mò óz™Dc @sZdZdkZeidjoedƒ‚ndZddddd d d d d g ZdS(s"A reliable mail-retriever toolkit. getmail is a reliable, modular, extensible mail retriever with support for simple and multidrop POP3 mailboxes, multidrop SDPS mailboxes, simple and multidrop IMAP mailboxes. Also supports POP3- and IMAP-over-SSL, message filtering, and other features. Nis8getmail version 4 requires Python version 2.3.3 or laters4.6.3t baseclassest constantst destinationst exceptionstfilterstloggingtmessaget retrieverst utilities(t__doc__tsyst hexversiont ImportErrort __version__t__all__(R R R((t8/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/getmailcore/__init__.pyt?s