Classes ------- In versions of ProFTPD prior to 1.2.10rc1, a proftpd.conf that used Classes might look like: ... Classes on Class foo ip Class foo regex * Class foo limit 10 ... The new Class code uses sections. The above configuration would thus be: From From * The Class and Classes configuration directives are deprecated. The new sections do not support the old "limit" keyword. Instead, a new MaxClientsPerClass configuration directive can be used: MaxClientsPerClass foo 10 There is no equivalent for the old "Class" directive. The proftpd engine will always try to determine if the connecting client belongs to a defined class. No class definitions means that classes will not be used. Classes can only be defined in the "server config" context, not on a or per- basis. This is because the class for a client is determined as soon as the client connects to the server, before the server determines which the client is trying to reach. Therefore, class definitions always apply to the entire server.