mod_ratio.c - Ratio system module for ProFTPD - README Copyright (c) 2002 James Dogopoulos Portions Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Johnie Ingram. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LATEST CHANGES: * 2002-05-24: v3.3: Fixed numerous bugs and compatibility issues with changing code within ProFTPD. In other words, it /works/ again! Added default AnonRatio support (AnonRatio * ...). -- See mod_ratio.c for previous version changes. NOTES: SaveRatios, RatioFile, RatioTempFile: In order to have SaveRatios working properly, you must point RatioFile and RatioTempFile to files that are read/writable for all users that you wish to have ratios saved. If there is a problem accessing the files, ProFTPD will revert back to the old per session ratio method (u/l d/l stats will be forgotten on disconnect). touch and chmod both files to allow r/w from all users whos ratios will be saved. Enable ratios, users are added to the ratios file as they log in and stat tracking begins. If you are using DefaultRoot along with this command, the Ratio files will need to be stored within the Root directory. One easy way is to create a sub-directory off of DefaultRoot that is rwx by all users and then restrict ALL access to these directorys within ProFTPD... Deny ALL HideNoAccess INSTALLATION: To install, cconfigure it with ProFTPD like so, ./configure --with-modules=mod_ratio This module is inactive unless configured, which can be done with an Anonymous, Directory, or VirtualHost block in proftpd.conf, or with a .ftpaccess file. (Ratios must be turned on elsewhere for a directive in .ftpaccess to take effect.) If compiled with -DMOD_MYSQL_RATIOS, this module can get and set session stats using mod_mysql, so the only directive needed is "Ratios on". This acts like a weak "UserRatio" -- any directive described below can override it. It also makes multiple concurrent uploads/downloads possible, with persistent credits. See mod_mysql docs for setup details. Most ratio directives take four numbers: file ratio, initial file credit, byte ratio, and initial byte credit. Setting either ratio to 0 disables that check: FooRatio bar [frate] [fcred] [brate] [bcred] The directives are HostRatio (matches FQDN -- wildcards are allowed in this one), AnonRatio (matches password entered in an anon login, usually an email address), UserRatio (accepts "*" for 'any user'), and GroupRatio. Matches are looked for in that order. Some examples: Ratios on # enable module SaveRatios on # Save ratios in plain text. READ Above. RatioFile "/path/tofile" # Required for SaveRatios RatioTempFile "/path/tofile" # Required for SaveRatios CwdRatioMsg "Please Upload!" # Displayed after every directory change. UserRatio ftp 0 0 0 0 HostRatio 0 0 0 0 # leech access (default) GroupRatio proftpd 100 10 5 100000 # 100:1 files, 10 file cred 5:1 bytes, 100k byte cred AnonRatio 1 0 1 0 # 1:1 ratio, no credits UserRatio * 5 5 5 5000 # special default case FileRatioErrMsg "Come on you can send more files than that...." ByteRatioErrMsg "This file is %i big, you know...." LeechRatioMsg "Access: Unlimited" UserRatio Directive Examples: The UserRatio command controls the initial ratios and credits for all users on the system. The format is: UserRatio username FILERATIO FILECREDITS BYTERATIO BYTECREDITS(kB) So "UserRatio * 0 0 3 10000" would give all users the default of 10000k bytes credit (9.7mb) and a 1:3 byte ratio, which will give the user 3 bytes of creadit for every 1 byte uploaded. Specifying a ratio as a negative number will swap the ratio, for instance... "UserRatio jd 0 0 -3 0" would give the user jd a 3:1 byte ratio, requiring jd to upload 3 bytes for every 1 byte he downloads. Here's a multi-user anonymous ratio example: AnonRatio 0 0 3 50000 AnonRatio * 0 0 3 10000 If someone logs in with anonymous and gives the e-mail address of, they will get 48MB credit. Everyone else will get 9MB. It's important to put the individual users BEFORE the global "*" command directive or else they will not take effect. MORE Notes: Setting "Ratios on" without configuring anything else will enable leech mode: it logs activity and sends status messages to the ftp client, but doesn't restrict traffic. Ratio module activity is recorded to syslog at DEBUG0; it usually shows up in /var/log/debug, like this: foo in /: CWD /foo :-15/3450 +0/0 (my 5 15 5 15000) =0/146 [NO F] This example is for someone who (1) has downloaded 15 files totalling 14mb, (2) has uploaded nothing, (3) has a ratio of 5:1 files and 15:1 bytes, (4) has 0 files and 146k credit remaining, (5) got the ratio from the MySQL record ("my") and (6) is changing directory from / to /foo. Note that if this module is turned on globally, any user can create a personal ratio area with a .ftpaccess file. One way to prevent this is with: PathDenyFilter "\.ftpaccess$" DISCLAIMER: The authors of this module, this ProFTPD software, and this OS and kernel disclaim all warranties and are not responsible for what random users of this module may do.