Installing popa3d. 1. Read the comments in params.h and edit the #define's to suit your needs: $ vi params.h It is especially important to choose a password authentication method that will be right for your system (you need to pick exactly one) and the mailbox locking method your system uses (it must match your other mail software). 2. Possibly edit the Makefile (uncomment "-lcrypt" for Linux with glibc, FreeBSD or NetBSD, uncomment "-lpam" if you will use PAM): $ vi Makefile 3. Build popa3d: $ make 4. Create a non-privileged popa3d user, like this (or using whatever other user management commands your system has): # groupadd popa3d # useradd -g popa3d -d /dev/null -s /dev/null popa3d 5. Create an empty directory for popa3d to chroot to (unless your system provides a directory intended for this purpose already): # mkdir -m 755 /var/empty 6. Install the popa3d binary and the man page under /usr/local: # make install 7. If you intend to start popa3d via inetd (rather than run it as a standalone service), the /etc/inetd.conf line for popa3d should look like this: pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/local/sbin/popa3d This assumes that you have and want to use TCP wrappers. If not, you may omit the tcpd (but see the note below). Alternatively, if you're using xinetd, the configuration file section may be like this: service pop3 { socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = root server = /usr/local/sbin/popa3d log_type = SYSLOG daemon info log_on_success = PID HOST DURATION log_on_failure = HOST instances = 100 per_source = 10 } The last 5 attributes are optional. Note: when started via an inetd clone, the logging of connections is left up to that inetd clone or TCP wrappers. If your inetd does not log connecting IP addresses and you don't want to use TCP wrappers, you should use popa3d in standalone mode. To actually start the service, you need to tell your inetd to reload configuration. Typically, this is achieved by sending it a SIGHUP: # kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` For xinetd, the reload signal is either SIGUSR2 for older versions or SIGHUP for newer ones, please consult your xinetd documentation. 8. If you intend to run popa3d as a standalone service (and you built it with standalone mode support!), you need to start it with: # /usr/local/sbin/popa3d -D $Owl: Owl/packages/popa3d/popa3d/INSTALL,v 1.3 2005/11/16 13:28:58 solar Exp $