%s)' % o) ####################################### def change_usergroup(logger=None, user=None, _group=None): ''' Change the current effective GID and UID to those specified by user and _group. ''' uid = None gid = None if _group: if logger: logger.debug('Getting GID for specified group %s\n' % _group) try: gid = grp.getgrnam(_group).gr_gid except KeyError, o: raise getmailConfigurationError('no such specified group (%s)' % o) if user: if logger: logger.debug('Getting UID for specified user %s\n' % user) uid = uid_of_user(user) change_uidgid(logger, uid, gid) ####################################### def change_uidgid(logger=None, uid=None, gid=None): ''' Change the current effective GID and UID to those specified by uid and gid. ''' try: if gid: if os.getegid() != gid: if logger: logger.debug('Setting egid to %d\n' % gid) os.setregid(gid, gid) if uid: if os.geteuid() != uid: if logger: logger.debug('Setting euid to %d\n' % uid) os.setreuid(uid, uid) except OSError, o: raise getmailDeliveryError('change UID/GID to %s/%s failed (%s)' % (uid, gid, o)) ####################################### def format_header(name, line): '''Take a long line and return rfc822-style multiline header. ''' header = '' line = (name.strip() + ': ' + ' '.join([part.strip() for part in line.splitlines()])) # Split into lines of maximum 78 characters long plus newline, if # possible. A long line may result if no space characters are present. while line and len(line) > 78: i = line.rfind(' ', 0, 78) if i == -1: # No space in first 78 characters, try a long line i = line.rfind(' ') if i == -1: # No space at all break if header: header += os.linesep + ' ' header += line[:i] line = line[i:].lstrip() if header: header += os.linesep + ' ' if line: header += line.strip() + os.linesep return header ####################################### def expand_user_vars(s): '''Return a string expanded for both leading "~/" or "~username/" and environment variables in the form "$varname" or "${varname}". ''' return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(s)) ####################################### def localhostname(): '''Return a name for localhost which is (hopefully) the "correct" FQDN. ''' n = socket.gethostname() if '.' in n: return n return socket.getfqdn() ####################################### def check_ssl_key_and_cert(conf): keyfile = conf['keyfile'] if keyfile is not None: keyfile = expand_user_vars(keyfile) certfile = conf['certfile'] if certfile is not None: certfile = expand_user_vars(certfile) if keyfile and not os.path.isfile(keyfile): raise getmailConfigurationError('optional keyfile must be' ' path to a valid file') if certfile and not os.path.isfile(certfile): raise getmailConfigurationError('optional certfile must be' ' path to a valid file') if (keyfile is None) ^ (certfile is None): raise getmailConfigurationError('optional certfile and keyfile' ' must be supplied together') return keyfile, certfile