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Press `Quit' to exit without saving. Press `Help' to bring up this help message. In the `Novice Configuration' panels, you will set up the basic data needed to create a simple fetchmail setup. These include: 1. The name of the remote site you want to query. 2. Your login name on that site. 3. Your password on that site. 4. A protocol to use (POP, IMAP, ETRN, etc.) 5. A poll interval in seconds. If 0, fetchmail will run in the foreground once when started. If > 0, fetchmail will run in the background and start a new poll cycle after the interval has elapsed. 6. Options to fetch old messages as well as new, or to suppress deletion of fetched message. The novice-configuration code will assume that you want to forward mail to a local sendmail listener with no special options. s"Fetchmail expert configurator helpsExpert configurator helpsA In the `Expert Configurator Controls' panel, you can: Press `Save' to save the new fetchmail configuration you have edited. Press `Quit' to exit without saving. Press `Help' to bring up this help message. In the `Run Controls' panel, you can set the following options that control how fetchmail runs: Poll interval Number of seconds to wait between polls in the background. If zero, fetchmail will run in foreground. Logfile If empty, emit progress and error messages to stderr. Otherwise this gives the name of the files to write to. This field is ignored if the "Log to syslog?" option is on. Idfile If empty, store seen-message IDs in .fetchids under user's home directory. If nonempty, use given file name. Postmaster Who to send multidrop mail to as a last resort if no address can be matched. Normally empty; in this case, fetchmail treats the invoking user as the address of last resort unless that user is root. If that user is root, fetchmail sends to `postmaster'. Bounces to sender? If this option is on (the default) error mail goes to the sender. Otherwise it goes to the postmaster. Send spam bounces? If this option is on, spam bounces are sent to the sender or postmaster (depending on the "Bounces to sender?" option. Otherwise, spam bounces are not sent (the default). Invisible If false (the default) fetchmail generates a Received line into each message and generates a HELO from the machine it is running on. If true, fetchmail generates no Received line and HELOs as if it were the remote site. In the `Remote Mail Configurations' panel, you can: 1. Enter the name of a new remote mail server you want fetchmail to query. To do this, simply enter a label for the poll configuration in the `New Server:' box. The label should be a DNS name of the server (unless you are using ssh or some other tunneling method and will fill in the `via' option on the site configuration screen). 2. Change the configuration of an existing site. To do this, find the site's label in the listbox and double-click it. This will take you to a site configuration dialogue. tConfigurationEditcBsGtZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(NcCsLh|_||_||_||_||_hdt<dtt |_||i_d|i_ |iii |indS(N( tparentRRtserverR8R9RRR"thostR)R-R(RRnRlR((RRs       cCsti||ti||iid|ii|ii d|ii|i t d|i |ii|g|_t|t|S(NsFetchmail host Rm(RRRRRLRRRmR"RR3R)t makeWidgetsRCRRRK(RRCR((RRBs   cCsOx(|iiD]}|i|iqW|ii|ii=|ii dS(N( RR8REtusernameRFRlRmR"RR(RRp((RRF#s cCs"t|do|indS(Nsserver option editing(R!RRF(R((RR*)scCsI|itdx(|iiD]}|i|iq W|idS(NRm(RR4R)R8RERpR)RF(RRp((RR)-s cCsD|ii}|iit||djot|i_ ndS(NRRR(RRR( RR0R tprotoR1RRIRR2R(RRq((Rt defaultPort3s cCs)t||i|t|i|jp dAt7jo,t|dB|i8|i d t dtnt3d=jpt3d>jp dCt7jo,t|dD|i9|i d t dtndEtjo,t|dF|i:dGi d t dtnt|dH|i;dGi d t dtt|dI|i<dGi d t dtt|ddddddJi d t|i dtn| i d t!d2t(ndS(LNsServer options for querying t25R6R#RiRs Run ControlsRsPoll s normally?Rs True name of t:RsCycles to skip between polls:sServer timeout (seconds):RRRRcCs ttS(N(Rt controlhelp(((RRXsR*RRRRRRtsdpstSDPSRRtetrnRRRtProtocolRisOn server TCP/IP service:s*POP3: track `seen' with client-side UIDLs?sProbe for supported protocolscCs ttS(N(Rt protohelp(((RRyssUser entries for s New user: cCs|iS(N(RMRQ(RM((RRscCs|i||S(N(tsRttutm(RRR~((RRscCs |i|S(N(R~RuR(RR~((RRsRsMultidrop optionssEnvelope address header:t22sEnvelope headers to skip:sName prefix to strip:sEnable multidrop DNS lookup?s DNS aliasess New alias: sDomains to be considered locals New domain: tlinuxtfreebsdRjsAuthorization mode:R9sIP range to check before poll:R:sInterface to monitor:Rs Principal:Rs ESMTP name:sESMTP password:cCs ttS(N(Rtsechelp(((RRs(RR(=R+RRnt serverhelpttopwinRtleftwint leftwidthRCR&tctlwinRRRRSR.RR-RR/R4RRt protolisttfeature_optionsRtprotwinRR0RrR1R2t autoprobeRtuserwinRRXRmRCt suserhelptNtrightwintmdropwinR5R6R7R8RARRBt multihelptos_typetsecwinR3tauthlistt dictmembersR9R:R?R=R>( RRnRCRRRRRRRRRR((RRoGs  -                           ' #' #  #  c Cs|iio|ii}n |ii}d}xodLD]g}t|}t i t i t i }y4|i|t|f|id}|iWnq6XPq6Wt} |djod|d}d}nd}|djo|d }nti|d d jpti|d d jo|d }nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|dd jo|d}nti|d d jo|d!}nti|d"d jo|d#}nti|d$d jo|d%}nti|d&d jo|d'}nti|d(d jo|d)}nti|d*d jo|d+}nti|d,d jo|d-}nti|d.d jo|d/}nti|d0d jo|d1}nti|d2d jo|d3}nti|d4d jo|d5}nti|d6d jo|d7}nti|d8} | d jo#|| d9d:jo|d;}nti|d<d jo|d=}nti|d>d jo|d?}n|djo|d@}nd|dA}dB|dC||}|ii||i it|| i|| i|t| dD|it| dD|dEdFit| dDdGdH| dIdJdKidS(MNRRRis Autoprobe of s faileds Fetchmailconf didn't find any mailservers active. This could mean the host doesn't support any, or that your Internet connection is down, or that the host is so slow that the probe timed out before getting a response. Rsu It appears you have somehow found a mailserver running only POP2. Congratulations. Have you considered a career in archaeology? Unfortunately, stock fetchmail binaries don't include POP2 support anymore. Unless the first line of your fetchmail -V output includes the string "POP2", you'll have to build it from sources yourself with the configure switch --enable-POP2. s1.003is1.004sJ This appears to be an old version of the UC Davis POP server. These are dangerously unreliable (among other problems, they may drop your mailbox on the floor if your connection is interrupted during the session). It is strongly recommended that you find a better POP3 server. The fetchmail FAQ includes pointers to good ones. s comcast.nets The Comcast Maillennium POP3 server only returns the first 80K of a long message retrieved with TOP. Its response to RETR is normal, so use the `fetchall' option. s Cubic Circles I see your server is running cucipop. Better make sure the server box isn't a SunOS 4.1.4 machine; cucipop tickles a bug in SunOS realloc() under that version, and doesn't cope with the result gracefully. Newer SunOS and Solaris machines run cucipop OK. Also, some versions of cucipop don't assert an exclusive lock on your mailbox when it's being queried. This means that if you have more than one fetchmail query running against the same mailbox, bad things can happen. sDavid POP3 Servers~ This POP3 server is badly broken. You should get rid of it -- and the brain-dead Microsoft operating system it rode in on. tFTGates This POP server has a weird bug; it says OK twice in response to TOP. Its response to RETR is normal, so use the `fetchall' option. s geonet.desx You appear to be using geonet. As of late 2002, the TOP command on geonet's POP3 is broken. Use the fetchall option. tOpenMails, You appear to be using some version of HP OpenMail. Many versions of OpenMail do not process the "TOP" command correctly; the symptom is that only the header and first line of each message is retrieved. To work around this bug, turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this server. sEscape character iss Your greeting line looks like it was written by a fetid pile of camel dung identified to me as `popa3d written by Solar Designer'. Beware! The UIDL support in this thing is known to be completely broken, and other things probably are too. sMercuryP/NLM v1.48s& This is not a POP3 server. It has delusions of being one, but after RETR all messages are automatically marked to be deleted. The only way to prevent this is to issue an RSET before leaving the server. Fetchmail does this, but we suspect this is probably broken in lots of other ways, too. sPOP-Maxs4 The Mail Max POP3 server screws up on mail with attachments. It reports the message size with attachments included, but doesn't download them on a RETR or TOP (this violates the IMAP RFCs). It also doesn't implement TOP correctly. You should get rid of it -- and the brain-dead NT server it rode in on. sPOP3 Server Readys Some server that uses this greeting line has been observed to choke on TOP %d 99999999. Use the fetchall option. if necessary, to force RETR. tQPOPs This appears to be a version of Eudora qpopper. That's good. Fetchmail knows all about qpopper. However, be aware that the 2.53 version of qpopper does something odd that causes fetchmail to hang with a socket error on very large messages. This is probably not a fetchmail bug, as it has been observed with fetchpop. The fix is to upgrade to qpopper 3.0beta or a more recent version. Better yet, switch to IMAP. s sprynet.coms% You appear to be using a SpryNet server. In mid-1999 it was reported that the SpryNet TOP command marks messages seen. Therefore, for proper error recovery in the event of a line drop, it is strongly recommended that you turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this server. s TEMS POP3s Your POP3 server has "TEMS" in its header line. At least one such server does not process the "TOP" command correctly; the symptom is that fetchmail hangs when trying to retrieve mail. To work around this bug, turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this server. s spray.ses Your POP3 server has "spray.se" in its header line. In May 2000 at least one such server did not process the "TOP" command correctly; the symptom is that messages are treated as headerless. To work around this bug, turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this server. s usa.netsY You appear to be using USA.NET's free mail service. Their POP3 servers (at least as of the 2.2 version in use mid-1998) are quite flaky, but fetchmail can compensate. They seem to require that fetchall be switched on (otherwise you won't necessarily see all your mail, not even new mail). They also botch the TOP command the fetchmail normally uses for retrieval (it only retrieves about 10 lines rather than the number specified). Turning on fetchall will disable the use of TOP. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this server. s Novonyx POP3s Your mailserver is running Novonyx POP3. This server, at least as of version 2.17, seems to have problems handling and reporting seen bits. You may have to use the fetchall option. s IMS POP3s Some servers issuing the greeting line 'IMS POP3' have been known to do byte-stuffing incorrectly. This means that if a message you receive has a . (period) at start of line, fetchmail will become confused and probably wedge itself. (This bug was recorded on IMS POP3 0.86.) t GroupWises The Novell GroupWise IMAP server would be better named GroupFoolish; it is (according to the designer of IMAP) unusably broken. Among other things, it doesn't include a required content length in its BODY[TEXT] response.

Fetchmail works around this problem, but we strongly recommend voting with your dollars for a server that isn't brain-dead. If you stick with code as shoddy as GroupWise seems to be, you will probably pay for it with other problems.

t InterChanges The InterChange IMAP server at release levels below 3.61.08 screws up on mail with attachments. It doesn't fetch them if you give it a BODY[TEXT] request, though it does if you request RFC822.TEXT. According to the IMAP RFCs and their maintainer these should be equivalent -- and we can't drop the BODY[TEXT] form because M$ Exchange (quite legally under RFC2062) rejectsit. The InterChange folks claim to have fixed this bug in 3.61.08. tImails We've seen a bug report indicating that this IMAP server (at least as of version 5.0.7) returns an invalid body size for messages with MIME attachments; the effect is to drop the attachments on the floor. We recommend you upgrade to a non-broken IMAP server. s Domino IMAP4s] Your IMAP server appears to be Lotus Domino. This server, at least up to version 4.6.2a, has a bug in its generation of MIME boundaries (see the details in the fetchmail FAQ). As a result, even MIME aware MUAs will see attachments as part of the message text. If your Domino server's POP3 facility is enabled, we recommend you fall back on it. t>is s It looks like you could use APOP on this server and avoid sending it your password in clear. You should talk to the mailserver administrator about this. tIMAP2biss IMAP2bis servers have a minor problem; they can't peek at messages without marking them seen. If you take a line hit during the retrieval, the interrupted message may get left on the server, marked seen. To work around this, it is recommended that you set the `fetchall' option on all user entries associated with this server, so any stuck mail will be retrieved next time around. To fix this bug, upgrade to an IMAP4 server. The fetchmail FAQ includes a pointer to an open-source implementation. t IMAP4rev1s I see an IMAP4rev1 server. Excellent. This is (a) the best kind of remote-mail server, and (b) the one the fetchmail author uses. Fetchmail has therefore been extremely well tested with this class of server. sB Fetchmail doesn't know anything special about this server type. s succeededsThe s server said: RRiXRRcCs |iS(N(RMR(RM((RRsRi(sIMAPsPOP3sPOP2( RRmR-trealhostR"Rt greetlineR0RIR1tsockettAF_INETt SOCK_STREAMtsocktconnectRJtrecvRiRtconfwinRtconfirmRkRtfindt closebrakRRRRtMessageR( RRR0R1RRRRRkRR((RRs        2        "     ( R'R(RRRBRFR*R)RrRtRuRoR(((RR@s       osUser option helps User optionssI You may use this panel to set options that may differ between individual users on your site. Once you have a user configuration set up as you like it, you can select `OK' to store it in the user list maintained in the site configuration window. If you wish to discard the changes you have made to user options, select `Quit'. sLocal name helps Local namess The local name(s) in a user entry are the people on the client machine who should receive mail from the poll described. Note: if a user entry has more than one local name, messages will be retrieved in multidrop mode. This complicates the configuration issues; see the manual page section on multidrop mode. Warning: Be careful with local names such as foo@bar.com, as that can cause the mail to be sent to foo@bar.com instead of sending it to your local system. RscBsAtZdZddZdZdZdZdZRS(NcCs||_d|_x1|iiD]#}|i|jo ||_qqW|idjoAt|_||i_|g|i_ |iii |indS(N( RlRRRNRmRCRQRpRRRzR(RRpRlRN((RRs     cCsti||ti||iid|iid|i i i |ii d|ii|i td|i||i i i g|_t|t|S(NsFetchmail user s querying RN(RRRRRLRRRNRQRlRmR"RR3RRRoRCRRRK(RRCR((RRB(s +  cCsD|iii|iio|ii|ii=n|iidS(N(RRlR8RwRNRQRR(R((RRF7scCs"t|do|indS(Nsuser option editing(R!RRF(R((RR*=sc Csd}x0|iiD]"}|ti|ddj}qW|djp4t|dddddd d dd didjo|i t d|i ndS(Nit@iRsReally accept an embedded '@' ?RsLocal names with an embedded '@', such as in foo@bar might result in your mail being sent to foo@bar.com instead of your local system. Are you sure you want a local user name with an '@' in it?RRRRRRiRN(sYessNo( tokRRNRzRMRRRR R4RRRF(RRRM((RR)As  c Cs t|d|iid|t|djot|}n|}t|dt dd} t | ddi d t t| d |id i d t d t| i d td tdtjp dtjo(t|dt dd}t|ddd|ii d t d tt|d|idi d t d tt|d|idi d t d tt|ddd|ii d t d tt|d|idi d t d tt|d|idi d t d t|i d td tnt|dt dd}t |ddi d t td|iidd|t |i d td t|djo/t|dt dd}t |ddi d t t |ddi d t td|ii"dd|dt |ddi d t td|ii#dd|dt|d|i$di d t d tt|d |i%di d t d tt|d!|i&di d t d tt|d"|i'di d t d tt|d#|i(di d t d tt|d$|i)di d t d tt|d%|i*di d t d tt|d&|i+di d t d tt|dd'd|i,i d t d t|i d td tn|djo,|i d t-d td tt|}n|}t|dt dd}t |dd(i d t t|dd)d|i0i d t d t1t|dd*d|i2i d t d t1|djot|dd+d|i3i d t d t1t|dd,d|i4i d t d t1t|dd-d|i5i d t d t1t|dd.d|i6i d t d t1t|dd/d|i7i d t d t1t|dd0d|i8i d t d t1t|dd1d|i9i d t d t1t|dd2d|i:i d t d t1t|dd3d|i;i d t d t1n|i d t|djoBt|dt dd} t | dd4i d t t| d5|i=d6i d t d tt| d7|i>d6i d t d tt| d8|i?d6i d t d tt| d9|i@d6i d t d t|iAiBiCdCjo,t| d<|iDd6i d t d tnt| d=|iEd6i d t d t|iAiBiCdDjo,t| d>|iFd6i d t d tnt| dd?d|iGi d t d t1| i d t|iAiBiCd@jomt|dt dd} t | ddAi d t tdB|iiIdd| d| i d td tqZ n|djo|i d t-n |i dS(ENsUser options for s querying R6R#RiRtAuthenticationRs Password:RRRRqsUse SSL?RsSSL key:RJsSSL certificate:sCheck server SSL certificate?s"SSL trusted certificate directory:sSSL key fingerprint:s Local namess New name: sForwarding OptionssListeners to forward tos New listener:s&Domains to fetch from (ODMR/ETRN only)sDomains:sAppend to MAIL FROM line:t26sSet RCPT To address:sConnection setup command:sConnection wrapup command:sLocal delivery agent:sBSMTP output file:sListener spam-block codes:sPass-through properties:s Use LMTP?sProcessing Optionss+Suppress deletion of messages after readings!Fetch old messages as well as news$Flush seen messages before retrievals)Flush oversized messages before retrievals*Rewrite To/Cc/Bcc messages to enable replysForce CR/LF at end of each linesStrip CR from end of each lines&Pass 8 bits even though SMTP says 7BITs%Undo MIME armoring on header and bodys)Drop Status lines from forwarded messagess/Drop Delivered-To lines from forwarded messagessResource LimitssMessage size limit:t30sSize warning interval:sMax messages to fetch per poll:s+Max message sizes to fetch per transaction:RRsUse fast UIDL:s!Max messages to forward per poll:sInterval between expunges:s Idle after each poll (IMAP only)RsRemote folders (IMAP only)s New folder:(sETRNsODMR(sETRNsODMR(JR+RRNRQt servernametuserhelpRCRRR&RRRRRRURRRRtsslwinRSRqRrRsRtRuRvtnamesRRzRt localhelpttargwinR|R}RVRWRXRYRZR[R]R R\RRtoptwinR^RRaR_R`RbRcRdReRfRgRhtlimwinRjRkRlRmRlRmR0RnRoRpRitfoldwinR{( RRCRRRRRRRRRR((RRoPs                               #      #  #  ( R'R(RRRBRFR*R)Ro(((RRss     t ConfiguratorcBs,tZdZdZdZdZRS(NcCsZti||||_||_||_|iid|iidt i |g|_ t |t t|ddddidtt|dddd d |iit|dd ddidtt|dd dd d |iit|dd ddidtt|dddd d |ii|id|idS(Nsfetchmail configuratorRs Use `Novice Configuration' for basic fetchmail setup; with this, you can easily set up a single-drop connection to one remote mail server. RiXRsNovice ConfigurationRRRsl Use `Expert Configuration' for advanced fetchmail setup, including multiple-site or multidrop connections. sExpert Configurations[ Or you can just select `Quit' to leave the configurator now and return to the main panel. R%RH(RRRRR:R<RlRRRLRRRRKRRRRR6R7tleaveR0(RR:RR<Rl((RRs*           %cCs6|iitt|it|iiddS(NR6( RRRR5t FetchmailrcR:RR<RB(R((RR6s cCs6|iitt|it|iiddS(NR7( RRRR5RR:RR<RB(R((RR7s cCs|ii|idS(N(RRRR<(R((RRs (R'R(RR6R7R(((RRs !  t RunWindowcBstZdZdZRS(NcCsti||||_|iid|iidti|t|dd|ddi dt ddg|_ t |tt|}t|}t|d t|_|i dt d td t|iid |i|ii dtd td t|id |ii|i dtd t|i dt t|ddddd |ii |itii t!i"ddti#dti#d&1        % /cCs|iidS(N(RRR(R((RR6s(R'R(RR(((RR s (t MainWindowcBs8tZddZdZdZdZdZRS(NcCsti||||_|iid|iidti|t |ddt ddi dt ddg|_ t|td |_t|dd d d i dt t|dd ddd|i|_|ii t|ddd d i dt t|ddddd|ii t|ddd d i dt t|ddddd|ii t|ddd d i dt t|ddddd|ii dS(Nsfetchmail launcherRsFetchmailconf RiRR$i is Use `Configure fetchmail' to tell fetchmail about the remote servers it should poll (the host name, your username there, whether to use POP or IMAP, and so forth). RiXsConfigure fetchmailRRRsr Use `Run fetchmail' to run fetchmail with debugging enabled. This is a good way to test out a new configuration. s Run fetchmailso Use `Run fetchmail' to run fetchmail in foreground. Progress messages will be shown, but not debug messages. s9 Or you can just select `Quit' to exit the launcher now. R%(RRRRR:RRRLRRRhRRRRRKtdebugRRt configuret configbuttonttesttrunR(RR:R((RR<s2          % % cCs6|iidtt|it|d|dS(NRcCs|iidtS(NR(RRRtNORMAL(R((RRks(RRRRRR:R(R((RRhs cCs6d}to|dt}nt|t|dS(Nsfetchmail -N -d0 --nosyslog -vs -f (tcmdtrcfileRRR(RR((RRmscCs6d}to|dt}nt|t|dS(Nsfetchmail -N -d0s -f (RRRRR(RR((RRsscCs|idS(N(Rtquit(R((RRys(R'R(RRRRRR(((RR;s  ,   cCs9g}x,|D]$}||jo|i|q q W|S(N(RGtlist1RMtlist2R(RRRGRM((Rt intersect~s  cCs9g}x,|D]$}||jo|i|q q W|S(N(RGRRMRR(RRRGRM((Rtsetdiffs  c Cs]x2|iD]$}|tjoti|q q Wd}t|ii|}|i t|i|}|i t ||}d |jo|id nt|t|joldGHt||}|od|iid| GHnt||}|od| GHntidn,x(|iD]}t||||q;WdS(NR9R:R=R>RqRrRsR~RtRuRvtshowdotsRs/Fields don't match what fetchmailconf expected:sNot matched in class `s ' signature: s Not matched in dictionary keys: i( s interfacesmonitors esmtpnames esmtppasswordssslssslkeyssslcertssslprotos sslcertcks sslcertpathssslfingerprintR(tfromdictRERRRtoptionalRttoclasst__dict__t class_sigtsortt dict_keysRtcommontremovettupletdifft __class__R'RxRyRMR.( RRRRRRMRRR((Rt copy_instances0      t__main__tDISPLAYs!fetchmailconf must be run under Xis R0lGODdhPAAoAPcAAP///wgICBAQEISEhIyMjJSUlKWlpa2trbW1tcbGxs7Ozufn5+/v7//39yEY GNa9tUoxKZyEe1o5KTEQAN7OxpyMhIRjUvfn3pxSKYQ5EO/Wxv/WvWtSQrVzSmtCKWspAMatnP/e xu+1jIxSKaV7Wt6ca5xSGK2EY8aUa72MY86UY617UsaMWrV7SpRjOaVrOZRaKYxSIXNCGGs5EIRC CJR7Y/+UMdbOxnNrY97Ove/Wvd7GrZyEa961jL2Ua9alc86ca7WEUntSKcaMSqVjGNZ7GGM5CNa1 jPfOnN6tc3taMffeve/WtWtaQv/OjGtSMYRzWv/erda1hM6te7WUY62MWs61jP/vzv/ntda9jL2l czEhAO/n1oyEc//elDEpGEo5EOfexpyUe+/epefevffvxnNrQpyUStbWzsbGvZyclN7ezmNjWv// 5/f33qWllNbWve/vzv//1ufnve/vvf//xvf3vefnrf//taWlc0pKMf//pbW1Y///jKWlWq2tWsbG Y///c97eUvf3Ut7nc+/3a87We8bOjOfv1u/37/f//621tb3Gxtbn52Nra87n53uUlJTv/6W9xuf3 /8bW3iExOXu11tbv/5TW/4TO/63e/zmt/1KUxlK1/2u9/wCM/73GzrXG1gBKjACE/87e72NzhCkx OaXO92OMtUql/xCE/wApUtbe57W9xnN7hHut52Ot/xBSnABKnABavQB7/2ul7zF71gBr77XO73Oc 1lqc9yFSlBApSimE/wAYOQApY0J7zlKM5wAxhABS1gBj/6W95wAhWgA5nAAYSgBS7wBS/wBK9wAp jABC5wBK/wApnABC/wApxgAhtYSMtQAQYwAp/3OE74SMxgAYxlpjvWNr70pS/wgQ3sbGzs7O1qWl 3qWl70pKe0JC/yEhlCkp/wgI/wAAEAAAIQAAKQAAOQAASgAAUgAAYwAAawAAlAAAnAAApQAArQAA zgAA1gAA5wAA9wAA/0pC/xgQ52Na9ykhe4R7zikhYxgQSjEpQgAAACwAAAAAPAAoAAAI/wABCBxI sKDBgwgTKiRIYKHDhxARIvgXsaLFhGgEUBSYoKPHjyBDihxJkuS/kwNLqlzJcuTJjQBaypxpEiVH mjhxvkyZs2fLnTd9ehxAtKjRo0ZrwhTasUsENhYHKOUpk1E3j11mxCBiQVLEBlJd2owp9iVRjwUs zMCQ5IcLD4saPVxjIKxIoGTvvqSoyFEFGTBeqEhyxAoSFR/USGKVcEGBAwDshsSr1OYTEyhQpJiS ZcoUKWOQtJDRJFSaggzUGBgoGSTlsjahlPCRIkWVKT16THHRIoqIISBIEUgAYIGBhgRbf3ytFygU FZp9UDmxQkkMCRwyZKDBQy4aApABhP8XqNwj88l7BVpQYZtF5iArWgwAgGZBq24HU7OeGhQ90PVA aKZZCiiUMJ9ArSTEwGqR8ZeXfzbV0MIIMQTBwoUdxDDfAm8sZFyDZVEF4UYSKBEBD0+k6IEFPMxH 3FzldXSea+kBgANJSOWIlIMhXZXAXv+c1WM3PuJEpH8iuhbAkv+MdENPRHaTRkdF/jiWSKCAwlKW VbbkY5Q0LgUSKExgoYBKCjCxARpdltQNKHaUoYAddnR53lVRnJLKBWh4RIEGCZx5FSOv1OLNDUVe deZHaWiZAB35fIOGNtbEUeV5oGAByzPOrBPFGt3kwEgxITACSg5oLGGLMg60oQAjaNz/oAAcN4Ai a0c3kHFDK3jYsw4g9sRzBgPLXdkRrBrQ8gsWQUxCCRZX9IJNBQ1s8IgCdeBCzBYN6IBIN2TUsQYd dXhDBxdzlAHOHHKEcocZdWwDjx8MTCmjsR2FMAstw1RyiSzHqPLALaOwk8QmzCzDCSi0xJKMMk4E Yw8389iTDT32GAKOPf7YY0Aa9tATyD3w/EGsefgmgEYUtPiChLKWQDMBJtEUgYkzH2RiTgGfTMCI Mlu0Yc85hNiDziH2tMqOGL72QY47gshLb7Fi4roELcjoQIsxWpDwQyfS2OCJMkLI4YUmyhgxSTVg CP2FHPZ80UDcieBjStNPD5LPOyZT/y0iHGiMwswexDSzRiRq6KIMJBc4M8skwKAyChia2KPH3P24 YU8/lFhOTj152OPOHuXMU4g48vCRiN/9rZGLMdS4csUu1JzDgxuipOMDHMKsAwEnq/ByzTrrZMNO OtO0k84+7KjzBjzplMJOOOOoo8846/ATxqJWinkkGUyEkMAaIezABQM3bMAEK1xEsUMDGjARRxhY xEGGHfPjEcccca6BRxhyuEMY7FCHMNDhf9140r2qRiVvdENQ3liUArzREW/0qRsRVIAGFfBADnLw gUSiYASJpMEHhilJTEnhAlGoQqYAZQ1AiqEMZ0jDGtqQImhwwA13yMMevoQAGvGhEAWHGMOAAAA7 sdf:hVR Rhs-ds-fs-hs--helps Usage: fetchmailconf {[-d] [-f fetchmailrc]|-h|--help|-V|--version} -d - dump configuration (for debugging) -f fmrc - read alternate fetchmailrc file --help, -h - print this help text and quit --version, -V - print fetchmailconf version and quit is-Vs --versionsfetchmailconf %ss/ Copyright (C) 1997 - 2003 Eric S. Raymond Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Matthias Andree fetchmailconf comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Please see the file COPYING in the source or documentation directory for details. s%umask 077 && fetchmail s;umask 077 && fetchmail t`s' run failure, status s2Unknown error while running fetchmail --configdumps:Can't read configuration output of fetchmail --configdump.RRCs-This is a dump of the configuration we read: Rs /.fetchmailrc(WRhtTkinterRRxRfRRRtgetoptttempfileRR)RRRJRRIRRRKRRRRRRR!R+R,R=R>R5RYRRxR}RRRR@RRRsRRRRRRR'RRwRyRKRtoptionst argumentsRORtswitchtvalRt gethostbyaddrt gethostnameRRRHRtmktempttmpfileRtsystemR~t SystemExitRtexecfileRRt fetchmailrcRRmtNewsiteRRCRNtNewusertroottmainloop(ARRROR@R=RRR!RsRRRRR+RRKRRRHRRRR5RR~RRIRhRYRRRRR,RRRRRRR)RxRRNRRRRRRRRRKRmRRRxRRfRJR}RRRR>R((Rt?s?:<N !    Q !!!?!!!!!#!!!!0.C   9 )(