Controls -------- A new functionality called Controls was added in ProFTPD 1.2.10rc1. Controls is a feature that provides a way for system administrators to communicate directly with a running proftpd daemon, making it possible to do on-the-fly configuration changes and other capabilities. This feature includes a program called `ftpdctl', for communicating with the daemon from the command line, and an API that third-party modules can use to extend the Control commands available to `ftpdctl'. Note, however, that this functionality is only available if proftpd is run in standalone mode (i.e. "ServerType standalone"); proftpd daemons run via inetd/xinetd cannot support this feature. To enable support for Controls, use the --enable-ctrls configure option: ./configure --enable-ctrls ... This enables support for the Controls API in the core engine, and causes the userland program `ftpdctl' to be functional. It also causes the mod_ctrls module to be automatically compiled into proftpd (hence you should NOT use both --enable-ctrls and --with-modules=mod_ctrls). The mod_ctrls module provides some basic ftpdctl commands: help insctrl lsctrl rmctrl Online documentation for these commands can currently be found here: Additional modules that make use of Controls have been added to the contrib/ area that extend the number of ftpdctl commands. For example, to use the mod_ctrls_admin module, you would add it to your --with-modules configure option, in addition to enabling Controls support: ./configure --enable-ctrls --with-modules=mod_ctrls_admin ... More information on the mod_ctrls_admin module can be found in the HTML documentation for that module, which can be found in the contrib/ directory as well as online: As always, please report any bugs or problems with the new Controls functionality to ProFTPD's bug tracking system: